Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1345: Ready to showdown

Chu Feng just paid a little attention to what happened on the earth, and it was enough to understand the progress of the matter. When the leader sets a general direction, some trivial things will not form obstacles at all, and naturally there will be people. Help you solve it.

However, Han Yunxiao's speed still exceeded his expectations.

When Han Yunxiao gathered the Legion of Dawn and the Knights of Hell, he looked relaxed, but behind it was full of dangers, and it was a crime of false orders.

However, they did not expect that Han Yunxiao would fake the order.

The first is Han Yunxiao's prestige, but he personally led the troops to win the battle.

The best way to have prestige in the military is to speak with merit.

Secondly, that was his method. First, he invited everyone to drink, and by hinting to some senior military leaders: This matter, the city lord wants to do, but the consequences are very serious, because there are too many rights for the soldiers’ orphans. , It is necessary to share a piece of the pie from the existing strong, if the weakening of the rights of the strong is too excessive, a careless one will cause riots.

If the city owner does this thing himself, then the city owner is renunciation.

Instead, we will do it. Success is the greatness of the city lord, and the majestic strategy of the city lord. If we fail, at least we have to help share some complaints and anger against the lord.

You don’t have to worry about something. The new law really doesn’t work. If the city lord doesn’t stop it, can the city lord’s wife stop it?

Therefore, the group of Qiu Ba directly patted his chest to guarantee: leave it to us.

The image of Chu Feng in their hearts was that of God.

When I heard that Chu Feng was fighting for everyone's rights, especially those fighters who died fighting for their rights, they might also violate the interests of the strong. They slapped their chests and said that even if they died, they would support it.

If they succeed, they won't take credit. They can see how much protection the new law protects against soldiers' orphans.

If they fail, they will not damage the reputation of the city lord.

So, with a beginning, things are easier to handle.

Later, Jiang Xinyue's double reed play only accelerated the process.

Later, the minutiae were added, and that is what many people have to perform together.

Chu Feng couldn't do it, and he didn't have to do everything himself.

What's more, he also has things to do.

During this year, he frequently appeared in the hell, and often inspected the military training work of the seven clans, and "brushed his face" in front of the powerful men of the seven clans.

In the highest plane, things like soldiers are a burden.

After all, the technology of the highest plane is not worse than that on the earth. It's just that many supernatural beings can do things that don't need technology at all, so there are many things on the earth but not the highest plane.

For example, street lights, roads, ovens and other things that don't mean anything.

However, if weapons such as nuclear weapons and laser cannons can only be regarded as conventional combat props in the highest planes, the powerful magic guided cannons are not much more powerful than the electromagnetic cannons on the earth.

Therefore, as long as you make things like soldier symbols, others can copy them.

If you really want to convey military orders, you still have to brush your face.

Fortunately, although the appearance can be changed, the nature of each person's vitality is slightly different, including the breath of blood, soul and imprint, in the eyes of professionals, they are all different.

Just as everyone’s fingerprints are different, iris is also different.

During this year, Chu Feng got acquainted with the general situation of the seven clans. In recent years, the seven clans have teamed up to clear out the entire territory. This is a territory twice as large as the Eurasian continent, but in the hands of the seven clans. But some are not enough points, so they fight endlessly. Among them, the powerful purple-patterned demons occupy 30% of the territory.

However, this is just to cover up the weakness they are about to face.

Now, with the move in of the "Young Master" Chu Feng, the Seven Clan stopped fighting because they knew that this would be the beginning of their foreign campaigns, and how many territories they could obtain depended on their contributions during the foreign campaigns.

In the early stage, Chu Feng handed them to gather troops and horses by himself, without interfering in their internal affairs.

A year ago, when Chu Feng started to brush his face, the Seven Races had gathered more than 50 million legions of rank 5 and above, and the proportion of rank 6 and above was 15%, which is 15 million. Get up, it is very impactful.

In addition to the miscellaneous army in order to make up for the flaws of the seven races, the total number of corps exceeds 300 million.

However, in Chu Feng's eyes, the ones who can really fight are those with more than 10 million Tier 6 and above.

After subtracting the generals who command the miscellaneous army, as well as the logistics, transportation, and supervision of the army, 8 million regular army is not bad. This is the force that Chu Feng really needs to mobilize.

Such numbers made Chu Feng feel some pressure.

Too little.

In the war between the gods and demons, the demon clan prisoners that the star clan had traded to him had exceeded ten million. Those were prisoners who could not be killed. The relatively complete demon clan corpses had been preserved, and the total number exceeded 500 million.

Moreover, what the Star Gods traded to him were all high-quality goods.

With these combat power alone, there is no problem in being the overlord of one party. If you stand in front of the entire supreme plane, it will still be a maneuvering arm, which is just a sound.

Fortunately, Chu Feng's expectations of these soldiers were not just for fighting.

After receiving information from the earth, Chu Feng transferred most of the power of the Hellhound clan in the name of the joint exercise, and then quietly ordered the Ziyun Saint to come to the edge of the area controlled by the Hellhound clan.

Doing this is not to attack the Hellhounds, but just in case.

Although Chu Feng was still somewhat confident in his own strength, he also understood one thing. The biggest difference between self-confidence and arrogance was to give his life to someone who might become an enemy.

Confidence is confidence in one's own strength.

Arrogance means that the enemy is a weak ant, and the hope of victory rests on the enemy's stupidity and weakness.

The external performance of the two is roughly the same, only there are some subtle differences in the details.

Chu Feng had prepared for so long. Even if the Seven Clans rioted next, he would not need to rely on the power of the Hellhound Clan to suppress the Seven Clans. Now it was time for the showdown.

Whether the hellhound clan is an enemy or a friend, it is up to them to decide.

After retiring the guards arranged by the Purple Demon Clan for him, Chu Feng hung the narrow long sword carved from the eternal wood on his waist, and by energizing the four swords of Zhu Xian, sealed it on him. In the arm.

The Thunder Corpse Dragon, who had been free for a long time, was also turned into a black tattoo on the arm of Chu Feng under the order of Chu Feng.

After making these preparations, Chu Feng came to the front of the three-headed dog in the golden hell.

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