The three-headed golden **** dog, the **** dog that inherited the name of Cerberus.

This is a peerless existence that can stand in the forest of the strong in the existence of the holy rank.

After the existence of the holy stage, it is also divided into nine realms, but every small realm's promotion will produce qualitative changes, and the three small realms' promotion will change more than the previous big realm's promotion.

The improvement of basic strength is still on the one hand, and more important is the leap of talent.

Those who can reach the next realm are often peerless powerhouses in the same realm, or tianjiao who breaks the mirror like eating and drinking. They are not ordinary in any realm.

Those who rely on the accumulation of ancestors or resources to break through, when they reach the realm of the holy step, they will inevitably stop their progress.

Therefore, a small gap is often larger than the data on paper.

The first to third realms of the holy steps are called holy ones.

From three to six realms, he is called the Holy King.

The Saint King Realm, even the highest plane, is a prestigious existence. The Holy Lord of the Star God Race and the Corona Protoss, that is, the powerhouse of the Saint King Realm, but the Sun Corona God Race and the Star God Race, both have the Saint King Realm with transcendence The method of fighting power at this level distinguishes them from different Saint King realms and is called the Saint Lord.

Above the 7th level, he is called the Holy Emperor, or Holy Emperor.

Cerberus is a sixth-level holy stage, the existence of the peak of the holy king, coupled with the advantages of the bloodline cultivation system, and the power of talent, even if it is against the holy emperor, it will not fall behind.

Facing such a terrifying existence, Chu Feng had to be careful.

"Little Master, I can feel your guard against me in your heart."

Seeing Chu Feng coming over, Cerberus took the lead in speaking, "Our three-headed dog clan from **** has never had a betrayal. We will perform our duties faithfully, whether it is to contracts or to people, and I can feel it too. To the little master’s trust in us, but from a certain moment, this trust began to turn into beware. Is the little master going to tell me the reason now?”

Chu Feng was taken aback, he didn't expect that Cerberus would have known it a long time ago.

What was even more unexpected was that the other party had known about this for a long time, but he hadn't moved, just silently waiting for his explanation.

But soon, he seemed to understand something.

The three-headed **** dog family do not like to use their brains to solve problems, but it does not mean that the three-headed dog family is stupid. On the contrary, they have the power to listen to their hearts.

Whether the partners around them regard them as friends or enemies, they can feel it in an unreasonable situation.

In fact, Chu Feng had no hostility towards the Hell Three-Headed Dogs. If he were to say a race he trusted the most in hell, it would be the Hell Three-Headed Dogs.

However, such trust has certain conditions.

Even though the other party treated him in such a candid manner after being aware of his own guard, then Chu Feng would not criticize the three-headed dog family too much in this matter.

The other party treats him with sincerity, and before the real break, he will also respond back to the other party.

Chu Feng came to Cerberos and said, "I don't have any doubts about the loyalty of the three-headed dog family. It's just that I understand the condition of loyalty better. This condition is that I can help the three-headed dog family. The power of the seal and curse can bring the three-headed dog family of **** a chance to regain the glory of their ancestors."

Hearing this, Cerberus was silent.

Chu Feng waited quietly, waiting for Cerberos' answer.

After a while, it said:

"Just a month ago, the little master helped the members of our clan and once again strengthened the seal. He has never used this seal to coerce our hellhounds to do anything; even if we order our hellhounds to help the earthlings, We will definitely give equivalent rewards. We can feel the sincerity of the little master towards us. In any case, the three-headed dog family of **** will not hurt the little master."

The three-headed dog family of **** is a kind of creature.

The loyalty engraved in the bones has been engraved in the soul.

Even if Chu Feng used Hell's three-headed dog as a tool, he still provided adequate maintenance for this tool.

He could use the seal as a condition to forcefully order the Hellhounds to fight the earth for himself, but in fact, even if he ordered the Hellhounds to help him fight in the hell, he would provide enough food for the **** right.

The importance of food in **** is second only to the period of the apocalyptic outbreak.

Here, the failure of the war is often reduced to food.

Between different races, they will not treat each other as food because they are similar in form to themselves. On the contrary, flesh and blood life can swallow flesh and blood life, but not rock life.

This has led many ethnic groups to believe that the right choice is to harm the same race.

Chu Feng didn't use these things to threaten the three-headed dog in hell. It was not that he was not ruthless enough, but because he was a resultist. If ruthlessness is not to get closer to the goal, then ruthlessness is meaningless.

Use kingly way and kingly way, and overbearing and overbearing.

It is the dream of the ignorant to want a trick to eat fresh.

I won't talk about these things here.

"When I was weak, you provided me with a lot of help. Within my ability, you will not treat anyone who is helpful to me, even if it is a foreign race, even if we will take a different path in the future. , But I still don’t want to become enemies with you, but the situation has changed a bit now."

Chu Feng said with a clear conscience, in front of the Hellhounds, he didn't have to play word games.

"Your greatest wish is to restore the glory of your ancestors, that is, to become the guardians of the gates of the underworld again. To be precise, you should be the defenders of the order of the underworld. Any complaints, but I want to know whether your loyalty is the glory of the ancestors, or is it a duty given by the Lord of the Underworld?"

Facing Chu Feng's question, Cerberus asked with some doubts:

"Is there a difference between the two? The guardian of the gate of the underworld, this is the glory that we have been maintaining since ancient times. The lord of the underworld is also the defender of the underworld order. Being loyal to the lord of the underworld means loyal to the order of the underworld. There has been no conflict between the two since ancient times, and your question is meaningless."

If you change a target, perhaps this is evading problems and responsibilities.

But if you change to the three-headed **** dog, they really think so.

"is it?"

Chu Feng stared at the three-headed dog in hell, "Then what if I tell you that the lord of the underworld has abandoned his duty?"

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