Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1347: Cruel truth


Cerberus exploded with a powerful aura, and the turbulent aura seemed to make the whole world tremble. The sword of eternity on Chu Feng's waist trembled slightly, and the black tattoo on his arm began to burn.

Gradually, this momentum weakened.

"The lord of the underworld is the supreme existence of the underworld. For countless years, he has been abiding by his responsibilities, and has never abandoned his responsibilities for a moment. He has the most powerful power, but he has also assumed the greatest responsibility. He is the highest plane. The most important part, I will never believe that the Lord of the Underworld will abandon his duties, even if the entire Underworld betrayed, the Lord of the Underworld will not betray."

Facing Cerberus's attitude, Chu Feng could understand.

How long has the Lord of the Underworld existed?

Tens of thousands of years?

Still hundreds of thousands of years?

No one knows.

I only know that the Lord of the Underworld already exists in the history recorded by all people on the highest plane and all races. He is the oldest existence and the most powerful existence on the highest plane.

even more,

The only supreme existence beyond the holy order!

For the Lord of the Underworld, even in the highest plane, no one, any life can affect his justice, and no one can stop him from doing things.

Therefore, let alone the three-headed dog of **** believing this matter, even if they tell the powerhouses of the gods and demons two realms, they will sneer at this matter, thinking that Chu Feng is an expert in conspiracy theory.

This kind of thing is too surreal.

After venting for a while, Cerberus said:

"Little Master, you may be tempted to speculate about the Lord of the Underworld. In fact, the Lord of the Underworld may be ruthless, but it is impossible to violate the rules."

In the eyes of Cerberus, Chu Feng had nothing to do with the Lord of the Underworld at all.

Then, how could Chu Feng know that the Lord of the Underworld had abandoned his duties?

"On you, there is the curse of the Lord of the Underworld."

Chu Feng suddenly spoke.

"This is the punishment our family deserves."

Cerberus said without concession.

"I found the source of the curse, not in the underworld."

Chu Feng said calmly.


Cerberus was shocked.

It believed that Chu Feng would not deceive it on this matter.

That being the case, then maybe the source of the curse is not in the underworld.

However, didn’t the Lord of the Underworld always live in the most central underworld?

"Who knows! I don't know what kind of prestige the Lord of the Underworld has in your eyes, but even if you believe that the human heart will change, and you believe that the Lord of the Underworld will not change, there are many things in this world that are unclear. of."

Chu Feng's tone was still calm, but his words made Cerberus unable to calm down.

"Maybe the lord of the underworld has fallen, or the lord of the underworld has changed his heart, but this is not important. The important thing is that the existence of the law of the underworld has been stolen, and the chief culprit who caused your three-headed dog clan to be punished by the lord of the underworld. The culprit is the same as the source of the curse, the two are the same person!"

"how can that be!"

The six eyes of Cerberus burst out with breathtaking light.

The one who stole the laws of the underworld is the most hated enemy of the tribe of hell.

They don't know how strong the enemy is, but they know that this is the shame of the three-headed dog family, and this is the source of the tragedy of the three-headed dog family.

The three-headed dog family of **** is thinking all the time, regaining the glory of the ancestors, and smashing the corpse of the madman who dared to steal the laws of the underworld, but they couldn't find that existence.

Not only that, the three-headed dog of the **** who was punished by the lord of the underworld has also fallen to the point where everyone shouts and beats.

However, Chu Feng actually told them that the lunatic who stole the laws of the underworld and the three-headed dog who cursed the **** were the same person! How does this make the Hell three-headed dog family endure?

This is simply impossible.

It is the Lord of the Underworld who imposes a curse on them!

"I know it's hard for you to understand, but in fact, I don't know much about the truth."

Chu Feng walked towards the three-headed dog of **** without fear, "However, there are some things that I cannot see the truth, but some things are facts that cannot be denied. Is it because the Lord of the Underworld has abandoned his duty, or the Lord of the Underworld is simply It’s dropped, it doesn’t matter to me at all. What’s important is that I can show you some things."

When he came to the three-headed dog in hell, a large amount of black silk thread appeared in Chu Feng's hands.

These black silk threads are the evolutionary version of God-Binding Lock.

Chu Feng didn't bother to pick a new name, so he was called Binshensuo.

These black threads were submerged in Cerberus's body.

Cerberus did not resist. It also wanted to know the truth. For the madman who stole the laws of the underworld, it had to pay the price, no matter who the existence was.

The black silk thread sank into the three-headed **** dog's body, and some purple gelatinous substance entangled with the three-headed **** dog's body, and presented it in front of Chu Feng and Cerberus.

"This is the power of the curse in your body. It has blocked the curse of the bloodline power of the three-headed dog family of hell. Feel this power! Feel the source of this power!"

Chu Feng said loudly, "The duty of the master of the underworld is to guard the underworld. Can you tell me why the source of this curse is not in the underworld? Obviously, it is a curse created by the laws of the underworld. Why is the source of the curse not here? Don’t you understand what the laws of the underworld outside of the underworld mean?"

Cerberus plunged his mental power into the curse.

The three-headed **** dog family is not good at mental power, nor at fancy things.

However, as the existence of the peak of the Saint King, even if it is instinct, its spiritual attainment is not much lower.

It is very familiar with the power of the curse, because it has been tortured by the power of the curse for thousands of years, but this is the first time that the essence of the curse is presented in this form before it.

Feeling the familiar curse, Cerberus' body was shaking.

"No, this is not true!"

When the curse was completely restrained by Chu Feng, when Cerberus was temporarily free from the curse, it could feel the source of the curse, which was also the essence of the curse.

"Heaven! There is the heaven! Why is the source of the curse in the heaven!"

Cerberus yelled frantically, and Chu Feng felt that his eardrums were about to be shattered. He had to protect his body with his elemental strength so that he would not be angered by the power that Cerberus could not control.

At the same time, he was thinking about what Cerberus said.


Sure enough, is the truth behind this in the heavens?

It’s just that the truth is so exciting!

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