Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1350: Memories from 20,000 years ago

"The three-headed dog of the **** has gained the power of the law of the underworld, what kind of changes will it get?"

Chu Feng's eyes were full of expectation.

Because of the lessons of the previous life, he likes to make decisions and move later.

Before deciding to do something, you must make sufficient preparations.

However, after making preparations, he will not hesitate when he needs to bet his life.

Even your own life can be taken at risk, let alone the three-headed **** dog?

He knew that he was not a wise man with no plans, so he looked forward to surprises.

Now, with the help of the back hand left by the mighty one, he melted the curse of the Lord of the Underworld.

The reason why these curses can last for so long is because this is the law of the underworld, or the power of the [underworld authority], that can seal the three-headed dog of **** for 20,000 years.


The three-headed dog of **** has guarded the underworld through the ages, and has done nothing to the underworld.

Such a clan, even the Lord of the Underworld could not obliterate it.

After all, no matter what goes wrong with the Lord of the Underworld, he must act according to the rules, and there must be a limit to violating the rules, and it is impossible to modify the rules unscrupulously.

The fact that the three-headed dog family of **** is still alive is proof.

The Mighty Man did not leave any text message to Chu Feng, nor could he leave it.

This is Chu Feng's judgment.

At the moment when the curse melted, the aura on Cerberus's body continued to rise.

A huge and dangerous breath was released from Cerberus.

The original golden hair has also transformed into the dark purple of the monster.

"What kind of power is this?"

Even Chu Feng felt a sense of danger from Cerberus.

But this is not hostility, just standing on the edge of a cliff, that dangerous instinct from life's instinct.

At the next moment, some pictures passed from the seal of Cerberus and his contract.

Chu Feng was in a daze, as if he had seen something.

"There is no saint who can leave the underworld without the permission of the law of the underworld."

The huge **** three-headed dog with purple hair uttered a loud roar and said to a small but dangerous black robe figure in the distance.

Is this the time the three-headed dog of **** failed to guard the gate of the underworld?

Chu Feng thought in his heart.

It seemed that some things were different from what he thought.

But it doesn't matter, the general direction is good.

The black robe figure lifted up his hat, revealing a beautiful face.

Even if the picture is a little fuzzy, Chu Feng can feel that his face is perfect to the extreme. This is not only perfect in appearance, but also a beauty of the laws of heaven and earth.

"Cerberos, get out of the way!"

He used a command tone, not a discussion.

As if what he said was about to be fulfilled.

However, the Zijin Hell three-headed dog sneered and said, "Do you think that if you have the same appearance and imitate your majesty's breath and power, you can deceive me? Our family has the power to perceive soul, good and evil, and soul. It reached the peak in me, no matter how similar you imitated it, it is impossible to hide from me.

Let's go back! Take one step forward and your life will end here. "

It sounds like the three-headed **** dog is very confident in his perception.

Even when faced with an enemy whose appearance, temperament, and breath were exactly the same as the Lord of the Underworld, Cerberus did not have any doubts about his perception.

"How do you know that I am not the Lord of the Underworld?"

The black robe figure calmly stepped forward.

"Because I am."

A figure wearing black gorgeous clothes and holding a two-pronged gun, with perfect body and appearance, appeared beside the three-headed dog of Zijin Hell at some point.

There is nothing obtrusive, as if he was always there.

When the sight of the three-headed dog from the purple gold **** shifted to the person, the whole world seemed to be eclipsed.

It seems that everything in this world is crawling under his feet as it should.

Seeing the figure in the gorgeous black robe, the Zijin Hell Three-headed Dog lowered his head.

"His Majesty!"

There is only one person in the entire underworld who can be called Your Majesty by the three-headed dog of the Zijin Hell.

The supreme master of the underworld,

The highest plane, the undisputed strongest.

"Lord of the Underworld, do you think you can stop me?"

Even when facing the Lord of the Underworld, the black robe figure does not evade, "You should understand that the position of the Lord of the Underworld should originally belong to me. Your power cannot be fully utilized in front of me."

"My duty cannot be violated."

The breath of the Lord of the Underworld continued to rise, and the two-pronged spear in his hand was surrounded by purple aura. The whole world seemed to tremble with him, and the whole world was his backing.

A black whirlpool appeared in the sky, and the entire underworld was trembling with the aura of the underworld master.

The three blood basins of the Zijin Hell Three-headed Dog opened completely, and the vitality of black, purple and gold condensed in the three mouths.

It represents its own strength with practical actions.

Although he didn't know what the robe figure said just now, it didn't want to know.

Your Majesty has guarded the underworld for countless years, how could it suddenly turn back because of a word?

Since this is your Majesty's enemy, it is his enemy.

If you break the rules, you should kill!

In this way, the black robe figure slowly walked towards the three-headed dog of the Zijin Hell, as if walking in a leisurely courtyard, but as if in every movement, it was integrated into the heaven and earth.

He did not put on any defensive posture, nor did he put on any offensive posture.

It seemed that the lord of the underworld and the three-headed Zijin **** dog who had guarded the gate of the underworld for countless years were not in his eyes.

"Regret for your pride!"

The Zijin Hell three-headed dog was so despised, six eyes were full of anger.

The breath in the three huge mouths meets in front of him.

The ultimate destruction aura bred at the intersection.


Blood spattered.

The six eyes of the Zijin Hell Three-headed Dog were wide and round, and the ultimate destructive aura gradually dissipated.

Above its head, a giant two-pronged gun fell from the whirlpool in the air and pierced the intersection of the three heads of the three-headed Zijin Hell Dog. That was the weakest place and the most important point of the three-headed Hell Dog.


The breath from the two-pronged gun made the three-headed Zijin Hell dog full of unwillingness.

It never thought that it was not defeated by the powerful enemy in front of him who looked like the Lord of the Underworld, but was defeated by the sneak attack of the Lord of the Underworld, and defeated by the person he trusted the most.

Its eyes are full of sadness and pain.

Not for his dying life, but for his betrayal.

However, what greeted him was his indifferent eyes.

as well as,

The two-pronged gun penetrated deeper.

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