Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1351: do not blame me

"Not dead yet?"

The black robe figure came to the Lord of the Underworld and asked softly.

Listening to his tone, he seemed to be very familiar with the Lord of the Underworld.

This made the Zijin Hell three-headed dog even more desperate.

"I'm just a substitute for the rules. Killing Cerberus is against the rules."

The Lord of the Underworld shook his head, and then handed a jade seal to the black robe figure.

"This is part of my authority and the embodiment of the underworld will."

The black robe figure held the black jade seal, and then stepped out, as if to another world.

"Now, you can do it."

The Lord of the Underworld nodded, his indifferent gaze fell on Cerberus.

His voice is like natural sounds, but without any emotion.

Without the majesty of the emperor, but with the authority of heaven.

"The laws of the underworld were stolen, and the three-headed dog clan of the **** had left their duties without authorization. It violated the duties of the three-headed dog clan of the hell. In the name of the lord of the underworld, I pronounced a sentence of extermination!"

In the next moment, a black chain emerged from the void, wrapped around the Lord of the Underworld, and then disappeared. The Lord of the Underworld suddenly trembled, and a mouthful of red blood was spit out.

The body of the Zijin Hell Three-headed Dog was nailed to the ground, with sadness still in his eyes.

"I am a family of three-headed dogs in hell, guarding the underworld for generations, why does your majesty treat us like this?",

However, the Lord of the Underworld did not mean to answer his words. Instead, he raised his head and said to the black robe figure: "No, the three-headed dog family of **** has guarded the underworld for too long. I am protected by the laws of the underworld. I am only the executor of the laws of the underworld. There is no authority to violate the laws of the underworld, and it is impossible to annihilate the tribe of three-headed dogs in the hell. The blow just now is already my limit."

"If the three-headed dog of **** cannot be solved, the next Cerberus will appear."

The black robe figure said, "The three-headed dog family of **** must be destroyed."

"Then leave it to me!"

The third voice sounded, but the picture became increasingly blurred.

"We can’t kill the three-headed dog in the underworld, but we can make the three-headed dog bear the sins and incorporate part of the laws of the underworld into the three-headed dog, so that the three-headed dog will become a hero and guardian of the underworld. Sinners in the underworld, the Lord of the underworld deals with the sinners in the underworld, this is a matter of course."

The images and sounds in the memory are getting faint.

Even from the memory fragments, Chu Feng could feel the despair of the three-headed dog in hell.

Betrayed by the lord of the underworld himself, punished by the law of the underworld.

Even if it is death, the three-headed dog family of the **** must be blamed on the sinner.

The three-headed **** dog has never abandoned his duty, willing to sacrifice his life for his duty, but suffered such bad luck, and also bears the most unwilling to bear the infamy.

Dereliction of duty, betrayal of the underworld.

For the three-headed **** dog, this is even more unbearable than death.

At the last moment of the memory picture, the three-headed dog of **** seemed to hear the voice of the lord of the underworld.

This voice is different from the indifference of the past, with compassion and tenderness.

"do not blame me."

Don't blame you?

Maybe, how can we not blame it?

How can you not hate it?

The next thing is much simpler.

The third figure that appeared had incorporated part of the laws of the underworld into the body of the three-headed dog of hell. This part of the law was a seal and a sin, making the three-headed dog of **** bear the charge of stealing the laws of the underworld.

This is the truth about the curse of the three-headed dog in hell.

Then there is the tragedy of 20,000 years ago.

The three-headed dogs of **** bear the crime of failing to guard the gate of the underworld. The bloodline power of generations has been sealed, and the race that has been offended by the three-headed dogs of the **** began to insult the three-headed dogs.

The gatekeeper of the underworld with countless years of beauty has become a mourning dog.

The tribe of **** three-headed dogs was slaughtered wantonly, whether it was out of public or hatred, countless three-headed dogs were slaughtered in hell, and they were reduced to an almost extinct state.

Fortunately, the law of the underworld is in the dark, and the three-headed dog of **** has not completely given up, which makes the three-headed dog of **** wait for a turn.

"Three enemies?"

Seeing this picture, Chu Feng's heart was extremely heavy.

Although he saw a small part of the truth, he confirmed his guess.

However, the truth is really hopeless.

In his thoughts, if it wasn't for the Lord of the Underworld to get out of his duties, it would be that the identity of the Lord of the Underworld was fraudulently used by the enemy.

But I never thought that both were right.

In addition, there is a mysterious man behind the scenes.

The union of the three is the beginning of the tragedy of the three-headed dog in hell.

"It's trickier than you think!"

Even if Chu Feng was already convinced that the Hell Three-Headed Dog would become his true and reliable ally, he did not dare to say that this was good news.

Because allies have increased, so have enemies.

But is there no good news?

He knew one thing: the law of the underworld is higher than the lord of the underworld.

Even the Lord of the Underworld cannot violate the rules.

The Lord of the Underworld has maintained an image of absolute justice on the highest plane for countless years, probably not only because of his status and strength, but because he can't do it.

The black chain is obviously a manifestation of the laws of the underworld.

This is where it can be used.

His eyes fell on Cerberus.

One third of the golden hair on Cerberus had turned purple gold.

The breath on its body is constantly rising and condensing.

However, the increase in strength did not make Cerberus a bit of joy.

The intense pain and sorrow are almost condensed into substance in it.

"Lord of the Underworld!!!"

Cerberus let out a grieving roar.

Although he was mentally prepared, when he saw the memory fragments from his ancestors, Cerberus still could not accept the facts.

The lord of the underworld has betrayed the underworld. Is there anything more ridiculous than this?

However, this happened just like this.

When the lord of the underworld betrayed the underworld, the three-headed dog who was completely loyal to the underworld became an obstacle to the lord of the underworld. This is the root of the tragedy of the three-headed dog family.

They can resist all foreign enemies, but they are not guarded against betrayal from the Lord of the Underworld.

The shocking blow of the Lord of the Underworld not only ruined the resistance of the three-headed dog, but also shattered the dignity and duty of the three-headed dog.

What's more, let them bear the infamy that they shouldn't bear.

Chu Feng lowered his head and looked at the hot mark on the back of his hand.

"Does this mark really come from the mighty one?"

This mark comes from the inheritance of the Mighty One. There is no doubt about this matter, but what is the origin of this mark? Can the mark of the three-headed dog family of **** be signed only by kindness?

In the past, Chu Feng didn't doubt this matter, but after Cerberus was admitted by the law of the underworld, he had to make him doubt it.

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