Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1356: Death meteor

"Is it such a method? The power to set off natural disasters is more reliable than the cross-border army."

Chu Feng in Yuan's Mansion sensed the abnormal movement on the earth, but was not in a hurry to act.

Meteorites of this magnitude will not cause too many casualties.

After entering the Transcendent Era, the physical fitness of human beings has been greatly improved. The lowest level of the Huaxia people is now the 4th peak. As long as you notice the meteorite in the sky, you can avoid it in advance.

And the source of these meteorites is not outer space.

The meteorite that once wiped out the dinosaurs descended on the earth from distant outer space. In addition to its mass, its terrible speed was also the source of its destruction.

What made Chu Feng even more concerned about was the special material carried on the meteorite.

That is the breath of death.

"Sure enough, are those things in the sky related to the underworld?"

Meteorites have landed around the world with the western world as the core.

Those with the ability to predict where the meteorite will land, quickly flee with their most precious items, as far away as possible from the center of the meteorite landing.

"Are there going to be disasters here?"

"Go away!"

"Please, take me."


"You can abandon me, but you can't abandon our children."

"Puff!" Blood spattered.

Some powerful men, when they left with valuables, the women around them immediately understood what they were, and desperately pulled the man, wanting to let the man take themselves away.

Some powerful experts possess such strength.

However, most people directly abandon those around them.

There are still a small number of people who even give a knife to the woman who is pestering them.

It's been six years since the end of the world, and people who don't know how to survive are basically dead.

If the woman is gone, you can find it again, and the child can be reborn.

As long as one's own power is still there, as long as one's body has weapons, he can get everything he wants.

As long as you have food and water on your body, you are the most precious wealth.

If they are dragged around, even if they survive the first wave of disaster by fluke, they don't know how long they can last under the endless disasters that follow.

The meteorite falls very fast, at most more than twenty minutes, more than ten minutes will land on the ground.

This is still at the speed of meteorites, not as fast as in the old times.

If it is a meteorite from outside the sky, it may only take a few minutes to land on the ground.

If there is too much drag around, it is very likely that you will die together with yourself.

The meteors that symbolize death whizzed and landed on the ground.

Human civilization has begun to rebuild, but when disaster strikes, human civilization appears so fragile.

The disaster ruthlessly tore the outer garment of human civilization, revealing the beast of humanity to the fullest. The black meteor with the breath of death carries a high-burning flame and sets off a huge wave of terror.

Those who were riding on the backs of flying monsters and wanted to take the opportunity to escape, were hit by the air waves, rolled in the air and hit the ground directly.

After landing, some unlucky ones watched another meteor close to the top of their heads because they had no time to adjust their stature.

There are disasters everywhere, tragedies everywhere.

The survivors who have finally rebuilt their homes, under this natural disaster, can only struggle desperately.

A pretty girl dressed in white came to the edge of a castle and looked at the falling death stars in the distance, her pure eyes with sadness and sorrow.

"Sure enough, can't I save them?"

A white crane flew to the girl's side, rubbing against the girl's palm, as if seeking comfort, and as if comforting her.

Some survivors ran desperately toward the castle, calling for help.

"His Royal Highness, save us."

"Your Royal Highness, please save us!"

Seeing the begging of these survivors, Yiyi no longer had mercy in his eyes, only sorrow.

When she determined to become a saint, she knew the way to save them.

Ethnic Fusion.

Only when these survivors unite, eliminate the barriers between nations, remove different languages, and truly become a family, can they have real power.

If you want to preserve the language and writing, it will exist in the form of dialect.

The Star Crusade is their joint hub.

However, after the threat of the Western world was lifted, people of all ethnic groups wanted to separate the Star Cross Army, and they all wanted to make the Star Cross Army the guardian of all ethnic groups.

Even Yiyi, this nominal saint, could not stop this process.

Only then did she understand why Chu Feng didn't think she could do anything in the first place.

She is not ruthless enough.

Chu Feng once said: "In the last days, kindness is not a mistake, and cruelty is not the truth, but as a ruler, as a leader of a power, you must choose the right method at the right time, and absolutely cannot rely on a certain one. Means, you can solve all the problems. It's like a question that you won't know in the exam. You can choose who you want, but you can never use it as the answer to all questions.

Thinking of this, Yiyi smiled bitterly at Bai He: "If I start using the iron-blood policy, will there be a turnaround?"

Bai He looked at Yiyi with confused eyes, not knowing what to say.

With its current wisdom, it can directly read mental fluctuations and read the meaning of Yiyi's words.

However, even if these words were translated into animal language, it would not understand them!

Yiyi obviously didn't expect Baihe to understand, but just muttered to himself.

"If I did not scrutinize everyone's ideas at the beginning, and directly and forcibly use the Star Crusade to complete the union of Western puzzle countries, it may cause a lot of sacrifices, but it can preserve their civilization, at least in this wave of meteor showers. At that time, let them build a few survival bases that can withstand meteorites, and the Star Crusade will not take over."

Unfortunately, she is not ruthless enough.

"For those who do not have the feelings of a family and country, but are only eager to live, cultivate the ability to train beasts, so that they can become useful people and become members of the bear empire. Perhaps they have reduced their civilization, but let them live. In the future, the value of a person is the foundation of whether one can survive, but what about those who are left?"

"I hope that they who are in the same situation can know how to support each other and understand each other, but after this natural disaster came, everything I did seemed to become a joke.

The first choice was wrong, and everything behind was wasted. "

Yiyi sighed lightly and said to Baihe, "Let's go! Let's go home."

There is nothing to miss here.

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