Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1357: Tianjuan China

Disasters are coming all over the world.

Things like meteorites were indeed unsolvable disasters in the old days.

But in the transcendental age, it is not a natural disaster that is absolutely impossible to crack.

A tier 9 ability person, if prepared in advance, can at least crush ordinary meteorites, even if they are special materials and cannot be destroyed, it is still possible to reduce their speed.

Even the warrior with the fewest means can forcefully use his vitality to knock the meteorite back into the air.

The next thing they have to consider is how to deal with boulders with a diameter of several hundred meters or several kilometers.

However, is this still a problem for masters above level 7?

It's just a little troublesome.

Even if the masters of Tier 8 unite, they can bless one party.

Those large survival bases can even directly block meteorites by defensive formations, and then slowly carry them away. There is definitely a danger, but human civilization will not be destroyed.

But what are the reasons for those strong people to do this?

The strong of the Mao Xiong Empire may be unwilling to bow to the meteor in order to show the dignity of the strong. The strong of the Mi Empire may be for wealth. What about the West?

Different nationalities, different cultures, and different languages, that is, know how to unite in the face of the wind.

Unfortunately, after the disintegration of the Protoss, their vitality has been exhausted.

The Star Crusade is their last afterglow.

However, this afterglow was actually divided by their selfishness.

Yiyi's approach has exceeded Chu Feng's expectations, because in the situation Chu Feng had originally anticipated, apart from becoming a slave, Western civilization had no chance of surviving.

Yiyi at least saved those who wanted to survive at all costs.

Some of the Star Crusades quietly left the legions after regaining their consciousness and returned to their respective nations, but there were also some who moved in the territory of the Bear Empire as mercenaries.

They will not make trouble, but their existence is a deterrent in itself.

We can lose our land, but you must not abuse our people.

If your actions exceed the bottom line, we will burn our lives and bloom the last remaining heat.

But that's it.

Saving most people is already her limit.

Those who are unwilling to abandon their own culture, who want to retain national independence, are they wrong? Is their persistence wrong?

Perhaps they are more worthy of respect than those who have deserted the kingdom.

Unfortunately, reality does not tell right or wrong.

Dignity and pride can be the meaning of life, but they are not the guarantee of life.

This natural disaster presented the most real piece of this world to Yiyi.

She grew up, growing at the cost of other people's lives.

At least this is better than growing at the expense of your own people.

When Yiyi returned to the voyage, a beautiful figure who had wrapped his body in a black robe lifted his hood and smiled.

"Yiyi has finally grown up."

Ye Xiaohui's eyes were filled with regret. At a certain moment when no one noticed, she had disappeared.

She understood Yiyi's special, so she did not interfere with her daughter's growth.

She just guarded and watched in the dark.

Fortunately, these efforts were not in vain.

The Teddy Bear Empire, countless fighters of the Teddy Bear Empire, escorted miners and civilians from all over to large survival bases to save as many survivors as possible.

If a meteorite in the sky falls on the head of a large-scale survivor, there will be a strong attacker, attacking from below with full force, forcibly stopping the meteorite, and moving it to a place where it will not hinder the passage after the meteorite's speed is reduced. , Only a small number of people who are so vulnerable that they can't even bear the aftermath of battle will sacrifice and casualties.

If there are fewer people in the place where the meteorite falls, then they can only be considered unlucky.

Even a Tier 9 powerhouse cannot be a hero unscrupulously.

Sacrificing a small number of people and preserving more people is that all qualified leaders should know multiple choice questions.

Not giving up everyone can be used as a spirit and belief, as a program and belief, but not as a code of conduct.

In the Mi Empire, when the meteor shower appeared, the upper level was in a meeting, but all levels also started their own actions.

"Keep the most important laboratories and corps, you don't need to control the lives of civilians."

"Concentrate all our forces on the most important survival base. We must ensure that our military strength can deal with the threats from China and the White Bear."

Countless survivors knelt on the ground and prayed for God's salvation.

"God! Save us!"

"God! Come and save your loyal believers!"

Pastors in the church lead believers to pray to God.

"We must believe that we are God's people, we are God's children, God will not abandon each of us, and we will eventually be born again in this disaster."

"Death is not the end, it is our starting point to heaven."

"Anyone who faithfully believes in God can gain eternal life in heaven."


A black meteor with a crimson flame fell, and the sky full of smoke and dust engulfed everything.

In the sky of China, there were also meteorites falling.

However, when people were panicked and the strong were ready to fight, they discovered that the meteors in the sky were falling uniformly in certain directions.

A formation rose up, and all the meteorites fell in the middle of the formation.

The agitated smoke and dust, the devastating aftermath, were all restrained in the limited formation, leaving only the shaking ground to prove the authenticity of this meteorite rain.

The survivors who saw this scene were all dull.

"how so?"

"Is this the Goddess China?"

"We, China, are indeed a race favored by heaven."

The survivors of Huaxia were filled with excitement, and then followed the military's command to evacuate and evacuate, entering the military's large survival base at a short distance, and taking refuge near the research center at a distance.

Except for the casualties caused by some irrational survivors in the initial panic, no Chinese were directly killed by the meteorite.

Those demon hunters who fought with monsters outside of China, risked their lives and rushed back to China under the meteorite rain in the sky. He was scorched and listened to the survival of his family.

After hearing about Huaxia's living conditions, they all felt very incredible, and even thought it was coaxing themselves at first.

When they learned about the situation, they couldn't help but sigh: "We, China, are the kingdom of heaven."

However, what they didn't know was that at the edge of the formation that was bombarded by the meteorite, countless people wearing military uniforms of the new era were adjusting the formation near the formation, even if the next wave of meteorites fell.

"If there is a favored person, it must be someone who strives to survive."

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