Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1358: adequate preparation

Those formations that attract meteorites and change the trajectory of meteorites are really not China’s advance preparations.

This is just an additional effect of the National Defense Front.

When Chu Feng and Lu Qiu were discussing the formation of the survival base, Chu Feng gave Lu Qiu a rough formation design plan, and the overall construction was based on the guardian formation of the gods.

Every city has its own defense system.

Connecting each of these formations can also defend against powerful natural disasters.

It is not that Huaxia is unwilling to design by itself, but that you, a civilization that has entered the transcendental age for less than a few years, want to be innovative and design a design that is different from the gods. That is too naive.

Are you underestimating the accumulation of hundreds of thousands of years in the God Realm?

Therefore, Chu Feng hated Yi Qiuling altogether and asked Yi Qiuling to take action, and “learned” the idea of ​​guarding the God Realm from some Protoss experts, and then made some simplifications based on the conditions of the earth.

In the process of simplification, Chu Feng also added some new things from the mysterious ancient books.

Since it was a copy of the God Realm, the God Realm did not take such a defense system seriously.

Of course, this is also China's confidence enough to dare to copy the God Realm.

If Huaxia didn't have enough wealth and a stable environment to copy the Demon Realm, it would be considered a good development. Compared with the Divine Realm, the environment of the Demon Realm would be a pigpen.

But even if it is a pigsty, it is not without bright spots, at least the speed of construction and demolition is fast.

However, the guardian formation of the God Realm basically has no lack of functions.

As long as your environment is stable, you can continuously improve the formation and add new functions.

Changing the meteorite trajectory is just an additional function. The additional function of the guardian formation is to attract and change the targets of all long-range strikes, and to transfer all predictable attacks to a fixed place.

As for attacks that cannot be predicted, and attacks that cannot be transferred?

That can only mean: no defensive formation is omnipotent.

The reason why the war between the gods and demons is still going on is because no matter how the protoss formation is improved, it cannot completely prevent the aggression of the demons and always find flaws.

Therefore, when all parts of the world were threatened by death meteors, only China was spared.

If this is lucky, it can only be said that luck also requires business.

This wave of meteorite rain lasted for more than three hours, and all parts of the world suffered various degrees of destruction. Among them, Cathaysia had the most meteorites falling, but Cathaysia suffered the least.

On the contrary, many survivors who were overly vigilant tried to create chaos and rob the store when the crisis came. They were detained by local administrators and prepared for labor reform.

In the last days, only the City of Dawn carried out more death sentences.

In most subsistence bases, most of the punishments are labor reforms, because at present there is no shortage of labor in every part of the earth.

Even if the labor force is increased by more than ten times, there are still vacancies.

Not to mention the free labor.

Slavery exists because it wants to save labor costs.

It is also that China has developed well enough, and there is no slavery for later generations.

However, the three-hour meteorite shower of death was only the beginning.

These black meteorites landed on the ground. After the initial panic, people began to study the composition of these black meteorites, but found that these meteorites were very hard.

Only the 8th rank strong can leave traces on these black meteorites.

Soon, people found a strong force of death on these meteorites.

Before long, some caves appeared on the edges of these meteorites, and huge insects emerged from these exits and began to attack the surrounding survivors.

"How could the black iron beetle, the white-mouthed knife beetle, the Chiyan beetle, and the ice worm be like this?"

Seeing these familiar bugs, people were shocked.

"Why do these bugs appear from meteorites?"

"Aren't the insects mutated from the insects on the earth?"

"This, it really isn't."

"This is not the time to discuss this. What we have to do is to break the heads of these bugs and take out the crystal nuclei in their heads."


Although a little surprised, today's people on earth face this kind of disaster, saying that they are used to it.

After all, there is no disaster that can compare to the original zombie catastrophe of the last days, but the death rate is as high as 90%, and even in some places it reaches 95% or even higher.

The way these bugs appeared, although somewhat surprising.

But compared to strange things, familiar opponents can still cause limited panic.

However, there are too many of these black meteorites.

Even if the power of these insects is limited, the accumulated number is not small.

The demon hunters who fought outside the Chinese border began to build a simple defense system with their backs on the outposts or field service stations built in the wild, waiting for the arrival of reinforcements.

The capable demon hunters have already formed a group to fight back to China.

Especially those powerful demon hunting groups, they have one or a few hellhounds around them more or less, and the strength of these hellhounds has been greatly improved.

The raging fire of **** can directly ignite the sea of ​​insects.

Under the path of these hellhounds, even a sea of ​​bugs was forcibly lit a road.

Those demon hunting squads with powerful strength are even more rescue the demon hunters who are trapped in the sea of ​​insects. This has nothing to do with their morals. They know that if they can’t organize enough at the beginning when there are not many insects. Power, when the bugs really increase, everyone will be left alone and helpless.

Having this kind of awareness is also related to the common sense of wild survival that the military has instilled in the field when it has been conducting lectures on the survival of wild hunters in the past few years. The lectures have brought together human survival experiences for several years.

When it comes to their lives, the demon hunters are very careful.

Of course, more importantly, such lectures will not set too high a moral standard, and this has been welcomed by many people.

If you encourage the demon hunters to do their best to save others unconditionally, or save others at the expense of their lives, it will definitely arouse the resentment of most demon hunters.

Everyone is robbed from zombies, who hasn't seen a sinister heart yet?

However, using the form of stating the pros and cons, carefully explaining the best choice in each situation, the benefits of cooperation and the consequences of doubting others, this is more acceptable.

The most deadly blow was: "When the rescue is launched above, do you think we should give priority to saving a large number of united groups, or saving a pile of scattered sand?"

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