Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1359: Outbreak of contradictions

With the development of basic construction and common sense of survival in the wild, as well as the construction of outposts in the wild, the survivors of China have united as quickly as possible to form defense facilities.

The worm nest that broke out in China was also withstood by the military.

The Dawn Legion and the Hell Knights also quickly dispatched to rescue the Demon Hunters outside China.

They follow Chu Feng's teachings: give priority to saving the united demon hunters. If there are a large number of lone demon hunters near the monster hunter group, give up this place.

It is precisely because such rules are made public that the demon hunters are more united.

To instill the idea of ​​unity in them together, it is better to directly put the benefits of unity before their eyes.

The Silver Phosphorus Demon Clan Army and the seven-nation coalition forces that guard the earth arranged by Chu Feng also supported all parts of China, and the Flame God Clan of various demon hunter guilds also joined the line of defense.

China has not fully trusted these alien races, but distrust does not mean that it is useless.

Send them to top the first line of the bug wave, and there is no problem.

If they don't look back, we are comrades in arms fighting together.

If we look back, we are the enemy.

However, these demons are still very obedient when they know the strength of human beings.

One's own destiny is mastered, and the destiny of the race is mastered. How can you resist?

In addition, the demons respect the strong, and as losers, they simply cannot return to the demons.

They experienced the **** knights, the ace of the city of Dawn, which was slinged by any detachment at the beginning. In just two years, the elite human corps had slapped the demons. This experience made these demons very well-behaved.

Although the demons are the most aggressive race on the highest plane, they are also a race that is aware of current affairs.

With the support of the Demon Race, the Huaxia Legion has also freed up its hands and can deploy more troops to rescue the Demon Hunters abroad.

Whether in the old age or the extraordinary age, when disaster strikes, every Huaxia person will meet a group of people who are fighting on the front line. They are the pride of Huaxia.

This is also the guarantee of China's cohesion.

In contrast, the situation of the Teddy Bear Empire and the Mi Empire is not so optimistic.

The Teddy Bear Empire is vast and sparsely populated. Although it has absorbed a large amount of labor during the disintegration of Western parliaments, it still appears to be elusive compared to their vast land.

Especially in the last days, population and labor, the most precious resource, suffered great losses.

The local survival rate of the Mao Xiong Empire is even less than 5%, which is second only to China's data. Afterwards, most of the population are different ethnic groups absorbed by the fighting nation.

In the face of racial justice, minor conflicts between various ethnic groups are no longer a problem.

However, the pride of the fighting nation prevents them from treating other nations as equals with themselves.

Other nations are protected by the fighting nations, so they will naturally become their slaves. This is their belief, and only a few strong people can get their respect.

This is also one of the biggest obstacles to Western integration.

The reason why Yiyi did something beyond Chu Feng's expectations was because she found another way.

Let ordinary people have value first, and then strive for treatment.

Such a road cannot be judged by its good or bad. At least many people have survived.

Similarly, this is also the pride of the fighting nations, because they can only use the pride of fighting to maintain their high position, which has also intensified the contradictions among the various nations.

However, these contradictions were temporarily suppressed under their powerful force suppression.

Until this death meteorite erupted.

When a large number of meteorites fall, the fighting nation with strength will first save the members of the fighting nation's own clan, followed by those who are more important to them, that is, those with value.

Such a choice is understandable, but it makes those who have been given up feel resentful.

Especially after being abandoned, survivors who survived by luck.

The contradictions accumulated in the past have gradually emerged with this natural disaster.

When the bugs came out of these black meteorites, the contradiction seemed to have found a catharsis.

"Hey! You guys put me on the front line."

"These humble peoples resist me."

"Asshole! Remember, you can survive in our great bear empire because our great fighting nation is protecting you, not your own strength. You should contribute to us as you should."

"Fleeing the battle, kill!"

Soldiers of many fighting nations executed military orders and killed some who did not obey the orders, forcibly deterred the remaining cannon fodder, and then ordered them to resist the front line of the Worm Nest.

With the blocking of these cannon fodder troops, the soldiers of the Bear Empire have the opportunity to regroup.

Of course, this is not the whole reason.

The most important thing is that even if they claim to be a fighting nation, it is only because they are combative.

In the face of death, they will also feel fear.

Similarly, they also knew that these slaves temporarily controlled by them had been thinking about how to overthrow them.

If in the ensuing battle, their own people had huge casualties, the situation that was finally suppressed by them may deteriorate again.

Therefore, there must be a balance between the number of fighting nations and the number of slaves.

As a result, a large number of mentally numb cannon fodder that had been tortured by life was pushed to the front by them.

Among these cannon fodder, there are some sober ones.

"It's all death anyway, why should we fight for them?"

I didn't know who it was, and shouted in the crowd.

The face of the soldiers of the fighting nation changed, and a huge fireball fell towards the source of the sound, burning the source of the sound and some nearby survivors to death.

The decisive force suppression has deterred some ordinary people.

However, a young woman with dark skin knelt before the charred corpse.

"No, it's not true, boy, don't die."

Her emotions infected the survivors around her.

In the numb eyes of the survivors, there seemed to be some kind of jumping flame burning.

They clenched their weapons, turned around, and glared at the soldiers of the Bear Empire.

However, what greeted them was a new round of armed suppression.

A warrior was holding a two-handed sword, and his sharp blade drew a sword light more than 20 meters long. Wherever he passed, the bodies of 40 survivors were cut in half by this sword light.

"Why are you still stunned? Kill! Otherwise, wait for them to make trouble?"

The soldiers who did it yelled loudly, and then rushed out first.

The bear soldiers next to him suddenly realized that no matter who was right or wrong, this kind of thing was never allowed to happen.

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