Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 136: Superior dog

"This is the place to store supplies."

Two Chinese with black hair and dark eyes got out of the vehicle, and then respectfully faced the foreign road of the vehicle.

Several brawny white-skinned men in bulletproof suits walked off the vehicle with heavy machine guns in their hands, and said in bad Chinese: "Very well, Huaxia, look at the car, let's go in!"

The Huaxia people looked respectful: "Yes, my lord!"

Then the people in the armored car began to get down one by one.

Seeing the Huaxia people who were respectful to the people inside, Chu Feng couldn't help but feel angry.

Although knowing that the law of the weak and the strong eats no borders, as long as he sees such a scene, Chu Feng is still a little angry.

The reason why Jinling Biology concealed so well in the early stage, after being found threatened in the later stage, has made people helpless. It is because those who eat inside and outside help conceal it. Perhaps for them, this is just chasing benefits, but for the country, This is treason.

Although Chu Feng is not such a patriotic person, this does not mean that he will betray him.

If you say betrayal for the benefit, you can only say that this person's moral bottom line is a bit low.

However, Chu Feng knew clearly that these people had a strange psychology, that was, they were treated like slaves by the other party, but they had to lick the other party very happily. That's it. They were proud of it. All the Huaxia people put on a proud look in front of them, a very glorious look.

In Chu Feng's eyes, this kind of spirit is simply a cancer of thought, which must be cut off.

Because such disgusting thoughts are still contagious.

"The other party has 19 people, including 6 Chinese, 10 whites and three blacks. Chinese people have always been regarded as low-status people by others, and they can only stay behind, and even their weapons are the most trash."

The punishment of observing in secret quickly saw the enemy's situation clearly, after all, the opponent did not expect anyone to hide here.

"Start with these minions first!"

After the foreigners entered the building above the air-raid shelter, Chu Feng murdered the 6 Huaxia people who remained outside.

Regardless of the angle of view, he has no reason to keep his hands on these people.

At this moment, some zombies who were startled by them along the road began to walk out of various buildings, gradually surrounding the three armored vehicles.

The six left-behind personnel did not panic at all, raised the silencer rifle and silencer pistol in their hands and started shooting, killing each zombies. Although there were also some mutated zombies, but even mutated zombies, not everyone They are all powerful roles.

But there was one person who didn't use it, or even a gun in his hand, just a warning.

"He should be a power awakener."

Seeing the opponent's self-centered appearance, Chu Feng probably guessed, and only the awakened would look down on the power of guns.

After all, the power of the ability is more powerful, and only the sniper rifle can be better than the ability of the awakener, but the sniper rifle is not available to everyone.

At least in the eyes of Jinling Biology, Huaxia people are inferior, and they are not qualified to take a sniper rifle.

When these people nearly killed the surrounding zombies, Chu Feng began to take action.

"In the name of my contract, summon creatures from hell!"

A pentagonal magic circle appeared at the feet of the person who didn't do anything, trapping him in it. The sudden change made him panic for a moment, and then a rock sword appeared in his hand, slashing towards the surrounding circle. law.

The rock sword penetrated through the five-pointed star formation without any hindrance, but his hand could not go through it.

"what happened?"

"team leader!"

"Watch out!"

The only power in the team was suddenly attacked like this, and everyone around him began to panic. However, before they could panic for too long, a golden light penetrated a person's head.

Several flying knives flew past and took away the lives of several people. At this time, Chu Feng calmly walked out of the dark.

After seeing Chu Feng walking out, the supernatural power yelled anxiously: "You dare to attack us? Do you know what the consequences will be? If this triggers a war between the two countries, you will become Sinner nailed to the pillar of shame, if you don’t let me go, your consequences will be unimaginable."

Although his words could not be heard from the magic circle, Chu Feng could hear the movement within the magic circle.

After hearing the other party's ridiculous remarks, Chu Feng sneered: "I didn't expect that being a dog for others would actually be a sense of superiority, triggering a war between the two countries? Do you treat me as a three-year-old child?"

Not to mention that the current social order has collapsed. Even in the period when the social order is intact, once the actions in the plan are exposed, the enemy will be the one who is in the wrong.

What's more, Huaxia's strength has already attracted the attention of the world. How could the opponent start a battle with Huaxia without authorization for the sake of a few pieces?

The reason why he used this kind of rhetoric is just that he has been brainwashed a lot.

After all, people are often treated as dogs to trample on dignity, so you can only find face from others.


The screaming screams were sealed in the circle, and soon a huge vicious dog with long brown hair appeared. It looked a bit similar to the three-headed **** dog, but the breath difference between the two sides was A world apart.

It opened its mouth wide, and quickly swallowed the supernatural power.

"Hell from the hell, it seems that the summoning is lucky this time."

The Hell Hound is also a member of the three-headed Hell group. Of course, it is a member of the bottom, and it is also among the top monsters of the same level.

More importantly, the Hell Hound is of a rough-skinned and thick-skinned type, and it is the best choice to use it as a meat shield.

Just when Chu Feng was about to take the Hell Dog into the building inside the air-raid shelter, his eyes suddenly fell on the three armored vehicles.

In the early stage of the apocalypse, a good car is an important guarantee for mobility and long-distance travel. In the later stage, these vehicles are too fragile for monsters to be eliminated.

Since there are three armored vehicles, his off-road vehicle may also need to be eliminated.

So he opened the Yuan Palace.

His Yuanfu space itself is a small world. When it was first opened, its capacity was larger than that of the university’s public classrooms. The current space capacity has increased by 20%. In addition, there seems to be some special changes inside. It is also happening.

Although the volume of the armored vehicle is also very large, it only occupies 1/3 of the space in total, but it consumes a lot of vitality when opening the space entrance.

However, this elementary phase is simply insignificant for the value of armored vehicles.

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