Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 137: Find a secret room

Just after Chu Feng took all three armored vehicles into the Yuan Mansion, there were fierce quarrels and curses, as well as constant gunfire from the air-raid shelter.


"Hurry up!"

"No, this is our task, it cannot be withdrawn!"

"This is XX, we have to get it."

The other party was speaking a foreign language. With Chu Feng's foreign language proficiency, he could only understand the other party's common language, so Chu Feng was helpless to translate those professional terms.

But Chu Feng also realized that the other party came here for something, and they were even willing to risk their lives for such a thing.

Then my life was really in danger.

Putting the enemy down is something that Chu Feng likes to do very much, so he doesn't talk about the so-called social morality, and then gives the opponent a chance to comeback.

"No, we are not opponents of these monsters, we must evacuate!"


"No, but, we have to send the monster's news back, and then call for more support. This is not cowardice, but for future success."

Although they don't know what kind of monsters they encountered in the underground, it can be judged from their anxious tone that they obviously think they have no chance of winning.

Of course, considering the character of foreigners, if the price of winning is to reduce some of their staff, they will also choose to withdraw, because no one is willing to sacrifice themselves.

They will indeed be willing to take risks for the sake of wealth, but this risk of taking risks is generally reflected in advance, when they are really in danger, their cowardly nature will be reflected.

"In that case, I will help you!"

Chu Feng's eyes were cold, and then he activated the earth cracking talisman.

The feeling of shaking the mountain for a while appeared, and then the whole building turned into a large brick wall under the power of the cracking talisman, and then collapsed.

After a large number of walls collapsed, Chu Feng used his innate sword energy to destroy the load-bearing walls, and then a large number of concrete stones completely sealed the entrance of the air-raid shelter, preventing the people inside from escaping.

"Gravity Symbol!"

This was not enough. On this basis, Chu Feng added a Gravity Talisman, increasing the weight of the stone more than ten times, completely cutting off their hope of fleeing.

"Since the fight has already started, let's wait for the winner to come out!"

Chu Feng's eyes are full of cruelty. The kindness to the enemy is the cruelty to himself, so it never pays attention to any means to the enemy.


There was a sound of cursing from below, but immediately after that, even the sound could not be heard, because Chu Feng also sprinkled some sand on it.

Now the entire passage has been sealed, and if there is a supernatural power among them, it is not impossible to come out, but it is a bit difficult to dig the passage while dealing with monsters.

So before the winner is determined, they are impossible to come out.

It seems that Chu Feng only needs to wait quietly for the outcome of the battle.

However, while waiting, he was not idle, but was looking for the location of those cans.

Air-raid shelters are used as a place to escape the bombing of the air force. Many people think of it when they take refuge. If there is anything conspicuous in it, it is probably taken away long ago.

Of course, it is precisely because there are too many people taking refuge, so as long as there is a mutant zombie inside, it is a disaster for the entire air-raid shelter.

There are more zombies, and high-level zombies are more likely to appear.

Chu Feng remembered the previous information, that is, the materials were not stored in the air-raid shelter, but more like a warehouse opened next to the air-raid shelter.

However, because he did not participate in the competition, he did not know the specific position.

Just as he was looking for clues around him, he suddenly found that the Hell Hound roared in one direction twice, but there was no anger in the roar, but a little excitement.

Chu Feng looked in the direction it was pointing, and it was indeed a bookstore.

"Are there monsters or survivors in it?"

Chu Feng was a little confused, and then cautiously entered the bookstore.

The bookstore is divided into three floors, two floors above the ground and one basement. In this era when paper books have been gradually replaced by e-books, the ability to maintain a three-story bookstore has proved that the operation of this bookstore is not easy.

Chu Feng entered the bookstore, but didn't find any special place. There were no monsters and no living people inside. It was the same with the sense of vitality.

"This bookstore does not sell stationery, and there is no division of the exercise book, so how does this bookstore make money?"

Just when he was about to quit, he suddenly realized a problem, that is, not many people will be bored to maintain an unprofitable store, even if the store is a century-old store, it is the same, unless it is the owner of the bookstore. There is no shortage of money.

For a bookstore that does not have exercise books or some stationery attached to it, it is really difficult to achieve profitability, not to mention there are three floors.

Thinking of this, Chu Feng also realized that the **** dog barking here is not without reason.

"Could it be that there are secret passages in this underground?"

Chu Feng thought of this possibility, and then banged **** the ground a few times, but there was no hollow feeling.

"The basement seems to have only one floor, but there may be some entrances that are blocked by these bookshelves. In this case, I will try to remove all of these bookshelves."

Chu Feng ordered the Hell Dogs to monitor those people on the ground, and then moved the bookshelves one by one, and by the way also put some books into the Yuan Palace.

Anyway, the space is big and willful.

Even if you don’t have time to read in the future, it is a good choice to ignite it as a firewood ignitor. After all, books are very flammable.

After Chu Feng removed one of the bookshelves, a dark tunnel under the ground leading to the side appeared before his eyes.

"It turns out that the place where things are actually stored is actually in such a hidden place. No wonder it will take so long before someone finds it here." Chu Feng couldn't help but vomit.

When people are looking for supplies, the first priority is of course food stores and hardware stores, followed by various factories. Bookstores are at the bottom of all sorts. After all, there is neither food nor weapons here, even if you consider it For fuel issues, there are also gas stations as a priority.

In addition, the design of this channel is too frantic, and it is normal to be discovered here a long time later.

Chu Feng took out a flashlight from the space, then illuminated the front, and walked into the passage.

Soon, he found a large number of canned boxes.

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