Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 138: Mechanical beast

"Finally found."

Chu Feng opened the box, checked the can briefly, and then put it into the Yuan Palace.

There are a lot of these cans, and there are hundreds of boxes. It took a while for Chu Feng to load all these cans into Yuanfu. Of course, there are also some boxes that are not canned, but Chu Feng did not care about that. It’s not too late to wait until the inventory is in a safe place. He only has a good harvest now.

Seeing that almost 90% of the space in the Yuan Palace was occupied, even Chu Feng felt a sense of satisfaction.

After experiencing the apocalypse of material shortage, even a grain of rice is a very valuable asset. It is commonplace for Chu Feng to fight with many people because of food, and even Chu Feng has never seen so many things. food.

Even if your complexion looks better, others will doubt if you are eating too much because of too much food, because more people are killed for this reason than because of hatred.

Therefore, these cans represent a huge amount of wealth and are also his relying on controlling the fate of others.

After putting all these cans away, Chu Feng irradiated the surrounding environment with a flashlight, and found that there was a bed, a chair, a table, and a bedside table nearby. This indicated that someone should have done it here for a long time. The plan to settle down.

"I didn't expect someone in China to have such a foresight, but where did the original master here go?"

Because Huaxia's past environment was too comfortable, there were few people doing things about storing supplies. There were more people doing this kind of things abroad, so Chu Feng was surprised.

But if the other party is so prescient, why would people disappear?

But Chu Feng didn't think too much, anyway, he saw these things, and even if the original master here returned, he would definitely not hand them over.

Just as he was about to leave, the wall beside him suddenly shattered.


There was a loud noise, and then, a black man wearing a bulletproof jacket flew out of the gap in the broken wall and fell just at Chu Feng's feet.

Almost like a conditioned reflex, Chu Feng summoned the blood-drinking sword, which pierced the opponent's head.

However, when the blood-drinking sword penetrated the opponent's head, he discovered that the opponent had only half of his body left, which was obviously dead, so he took the opponent's sniper rifle away.

"This is the foreigner I saw outside. These two places are actually connected. No, they are connected."

Chu Feng still had some questions before, and that was why the other party's destination was so close to what he was looking for, but it wouldn't be surprising if the two things were arranged by the same person or by the same group.


"Come here!"

"There is a way out!"

The appearance of this gap made those foreigners who were still fighting hard overjoyed, as if they suddenly found a life-saving straw when they were on the verge of drowning, and then went through this gap desperately.


Immediately afterwards, the wall began to collapse in a large area, and the monster chasing the foreigner also appeared here. Chu Feng instinctively took a flashlight to take a photo, but when he saw the true face of the monster, his pupils Shrinked, and my mind was shaken.

Under the flashlight, a giant saber-toothed monster with all fours in battle armor appeared before his eyes.

If it was just an ordinary monster, it wouldn't surprise him so much.

What really surprised him was that the giant saber-toothed tiger in front of him was actually covered in steel armor, and even when it hit the ground, it made a metal sound.

"Biochemical beast!"

Chu Feng really didn't believe what he saw, "Would it not be the biochemical beast that appeared for the first time in the 6th month of the last days? How could it have been researched so early? Could it be that it was before the end of the world? Is anyone doing relevant research?"

At that time, the rules of heaven and earth had not changed, and this research was destined to be impossible to succeed.

Of course, biochemical experiments are carried out in secret in most countries. Perhaps this was originally a laboratory where experiments failed, but after the laws of the day and the earth changed, the failed results here became successful results. Maybe that's why those people are looking for here.

When Chu Feng irradiated the biochemical beast with a flashlight, his figure was of course exposed, so the eyes of several people turned to Chu Feng.

"There are people here."

"Wow! There's an inferior person."

"Just kill it."

In the eyes of many fair-skinned people, yellow-skinned people should be subject to racial discrimination. They have never looked at yellow-skinned people as human beings, so although they are surprised why anyone appears here, they come to them. Said it is just a matter of killing people.

They were originally racist people, and racial discrimination is just the most basic moral concept for them.

"Then see who killed who!"

Chu Feng's eyes were cold, now is not the time to consider why there are biochemical beasts here, killing these strays is the most important.


The saber-toothed tiger let out a violent roar, and a white man immediately summoned an earth wall to block the saber-toothed tiger's attack.

Taking advantage of this gap, the 6 survivors used the guns in their hands, or used their abilities to attack Chu Feng together.

"Strong Body Yuan Talisman!"

A golden light illuminates on Chu Feng's body, and he once again used this Yuan Talisman that comprehensively improves strength, speed and defense, but Chu Feng, who has reached Tier 3, no longer cares about the side effects of the Strengthening Yuan Talisman.

Under the side effects of the Strengthening Yuan Talisman, Chu Feng's defense power increased by a notch, and then quickly ran towards the passageway.

In this chaos, two bullets hit Chu Feng's body, but it only caused minor injuries, and even Chu Feng's actions were not affected.

After exiting the entrance, Chu Feng immediately took out a box of cans and blocked the intersection.

Immediately afterwards, he opened the first basement with the fastest speed, and at the same time ordered the **** dog through the soul contract: "Burn this place with the fire of **** karma!"

After the **** dog got the order, he opened his mouth, and the faint blue **** fire burned the entire bookstore.

Looking at the burning basement, Chu Feng felt a little dissatisfied again, so he took out two barrels of gasoline and threw them down.


The violent explosion sounded in the confined space, causing the karma from **** to burn more violently, and quickly burned all of it.

Immediately afterwards, the lines on Chu Feng's arm flashed, and then a cloud of gray mist appeared.

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