Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 139: Anti-kill

This group of gray mist is one of the four **** creatures summoned after he sacrificed to the people of the Azure Dragon Society. It is called [Essential Devourer], a weird bug that can absorb vitality.

When assigning the protection objects of **** creatures, Chu Feng specially kept this kind of insects.

The reason why he left this kind of bug was because the bug's IQ was too low, and it was too dangerous when remotely controlled, and it was easy to eat back objects that needed to be protected, and only Chu Feng, who had a contract, could force orders.

"follow me!"

With an order from Chu Feng, he led the Hell Dog to the entrance of the air-raid shelter.

The entrance here has been blocked by flames, and it is very difficult for the people inside to escape from here, so he has to go in from the air-raid shelter.

"Earth Crack!"

Chu Feng used the ground crack talisman, and then a huge crack appeared on the ground blocked by the rock, and Chu Feng took this opportunity to fall into the crack.

Previously, the appearance of those foreigners was too rough and unpredictable, and at the same time they pointed their guns at him, and coupled with uncertain factors such as biochemical tactics, if the battle continued, Chu Feng might not be pleased.

Even if the enemy here can be solved, the huge battle movement will attract a large number of zombies, allowing him to re-enact the breakout battle he conducted last time.

However, since it is going around in a circle, the initiative is in his hands.


After entering the air-raid shelter, Chu Feng hid behind the wall and quietly launched an ice arrow charm.

"Bah! Bah!"

These foreigners are struggling to fight the saber-toothed tiger. Among them, there are 4 abilities. The original two melee abilities were the main force in the battle against the biochemical beasts, but under the sneak attack of the ice arrow talisman, a stranger The abdomen of the able person was penetrated on the spot, and then the frozen power spread from the wound to his whole body.


The foreigner who was attacked cursed bitterly, and then pushed his companion under the paws of the oncoming saber-tooth tiger without hesitation.


Accompanied by a violent scream, the ability person who was pushed towards the saber-toothed tiger was bitten off his right arm and lost most of his fighting power.

"Ah!" "Ah!"

There were continuous screams, and the two foreigners holding guns were surrounded by a cloud of gray mist, and then their whole bodies began to age and decay until their bodies turned into a pile of dead bones.

"There are three left!"

After the three people were resolved in an instant, Chu Feng played the Hell Karma Fire Talisman and burned towards the two supernatural beings who were still in good health.

While avoiding the attacks of the **** industry or the biochemical beasts, the two supernaturalists shouted in broken English: "We are all humans, we are all a family, and we must face the monsters together."


Chu Feng slapped two suppression talisman, centering one of them on the escape route, reducing its speed by at least half, "When you can see me, you attack directly without thinking about it. At that time, you didn't want to. A family? You deserve to be white."

Chu Feng has long been accustomed to the double standards of Westerners.

Their requirements of others have always been the standards of saints, but their requirements are lower than those of bitches. What's ridiculous is that many people believe that they are true and really think they are representatives of civilization.


A violent scream came, and the slow-moving Westerner was torn in half by the biochemical beast, and the other two took the opportunity to run outside.


A roar of wild beasts uttered from the big mouth of the **** hound, followed by two violent screams.

Even if it is a Tier 3 ability person, it is impossible to be an opponent of the **** dog when the oil is exhausted, and it is difficult to resist even a bit.

After these enemies had been resolved, Chu Feng cast his eyes on the biochemical beast.

This steel saber-toothed tiger was wounded all over, full of bullet holes and traces of being burned and hit, but even though it was riddled with holes, it still stood tall.

"If this is really a biochemical beast, then its weakness should be the heart."

Chu Feng seriously faced this biochemical beast, the blood-drinking sword in his hand was flooded with innate sword energy, and he could send a fatal blow at any time.

The biochemical beasts do not have their own consciousness. All the consumption of actions and instinctive instructions rely on the energy core in the heart. As long as it is destroyed, it is easy to kill.

However, Chu Feng did not intend to kill this beast.

The steel saber-toothed tiger opened its steel fangs flashing with cold light and struck towards Chu Feng. Just as the steel saber-toothed tiger was about to hit Chu Feng, Chu Feng suddenly rolled on the ground.

Taking advantage of this moment, the blood-drinking sword in his hand was accompanied by the power of innate sword aura, and a sword cut off the two front paws of the saber-toothed tiger.

Being able to cause such a result under one sword is not just because Chu Feng is stronger than those with a few supernatural powers, but because of restraint. The extreme power of the innate sword aura is combined with the extremely sharp blood-drinking sword. Next, even stainless steel is not much better than tofu in front of him.

The steel saber-toothed tiger that had lost its two forelimbs still had huge fangs, and wanted to continue to bite Chu Feng, but its mobility had already been severely bruised and could only be slaughtered by Chu Feng.

Chu Feng easily cut off the hind limbs of the saber-toothed tiger, making it unable to move, and then looking for a place to shut off the energy on its body.

Soon, he found an energy switch on the side of the saber-toothed tiger. After pressing it down, the steel saber-toothed tiger's eyes dimmed immediately, and he lay on the ground unable to move.

"This thing should be able to sell a lot of money! It's a pity that I can't sell it now."

The combat power of this biochemical beast itself may not be considered outstanding, but as the first biochemical beast on the market, the technology contained in it is very precious.

"Couldn't Jinling Technology get the research methods of biochemical beasts here?"

Chu Feng had such an absurd idea in his mind, but after thinking about it carefully, this is indeed possible, but it does not rule out the possibility that the opponent did not get this beast.

After all, if the opponent lacks such a beast, the research cannot be successful, then the biotechnology research that the opponent masters is too low-end, and the lack of this biochemical beast will delay the opponent's research at most.

But this is enough for him.

For this huge and powerful enemy, one point that can be weakened will weaken one point, and quantitative changes will cause qualitative changes.

Maybe sometime, his behavior will become the last straw to overwhelm the camel!

After taking this steel saber-toothed tiger into the Yuan Palace space, Chu Feng began to search for other items in the air-raid shelter, such as the research equipment here.

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