Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 140: Small courtyard dilemma

This is not so much an air-raid shelter, but rather an underground laboratory. Compared with the real abandoned air-raid shelter, it is the distance of a door.

Although I don't know why the other party wants to build the laboratory in this place, the things here may be of great value in the hands of those scientific researchers, and Chu Feng does not intend to let it go.

Fortunately, the sea of ​​flames burned under the bookstore, and there was still a certain distance from the research room, which saved all the research materials here.

Chu Feng put away everything here without even looking at it, and even filled the entire Yuan Mansion.

Fortunately, the space in the Yuan Palace was absolutely controlled by him, so after the armored car was installed, the space inside the armored car was also owned by him, so that all kinds of messy things could be accommodated.

After taking away these things, Chu Feng returned to the ground.

The battle fluctuations here have spread far away, plus the monsters that the armored vehicles had attracted along the way before, have caused the neighborhood to be surrounded by various zombies and monsters.

"Thunder Corpse Dragon, it's time to eat!"

Facing these surrounded monsters, Chu Feng could only release the Thunder Corpse Dragon.

A black giant snake appeared on the arm storing the wind, and then spit out the snake letter, looking at the surrounding monsters, and then it quickly found the most suitable prey, and also the most powerful prey, because the stronger the prey For it, the more delicious the food.

Under the opening of the Thunder Corpse Dragon, the Tier 4 zombies and two Tier 3 zombies surrounding Chu Feng were quickly resolved by the Thunder Corpse Dragon, and the rest were no longer threats to Chu Feng.

Then, the **** dog spit out the faint blue flames of hell, turning his body into a sea of ​​fire.

In this sea of ​​fire, a large number of low-level monsters and zombies were directly burned, leaving only the crystal nucleus falling to the ground.

Even mosquito meat can cause qualitative changes in large quantities, so Chu Feng didn't plan to let go of these crystal nuclei, and followed these two pets all the way to pick crystal nuclei.

On the other side, in the small courtyard where Zhang Ziqing and others hid.

As more and more zombies were alarmed, the small courtyard where they were hiding was also discovered by the zombies. Although most of the monster targets were the place with the loudest noise, that is, the location of the air-raid shelter, many zombies also noticed these. The existence of prey.

Tao Jinghua hacked a zombie to death and said, "No, there are too many monsters. We must retreat."

Huang Tianhua smiled bitterly and said: "Retreat? How to retreat? Monsters all come in from the door. If there is no room for acceleration, the off-road vehicle can't drive out at all."

Xu Wei resolutely said: "Then give up the off-road vehicle, wait until the monsters retreat, or the boss returns, and then drive the car away, anyway, the zombies can't drive, are we still afraid that the car will not be damaged."

His proposal is indeed a bit heartwarming. On the face of it, they would definitely not dare to abandon Chu Feng, but if they just give up a car, there is nothing compared to life.

If Chu Feng really had the strength, it wouldn't be a big deal to retake a car.

And Ye Xiaohui has been killing zombies silently.

Zhang Ziqing watched the team's fighting spirit fade, and couldn't help feeling a little anxious. If Chu Feng was still here, would they just want to retreat like this?

Huang Tianhua urged Zhang Ziqing: "If we continue to persevere like this, we will definitely not be able to hold on for too long. Unless the boss returns, we will die of exhaustion sooner or later, and now there are corpses, otherwise we will not be able to persist at all. too long."

Hearing this, everyone realized the importance of Chu Feng.

Although they now have a little strength, at least they are much stronger than ordinary people, but this strength is still limited, and they also appear weak in the face of endless monsters.

Even if Chu Feng is not here now, it is the ugly corpse monster that Chu Feng taught them that he is protecting them now.

It would be great if Chu Feng was there.

Zhang Ziqing couldn't help having such thoughts in her heart.

No, he must be doing very important things, and I can't hold him back. A determination appeared in Zhang Ziqing's heart, and then quickly thought about the solution.

"Even if you escape from here, where can you escape?" Zhang Ziqing asked suddenly.

Hearing Zhang Ziqing's questioning, everyone's heads were temporarily dull.

They didn't think of this problem, because when faced with unfaced danger, running away was their best choice. This is the instinct of every intelligent creature.

However, they really didn't think about where to go when they escaped.

"This has become a paradise for monsters, and there is no room for survivors."

Seeing that everyone was right, Zhang Ziqing continued, "So no matter where we go, we will inevitably encounter monsters, and now we find that we have fewer monsters. If we go out like this, we will definitely Discovered by more monsters."

After listening to Zhang Ziqing's analysis, everyone fell silent.

The monsters nowadays are all attracted by the explosion and the sea of ​​fire in the distance, so in fact, there are not many monsters who find them. Only those who happen to pass here will find them.

However, if they run into the street, they may be chased by more monsters.

Seeing that everyone had begun to calm down by his own words, Zhang Ziqing took a deep breath and spoke more smoothly: "Don't say that we will be attacked by monsters when we go out now, even if we can barely escape from Red River Town, How do you go back to the fortress city?"

"Then what should we do?" Huang Tianhua asked.

Not only Huang Tianhua, but Tao Jinghua and Xu Wei couldn't help asking Zhang Ziqing's opinions with their eyes.

In such an environment, whoever acts the most calm will naturally become the backbone of a team.

Zhang Ziqing said: "We now have two options. The first is to break through in the direction of Chu Feng. After meeting with Chu Feng, we will be safer, but I personally do not recommend this option."

After listening to her, everyone is sure.

I don't know when, Chu Feng has become synonymous with safety.

When they first met Chu Feng, their first impression of him was that he was a very dangerous person, but this was from the perspective of a stranger. Once they became their own, Chu Feng would become them. A firm pillar.

However, Chu Feng also had enemies he was facing right now, so Zhang Ziqing didn't mind their passing, because this would only drag Chu Feng back.

Only by ensuring his own safety, can Chu Feng have no worries to a greater extent.

"How about a choice?" Tao Jinghua asked.

After Zhang Ziqing pondered for two seconds, he said, "After most of the monsters have been attracted to the center of the explosion, we will go out. At this time, there will be fewer monsters to face. If there are not enough monsters, we can even drive away. "

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