Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 141: Meet the villagers again

After listening to Zhang Ziqing's words, Tao Jinghua and Xu Wei couldn't help but feel ashamed.

This is not because they only know to escape and feel ashamed, but because they are facing dangers, there is no girl who can be more calm.

In fact, what Zhang Ziqing thought of can be thought of if they seriously think about it, but they are all thinking about how to save their lives, which ignores this key message.

It's also an escape. If you hold on for a little longer, until most monsters are attracted by the explosion center, they will have a better chance of escape. This is the importance of mind and calmness.

Zhang Ziqing continued: "If we don't drive away, we will be consumed sooner or later, so the second road should be our best choice. You all have no objections!"

"of course not!"

A familiar voice came, making Zhang Ziqing startled for a while, then overjoyed.

A huge khaki dog appeared next to Chu Feng at the door of the small courtyard with a smile of relief on his face.

Zhang Ziqing only felt that tears were about to shed: "You are finally back."

She seemed to be the most calm person just now, but in fact she was just hiding her inner panic, and then she put the pressure of the whole team on her shoulders when Chu Feng was away.

Chu Feng gently wiped away tears from Zhang Ziqing's cheeks, and said, "You did a good job, let's go back!"

Seeing Chu Feng's appearance, everyone felt relieved.

Even though they are now surrounded by a large group of monsters, as long as they see Chu Feng's figure, their hearts will calm down.

Because of the presence of Chu Feng, the most dangerous predicament would not be their turn.

"All get in the car! I'll clear the way!"

Chu Feng gave an order, and all of them boarded the off-road vehicle at the fastest speed, and then started to launch.

Since Chu Feng said he was here to open the way, there would definitely not be any problems.

And Zhang Ziqing stood beside Chu Feng and said, "I'm with you."

Chu Feng did not refuse, but smiled softly: "Okay!"

The off-road vehicle slowly drove out of the small courtyard, and then accelerated on the road. During the acceleration, all the way was unimpeded, and everything along the road was burned by the flames of hell.

Seeing the terrifying power of the **** dog and the way that Chu Feng was holding a long sword unimpeded all the way, everyone was shocked fiercely.

The monsters that made them feel desperate, even in desperation, were simply vulnerable in front of Chu Feng, and could even act as cannon fodder.

Tao Jinghua and Xu Wei reminded them of what Chu Feng had always reminded them that strength is the root of everything, and everything on the outside is the vassal of strength.

Even if you want to keep everything you have, including your own life, you have to rely on strength.

Seeing that Chu Feng's **** is blocking and killing the gods, they have a deeper understanding of this sentence. If they can all have such strength, what can they do? It is simply that those who follow me prosper and those who oppose me perish.

"Keep up!"

After walking out of the area where the monster was retrograde, Chu Feng took Zhang Ziqing's hand and jumped onto the off-road vehicle.

After Zhang Ziqing jumped into the car, he was swarmed into an embrace.

Zhang Ziqing suddenly couldn't help but kissed Chu Feng on the cheek, then lowered her head shyly.

Looking at the people in the car, Chu Feng suddenly felt that these people were all superfluous. If it weren't for these people, he would definitely not be able to help Zhang Ziqing on the spot, who dared to provoke him. Done.

However, it does not seem too late to go back.

The off-road vehicle was driving at a very high speed on the highway and was about to approach the fortress city. However, at this moment, Chu Feng's expression suddenly became gloomy.


Chu Feng stopped the vehicle and then led everyone to get out of the vehicle for inspection.

Even if his relationship with the military has become better now, there is no need to wait for an hour, but the minimum inspection still needs to be carried out.

Chu Feng took out a certificate issued to him by Hu Tianlu and showed it to the military personnel patrolling outside the city gate: "I should be considered a special military personnel now. Now I ask you to arrange the group of people soon. Tell me where you are staying."

While talking, he pointed at a group of people not far away.

After seeing the proof presented by Chu Feng, the military men immediately gave a military salute and said, "Yes, sir!"

Chu Feng's face turned dark, when did he grow up? This is simply cutting first and playing later.

But now he wants people from the military to help him, so he doesn't care about that much.

Seeing Chu Feng's unkind gaze, Zhang Ziqing and others also noticed the direction Chu Feng was pointing.

"Aren't they from the boss's hometown?" Tao Jinghua was startled. They had been blocked by those unsophisticated people and knew the nature of those people.

Does Chu Feng continue to retaliate against them?

Zhang Ziqing pulled La Chufeng's sleeves and said, "Don't you want to continue embarrassing them?"

Chu Feng said coldly: "My parents told me last time that they are the pillars of the family, and they still have their own family members to protect. If so, then I will take my family with the people who are like people here this time. After that, but if there are no family members around, then I would like to ask, what is their value in the end?"

Last time Chu Feng let them go, not because of his soft heart, but because of his parents' dissuasion.

But since they were all from the same hometown, Chu Feng didn't mean to continue to embarrass them, but just pointed them a clear way and told them that they could escape to this place.

However, the reason ordinary parents discourage him is that if they are killed, there will be no one to take care of their family.

But if they are not willing to take their family with them even after being spared by themselves, then what is their value in living? What reason does Chu Feng let go of them?

The military people trembled when they saw Chu Feng's murderous eyes: "Sir, no one inside the fortress is allowed to do anything."

Chu Feng interrupted his words indifferently: "These people have mixed in with some conscientious thugs. As long as they are put into the barrier, they will definitely do things that kill people and overtake goods. I will stop them before killing people. Their evil deeds."

For these people's psychology, Chu Feng has always been very precise.

As long as they were given a chance to retaliate against Chu Feng, they would pounce on them hungry.

Even if they didn't have this plan, Chu Feng would give them a chance.

Of course, if you are really willing to let go of dealing with Chu Feng, then Chu Feng is not unwilling to give them a chance to reform, but this opportunity can only be taken by them.

The soldier who defended the city gave Chu Feng a meaningful look and said, "If this is the case, then trouble the chief to supervise them."

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