Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1378: Win-win?

The negotiation was very efficient and ended in half an hour.

Both parties do not like to make false claims, and neither has much time to waste.

Set the bottom line, discuss the content, negotiate the price, all in one go, the host and the host are happy.

After the negotiation, Chu Feng took out supplies from the Yuan mansion.

In addition to the ordered equipment of Tier 8 and above, there are 800,000 Tier 7 battle knives and 250,000 sets of chain mail. Chu Feng originally didn't want to give that many, but the Bear Empire was too generous.

These Tier 7 weapons are all paid for with crystal nuclei.

Pay half first and pay the other half within 15 days.

You know, even a half-price deposit is a big profit for Chu Feng.

It is not that they have a lot of money, but that they have no scruples.

If this battle can be won, it means that the country has successfully crossed the robbery, and the accounts can be slowly slowed down. If this war is not won, then everything will cease and all accounts will be written off.

Under such conditions, as long as Chu Feng dares to give, they dare to accept.

Therefore, they are really not afraid of anything.

No worries about debts.

What's more, they believed that since Chu Feng dared to owe the debt, he had the ability to repay the debt.

The real rich man does not owe a large sum of money to the bank.

Therefore, Grant simply brazenly used the recent expected income to purchase Tier 7 equipment to arm the army.

In his opinion, with so many equipment, there is no need to consume the firearms that Chu Feng gave them. Such a part of the expenditure of Star Real Fire can be saved.

This transaction is a good deal for them.

This is also why Chu Feng did not pay much attention to the Mao Xiong Empire. He did not expect that they even had such a big gap in Tier 7 equipment. For Chu Feng, the equipment that can be forged without using Star Real Fire is not for every soldier. Is it standard?

This is the gap of ideas.

During the handover, Grant was also reviewing the trade, thinking about whether there were any pitfalls in this transaction.

But after thinking about it, apart from after the war, Chu Feng left with those high-level equipment and a large amount of war proceeds, he really couldn't find any traps.

The equipment is given, the firearms of the new era are available, although human reinforcements are not available, there is no shortage of hellhound reinforcements!

People have saved your country. Are you still unwilling to pay?

Besides, isn't there still the option of delinquency!

Although the risk of arguing in front of Chu Feng is very high, the entire bear empire combined, is not enough to fight the City of Dawn.

However, if people give the goods first, there will be no quality problems with the goods! If the goods really have quality problems, they will really dare to fall back on the bill, and it is justified and justified.

It's a big deal, and they are not afraid to fight hard.

Fighting nations can be reasonable, but where can they be wronged?

With such a guarantee, they could not think of anything wrong.

Needless to say, the benefits of the City of Dawn.

In addition to the necessary preparations, almost all of the core inventory of the Mao Xiong Empire was hollowed out, and most of the proceeds for the next 15 days were overdrawn. This is the most intense time of the battle!

An empire gives a person 15 days of work, and it is a job at the expense of life, and the benefits created are simply unimaginable.

Although Chu Feng’s Tier 7 weapon can be paid for with low-level nuclei such as Tier 5 nuclei, the number of Tier 5 nuclei is 8000, Tier 6 nuclei can only use 1,000, and Tier 7 can be used. 80 pieces.

For a piece of equipment, you need to kill 80 7th-order bugs in order to pay back. If you replace it with a 5th-stage low-grade bug, you need 8,000, plus some low-grade bugs don't have crystal nuclei, so they need to kill more than 10,000.

The 800,000 pieces of Tier 7 equipment and the high income made Grant feel dizzy after he had experienced wind and waves and several wars in the old age.

This is not a number, this is life.

Fortunately, there are Tier 8 weapons and Tier 9 weapons to pay back.

Sogda has tested that the sharpness of Tier 9 weapons makes it easier for them to kill insects than chickens. In the current world, there is no material to resist Tier 9 magical soldiers.

If they want to buy it, they really can't afford it.

Fortunately, it is on loan.

So, on the premise of not coming from, how many bugs they can kill with these advanced weapons depends on how much burden the citizens have to bear after they win the war.

Fortunately, that is something to be considered in the future.

In addition, the City of Dawn has an invisible benefit.

Chu Feng gave him a list of cryolite, deep sea blue gold mines, Arctic ice dragon scales, high-level insect feathers, worm teeth, and insect beetles, including insect nest fragments, some of which are minerals in the Teddy Bear Empire Specialties, others are what will be gained in this war.

Since Chu Feng had taken credit before, the prices of these items were kept low by Chu Feng.

Under the premise of a large number of acquisitions, the profit on this list may be more than those of Tier 7 weapons.

Grant saw this, but agreed without hesitation.

If you want to ask why, it is that these benefits make him feel relieved to accept the aid of the City of Dawn.

"Your Excellency Commander."

When Grant frowned and was in distress to weigh the pros and cons, Sogda's voice awakened Grant.

"What's the matter with you, Sogda?"

"Your Excellency Commander, in fact, you don't need to worry that the City of Dawn will take back the aid of this war and the proceeds of the war." Sogda stared at Grant's eyes seriously.

"Why did you say that?"

"Because they can't take one thing away."

"What is it?"

"It's the bear empire reborn from the ashes, and the brave and fearless soldiers."

Sogda’s eyes were full of determination, “Weapons are only props for us to exert our combat effectiveness. As long as our bear empire can win this war, there will be countless more powerful fighters who survived life and death, even these fighters. They have gone through the life and death wars of the country with their bare hands, and they will also be presented in the world with a new look.

Their experience of a hundred battles, their belief that they will never retreat, their courage and courage to defend their homes and the country are all things that others cannot take away. As long as these things are in our hands, there is nothing we can't lose. ? What else can we not get back? "

After hearing Sogda's words, Grant's heart seemed to be shocked.

"Sogda, you are a true hero and brave."

With tears in his eyes, Grant patted Sogda's generous shoulder with his one arm, "I was wrong. The strength and courage of our soldiers are our most precious wealth. This war Wherever we go, our most precious wealth will increase, and the City of Dawn can only reap material accumulation.

This is a win-win situation. It doesn't matter who wins more! "

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