Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1379: Chu Feng's plan

"Win-win, haha"

Chu Feng's current perception ability, as long as he was willing, could easily perceive the wind and grass within a hundred miles around him, and even a fly could not escape his detection.

However, this is also a load on his spirit, and he usually does not turn it on.

And now is a crucial moment for negotiations.

Suoghda's words are very reasonable. Equipment and everything are foreign objects. There is a big gap between what they have and what they don't. However, their own strength is the root of everything. This kind of thinking is correct.

Unfortunately, he didn't understand Chu Feng's methods.

Searching for the wealth of the bear empire is just one.

No one on earth knows how much Chu Feng's wealth is now.

But in hell's territory, it was Chu Feng's wealth, but there was no need to transform it into crystal nuclei, or cash and other items. The assets themselves were the greatest wealth.

Some iron ore taken out of hell, they are all immeasurable wealth.

Even if it is the body quenching liquid that supports more than 40% of the fiscal revenue of the City of Dawn, the main material is only in the Hell Styx, and it can only be regarded as a rare degree of Hellfire Lotus.

There is no end to picking things like **** fire lotus in hell.

This is not a reason for him to let go of the wealth of the bear empire. Some people will dislike his own money, especially the wealth that can be transformed into military power, but this is not his main goal.

For Chu Feng, his main goal is still people.

People are the most precious wealth on earth.

For Chu Feng, in addition to the means to increase individual strength, the quickest way to increase the strength of the legion is the original magic weapon, but the original magic weapon requires sacrifice to conceive.

After the First World War in Antarctica, when the forward camp was training troops, Chu Feng discovered that although he had controlled the absorption effect of the original magic weapon, the original magic weapon was still absorbing the origin of the human body.

This is the squeeze of life power, soul power, and physical potential, including longevity.

If there was no choice, Chu Feng would let the Qianfeng Battalion continue to train.

Anyway, those who enter the forward camp are desperadoes.

Whether it is for oneself or the country, it is extremely cost-effective to sacrifice a small number of people voluntarily in exchange for an extremely powerful army.

In the face of race survival, don't talk about human nature.

However, given a choice, Chu Feng was still willing to sacrifice people outside of China.

In the past year, in addition to the combat readiness of the City of Dawn, he has produced a total of 20,000 pieces of Tier 9 primordial soldiers and 200,000 sets of Tier 8 primordial soldiers, which he leased to Mao. Those of the Bear Empire.

For those original soldiers of the Bear Empire, it would be less polite.

During the negotiation, he specially reminded that these original gods are very expensive.

In the weapon's manual, he also specifically mentioned that the consumption of these original magic weapons is twice that of ordinary weapons, but their power is also 30% more powerful than ordinary weapons. By the way, various precautions are pointed out.

In particular: due to excessive consumption, if the vitality in the body consumes more than 80% and is unwilling to withdraw from the battle, it may harm the body's origin and overdraft life.

He has already marked all the points of use. If there is an accident, it is not his problem.

The Mao Xiong Empire also said that they are willing to take this risk.

Isn’t it just overdraft life!

Better than dying now.

Moreover, more than 80% of the consumption, just pay attention to it.

When the soldiers of the Mao Xiong Empire handover and experimental weapons showed this point indifferently, Chu Feng was also unable to complain.

Where do you come from, feel confident that you can stop the car when fighting.

Sogda and Grant also knew the shortcomings of the fighting nation, but they were unwilling to correct them.

If the fighting nation loses the courage to fight to the death, how can it compete with China?

But they don't know how serious this overdraft life span is.

This affects more than one generation.

This is Chu Feng's tactics!

As long as the Mao Xiong Empire accepts these original soldiers, within three generations, it will not be able to turn the waves, unless their country can also produce a figure like Chu Feng.

Unfortunately, not to mention that there is only one Chu Feng, even if there is another one, he may not be able to do anything.

Chu Feng in his previous life, even if he was on the path of destruction, was limited in what he could do in the face of the crisis of the earth's extinction, and he could not even protect himself.

No matter how good people are, they need to grow up.

And the sacrifices of the Mao Xiong Empire will not be worthless. Their sacrifices, the potential of an empire's outstanding talents, will all be transformed into the power of Chu Feng's original geniuses, building a powerful army for Chu Feng.

"Unfortunately, if the original weapon is ultimately to be used by humans, then it cannot be inherited by races other than humans. It would be bad luck for you! Your sacrifices will pave the way for China."

Chu Feng is not the kind of person who can easily sacrifice the lives of countless people for his own purposes.

In his original plan, there was no such thing. After all, the original magic weapon was also a method he had realized in the last year. He didn't know that the original magic weapon had such characteristics before.

The sacrifice of the bear empire should not be here either.

However, since the Lord of the Underworld took action in advance, Chu Feng would not rigidly follow the plan.

The Mao Xiong Empire is in crisis. Chu Feng will not feel guilty about taking advantage of the robbery. He will support them for no reason and help them through the crisis at a small price. That will make Chu Feng feel uncomfortable.

If Chu Feng didn't need it, he wouldn't deliberately target them.

But if he needs it now, he won't be restricted by morality.

Morality is a kind of self-restraint, and it is as important as the clothes on your body, but clothes don't need to be worn at all times.

Perceiving from a distance, the soldiers of the Bear Empire excitedly took up their weapons and prepared to fight against the bugs. Chu Feng’s mouth was cocked. On the battlefield, those with the best weapons usually wanted The charge is ahead.

These people are qualified to fight with the best weapons, presumably they would still fight without these weapons!

Their original position is equivalent to China's forward camp.

"However, as long as the Teddy Bear Empire doesn't do anything to Huaxia and spends disasters after Huaxia, I won't embarrass you too much, just treat it as the reward of those who bred my original magic weapon!"

Chu Feng arranged for the end of the Mao Xiong Empire, and then secretly observed for a few days.

The soldiers who fought with the original divine weapons were simply the gods blocking and killing the gods and Buddhas.

Those difficult Zerg races, in the face of the power of the original gods, are not the enemy of one unit at all.

In particular, the 9th-tier primordial warrior, Insect Emperor is the same as cutting tofu.

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