Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1383: China Top Military Conference

"Boss, we have completed the transaction."

Tian Jing reported to Chu Fenghui, “The crystal nucleus received from the Mi Empire is equivalent to one month’s fiscal revenue in the City of Dawn, as well as the world’s top biotechnology. It’s an eye-opener for us. After seeing it, those people shouted, how many inhuman experiments the Mi Empire had done to achieve these results."

"But compared to the things we paid for, it's simply insignificant."

Xu Wei curled his lips and said, now that the matter has been settled, he can complain a little bit. How can he say that he is the person Chu Feng had brought with him from the beginning, and he still has this little authority.

It's not so much a complaint, it's better to hope to know the answer.

Do not ask the reason before doing things, it is out of good professionalism, but the thing has been done, always satisfy his curiosity! Tian Jing and Xu Wei agree with this.

They knew very well how many precious weapons Chu Feng asked them to give to the Mi Empire.

50,000 pieces of Tier 9 equipment, 50,000 sets of Tier 9 armor.

You know, the city of Dawn itself, the highest-level battle armor is only 8th.

Mainly the technology for making weapons, and the technology and requirements for making battle armor, there is a big difference.

It may be tangled to make weapons with the same materials, but making them into battle armor will drop a level.

What's more, if you lose flexibility, you will have to make another discount for the price/performance ratio.

Just look at the scale of Chu Feng's Worm Pit. The price of a battle armor is more than 20 times that of a battle sword of the same level.

Now, Chu Feng has finally worked out a Tier 9 insect beetle. Although there is still a defect in the dead angle, it can be completely compensated by combat consciousness, including Yuanli's defense.

In general, the value is still high.

But did Chu Feng sell it like this?

"The shortcomings of those armors are more than those in the manual!"

Chu Feng smiled softly, without explaining too much.

It is better not to explain this kind of thing too well, just let them be a little curious!

"Does the boss want to cheat them? But this is a bit redundant!" Tian Jing was puzzled.

"You will see the answer soon."

Chu Feng didn't say much, for the Mao Xiong Empire, he might leave a way for the opponent to survive, but the Mi Empire, they still maintain their arrogance until now, then he can't be blamed.

Chu Feng would not treat the two countries as obstacles to eradicate, not because he was soft-hearted, but because it was completely unnecessary.

As the forerunner of mankind, no one can become his own obstacle.

Whether the two countries can continue to exist is up to them.

It can be said that it was not that Chu Feng wanted to destroy them, as long as Chu Feng did not provide them with help, they would perish naturally, and there was no need to dirty their hands.

On the contrary, his own shots can extend their lives time and time again.

At the same time, drain their value.

After all, the most precious resource on the earth is the population, and the most precious product is the crystal core. The value created by these two is something that Chu Feng would never let go of.

Human beings, as the most evolved life on earth, can absorb the most original power.

This is the reason why Chu Feng is unwilling to cause mass murder. It is too wasteful.

According to the Qi refiner, the death of human beings will weaken one's luck, and the growth of each person will strengthen the human's luck. In Chu Feng's eyes, luck is the source.

Now, we have entered the critical moment of fighting for the origin.

Whether humans can truly contend with the highest planes and whether they can compete with the Lord of the Underworld depends on this key layout.

On the tenth day after the secret transaction was concluded, the senior officials of China Huaxia suddenly called an emergency military meeting. There were only a dozen participants in this meeting, and Chu Feng was one of them.

After receiving this notice, Chu Feng did not have any accidents.

"It seems that they have discovered it, earlier than I expected."

The discovery he said was certainly not a matter of selling his own arms.

After all, this was originally the matter of China's military secretly instructing itself. If the City of Dawn had redundant equipment, it would be good to share China's pressure with the other two countries.

Even if the equipment Chu Feng secretly sold to the Mi Empire far exceeded expectations, the military did not ask much.

They believed that Chu Feng's IQ would never make a loss-making business easily.

There is only one thing that really makes the military treat it so cherished, and that is the passing of the earth's original power.

The time from the announcement to the actual meeting is only two hours. These two hours are preparation time for people everywhere, including people like Chu Feng in the City of Dawn.

Two hours later, Chu Feng teleported to Shangjing.

When he came here, everyone was already there.

"Is there only 16 people in the meeting room?"

Chu Feng walked into the meeting room unceremoniously, and then the door of the meeting room was closed. Every senior in the meeting room, including Luo Xingyao and Lu Qiu, Ye Zhishi nodded to Chu Feng.

What surprised Chu Feng was that Mosling didn't come to the meeting.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start."

As this time the matter was more serious, Ye Zhishi directly omitted all the complicated polite words and went straight to the subject, "According to our research and discovery, the will of the earth is gradually weakening. If you don’t understand that, then To put it another way, the vitality of the earth is declining. New plants are no longer born where the insect infestation passes. In many places, traces of desertification have appeared. Only the desertification phenomenon of Cathaysia is very weak, but as time goes by, Huaxia Its vitality will gradually flow out to the outside world."

With that, Ye Zhishi glanced at you with serious eyes, especially after staying on Chu Feng's face for two seconds, wanting to see Chu Feng's expression and whether he knew anything.

But what disappointed him was that Chu Feng's expression remained unchanged.

He had no choice but to continue: "According to our deduction, even if we win every war in the war with bugs, in at most half a year, half of the earth will become a desert and the ocean will become a dead sea. In one year, no new plants will be born on the earth, and the whole earth will become a dead planet without life."

There was a commotion throughout the conference room.

"is this real?"

"how so?"

"Even if we can win all wars, will this be the case?"

"Then what shall we do?"

"Is there a future for the earth?"

But apart from the panic and commotion, everyone's eyes fell on Chu Feng involuntarily.

Seeing Chu Feng's indifferent expression, everyone felt calmer.

Seeing everyone hesitating and stopping, Luo Xingyao directly said to Chu Feng, "Chu Feng, do you have any targeted strategies?"


Chu Feng replied concisely

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