Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1384: Race against time

"So fast?"

Everyone in the conference room looked at each other, but their faces were full of surprises.

Although a little surprised, there are not too many surprises on everyone's faces.

He is Chu Feng.

Before he knew it, Chu Feng had become a symbol of the earth.

No matter how incredible it is, as long as it is placed on Chu Feng's body, it will be understandable.

"These bugs are actually not difficult to deal with. Everyone wants the crystal nucleus in the bugs. If you need it, I can destroy half of the nests in this world, and leave the rest to the demon hunters to hunt down. Now, when all the people are soldiers, these insect nests will be wiped out in less than three months."

Chu Feng said lightly.

However, his words did not cause any waves.

The master's face became darker.

Does Chu Feng have such strength?

If not, I guess he wouldn't say that either!

However, the crux of the problem does not lie in this.

Luo Xingyao looked around and saw that no one was speaking, so he said directly: "Maybe this is a solution, but if we absorb a lot of insect crystals, I am afraid that the age of the holy order will come soon!"

The Holy Order Era arrived early, and these words made everyone's eyes involuntarily haze.

They are all people in high positions in China, and naturally they know what it means to come early in the Age of Saint Order.

It will be an era of competition for inner details.

Regardless of the fact that the earth has defeated the highest plane time and time again, it has achieved incredible results time and time again.

However, the earth cannot afford to lose.

As long as the earth loses one game, it may be the fall of the earth.

With the earth’s heritage, it is simply a fantasy to want to regain it after the fall.

The two worlds of gods and demons are now starting a war, but this does not mean that the earth is really qualified to be a fisherman.

When the age of holy ranks arrives, and dozens of holy ranks descend on the highest plane, I am afraid that only a few people from Chu Feng can resist on the earth, but what about after the cards are exhausted?

"The power of the supreme plane is basically finalized. Even if they are given time, their room for improvement is still limited, but our planet still has a vast space and future."

A military chief participating in the meeting said, "The earth is developing at a rapid pace. Even if we delay for one more day, our strength will increase at a speed visible to the naked eye. Therefore, we have to race against time."

Earthlings have never doubted their own potential, after all, in such a short time, the earthlings have given birth to so many powerful men.

Thousands of Tier 9 powerhouses are also a combat power that cannot be ignored when placed on the highest plane.

However, below the holy order, all are ants.

When the earth enters the age of holy steps, that is the nightmare of the earth.

After all, the rapid development of the earth is to some extent plagiarizing the technology and knowledge of the God Realm, and even the National Guardian Array, which imitated the Star God Clan’s Guardian Array.

No way, just a few years after entering the extraordinary era, do you want to develop from scratch?

For such an earth, it is somewhat impractical to truly contend against the supreme plane.

Fortunately, it is not completely hopeless.

The earth does not need to match the strength of the highest plane, it only needs to obtain the strength that is qualified to survive.

At least, they think so.

Chu Feng sighed silently in his heart.

Even if all of you here are high-level Huaxia, some things are not convenient to talk about.

This military meeting is also an opportunity for him.

Ideally, without telling them the truth, let all things go according to their own predetermined plan, and as reasonable as possible.

Looking across everyone’s eyes, Chu Feng said, “Even if you delay for a few years, it won’t actually have much effect. When those worm nests come, I believe you all feel the richness from the worm nest. However, although insects are different from earth creatures, they are not dead creatures. Do you know which breath of death has gone?"

Death breath?

Hearing Chu Feng's reminder, everyone remembered the information they had obtained.

The death breath of Worm's Nest was something they knew from the beginning.

Later, the outbreak of the insect infestation made everyone ignore this matter.

I thought this should be the aura attached to the death meteor.

But now, Chu Feng took this matter out alone, is there any secret behind this?

"What breath of death has been integrated into the earth's environment."

Lu Qiu suddenly said, "There are not many death breaths alone. They affect a distance of more than 1,000 meters in diameter at most, and will be purified over time. However, this effect is a comprehensive change. These death breaths will gradually Changing the earth’s environment and too much death breath will overwhelm the earth’s purification ability."

Everyone's face changed.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Some participants questioned.

Lu Qiu’s expression remained unchanged and said, “It’s meaningless to say or not. These death breaths are not inconsistent. The combination of light and water powers and the self-purification of the earth can solve these things. If you give me With enough time, I can arrange some purification formations to gradually dissolve the breath of death."

"It seems that these things have little effect."

The questioner returned to his seat.

Although it sounds like the impact of these death breaths is not small, there is a solution and there is no problem.

"But we don't have time." Lu Qiu said.


The hearts of everyone were lifted up again.

Lu Qiu glanced at Chu Feng, and said, "Whether it is a light system or a water system supernatural player, their abilities are limited. This is the time of war. Every strong person who reaches Tier 5 must play a role in the battlefield. , Especially those with the strongest healing ability and lightest auxiliary ability, are valuable resources on the battlefield.

The earth’s self-purification ability will increase and decay with the breath of death. Similarly, I can arrange an array to purify the environment. However, my energy is also limited. Compared with the environment, continuing to improve the defense of the country is to protect us. The best choice for the safety of the earth's people, even if there are hundreds of me, the power is limited. "

After hearing Lu Qiu's words, everyone understood why Lu Qiu said it, and it made no sense to say it or not.

This matter is easy to solve, not easy to solve.

There are many solutions, but they all have one common feature.

It takes people and time.

Unfortunately, during the war, the earth lacked human and time most.

Dealing with those bugs is already very difficult, but the bugs cannot be solved directly.

Now, we have to deploy manpower to deal with the breath of death, which is simply impossible.

After all, if the earth's environment is not served for the sake of mankind, there is no value in protection.

The atmosphere in the conference room gradually became serious.

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