Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1385: Unsolvable game

"Chu Feng, do you have a way?"

Luo Xingyao's voice broke the silent atmosphere.

How come back to this problem?

Everyone felt a little uncomfortable in their hearts. They are all high-ranking people on the earth. Everyone is fighting for the future of the earth and the future of mankind.

And the core of the military's thinking is unity.

But, in the end, the hope of the earth should be pinned on one person?

What is this?


However, when things came, they found that Chu Feng was still the most important person.

"Solution? There is no way to solve the problem."

Chu Feng shook his head slightly.

The host's heart sank, his expression even more gloomy, and even some despair appeared in the eyes of some people.

Pinning the hope of the earth on Chu Feng alone would certainly make them feel humiliated.

However, when Chu Feng shook his head, everyone felt even more uncomfortable.

If even Chu Feng can't help it, is there any hope for mankind?

Ye Zhishi sighed and said, "No matter what the outcome of this meeting is, I hope everyone will keep it confidential, whether it is information confidentiality or speech and demeanor."

Those in high positions will have more influence on their words and deeds.

If anyone here shows despair for the future of the earth in their words and deeds, it will trigger a series of chain reactions, leading to the collapse of China's situation.

Luo Xingyao and Lu Qiu also lowered their heads.

Is there nothing Chu Feng can do?

It seems that this is nothing strange.

Chu Feng is not a **** either, even if he can kill the holy ranks, he is still not a true saint.

In such a desperate situation, pinning their hopes on Chu Feng is already their no alternative. Chu Feng can do nothing about it, and they can't say anything.

At this moment, Chu Feng suddenly stood up from his seat and came to the blackboard in front of the conference room.

Everyone is a little curious, isn't Chu Feng helpless?

What is he going to do?

"Now I'll help everyone reorganize the situation."

Chu Feng ignored everyone’s doubts and said to himself, “Although the crises of the Worm’s Nest may seem terrifying, it will not destroy mankind all at once. This is also a way for us humans to improve our strength, but the crises of insects It will delay us a lot of time and let the breath of death gradually erode the earth's environment and fundamentally destroy the earth.

In addition, if you go to the space node outside China to check, you will find that the gate of the underworld is about to open, and the underworld of the highest plane will officially invade the earth.

According to my estimation, this time is about three months.

However, three months is the minimum opening time, and the specific opening time is in the hands of the underworld.

If you ask me how to save the earth.

Then I can only tell you that this is an unsolvable situation.

Even if my strength suddenly increased a lot, even if I took out all the things I had accumulated secretly and killed all the enemies on the earth, it would only delay the countdown to the demise of the earth. "

After listening to Chu Feng's analysis, some people opened their mouths, but didn't say anything.

Everyone is not an ordinary person, so there is no need to talk about things like cheering up and boosting confidence.

What's more, everyone has already been prepared in their hearts.

However, Chu Feng directly brought this matter to a showdown with them, which still gave them a certain impact.

It is one thing to know that there is no hope for the future of the earth, but it is another thing to say it directly in person.

When everyone was in despair, Chu Feng's words changed.

"However, there seems to be no hope for the future of the earth, but it does not mean that China has no hope. As for the other two countries? Sorry, we represent all the people on earth."

The second half of Chu Feng's words were directly ignored by everyone.

Tell the truth!

But everyone here really thinks so. If saving mankind is at the expense of China, they really don't see the value of saving mankind.

The first half of the sentence is the most important thing.

"You mean, protecting the earth and protecting mankind are two different things?"

Ye Zhishi's eyes were full of hope.

Although everyone has been shouting, the earth is the mother of mankind.

But there is a premise that human beings have only one earth.

At their height, some things are just unwilling to face. If they really want to make a choice, they can do whatever they want to achieve their goals.

Saving the earth is only a means, saving mankind is the goal, and saving China is the real goal.

Even if the price of saving China is to sacrifice the entire planet and allow the 17 people present to make a choice, I am afraid that the 17 people will pass unanimously in secret.

Don't talk to us about human nature, there will be humanity first, then humanity.

If we are to blame, even if we are accused by thousands of people? What if we bear infamy? Even if we become sinners through the ages, we have to allow humanity to continue to accuse us in front of a quiet desk.

"How to do?"

Everyone couldn't help asking in surprise, Lu Qiu's eyes flashed complicated expressions, he turned his head, not looking at Chu Feng.

Chu Feng saw Lu Qiu's behavior with his spare time, but he didn't care.

It seems that he can see something.

This is not surprising, after all, Lu Qiu is also an important part of his plan.

Maybe he doesn't like it, but he has to accept it.

Because he couldn't find a better way.

"Humans do not yet have the ability to cross the starry sky. Even if they already have the ability to cross the starry sky, they may not be able to escape the next war launched on the highest plane."

Chu Feng said, "Since we can't fight, then join. Our best choice is actually to abandon the earth at a suitable time and become a member of the highest plane."

"So, your suggestion is, which one to choose?"

Ye Zhishi skipped the hypocrisy and procrastination directly, and quickly moved on to the choice. "We have seen the environment of the underworld. It is not suitable for us to live there. Do you want to choose between the gods and demons?"

The underworld was the first to be ruled out. This is a choice that everyone would make if they knew a little bit of the highest plane.

Although there are some foundations, it does not mean that human beings on earth will be able to survive and continue in hell.

If the environment is not good, humans on earth are like water without roots.

"If it is the past, maybe I will consider the Demon Realm. After all, the Demon Realm is relatively weak. Choose a suitable place. Maybe in a hundred years, we will be the new royal family of the Demon Realm. It's a pity that the heavens of the Demon Realm will change."

Chu Feng first discharged the Demon Realm, "The God Realm is a good choice, at least in an orderly manner. When eating people, it will spit out the bones. Starting a war will also make up a hypocritical excuse. It is easy to choose a backer. If it continues, at least if it wants to rise, it must take a slice of the existing cake, which will violate the interests of the existing gods."

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