Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1394: We're back

"We're back."

"We're back!"

Carrying most of the supplies from the Siberian base, the Bear Empire warriors excitedly waved to the survival base.

However, the current survival base should be called a military base.

The soldiers in those military bases suddenly saw more than 20,000 soldiers carrying large bags, driving large trucks, and even using sledges to drag a large amount of supplies towards them. They were all surprised. .

"what is that?"

"They, they are our soldiers!"

When some soldiers expressed their skepticism, an officer had tears in his eyes, "They are soldiers stationed in Siberia. I didn't expect them to cross half of the empire and come to us."

"Worthy of being our soldier."

"They are our heroes."

"Why do they carry so many supplies?"

"Did they bring all the resources mined in Siberia? Why are they so stupid? Don't they know that our precious warriors are the most precious treasure?"

"Take out all the vodkas I treasure, and I want to celebrate them."

At the beginning, suddenly saw a large number of convoys crossing the worm tide, the soldiers of the Bear Empire certainly couldn't believe it.

However, when they saw the big cart and the big bag of supplies, they immediately confirmed the identity of the other party.

If you are not your own, why should you bring so much precious wealth?

Now is the time of war, and the price of arms is not known how high it is.

Bringing so much wealth over, it must be their comrade-in-arms.

Therefore, after a simple confirmation, a large number of bear empire fighters broke out of the survival base and wanted to take these comrades back home.

Those soldiers who had gone through a day and night of fighting and finally returned home couldn't help but tears in their eyes.

During this day, half of their compatriots stayed on this snowy field, and the bodies of many people became food for those **** bugs.

However, they can't stop.

When they had no power, they doubted the empire.

But when they had power, they suddenly realized that the empire needed their power.

The power gained from Chu Feng was temporary, but all the materials that could be used as weapons were real.

A high-level weapon can allow a compatriot to kill a few hundred more bugs, and may save many lives.

Therefore, they made a difficult decision.

Bring most of the precious weapons unearthed in Siberia, especially cryolite, back to the empire, so that they can bring back a group of powerful fighters to the empire, and at the same time bring some powerful weapons.

Now they finally reached the end of their journey.

Some unarmed soldiers fell on the snowy field with a smile.

Just as the soldiers who came to meet them were getting closer and closer to everyone, some soldiers suddenly stepped back, which aroused the doubts of the soldiers around.

"You guys, what are you going to do?"

These are soldiers who drank the potion. After they drank the potion, they gained a lot of power. Although it caused some damage to the body, many of them persisted here through the insect crystal.

However, there are also many people who fall on the way forever.

Now that they finally got home, why did these people step back?

A soldier smiled dryly: "We know our physical condition better than ourselves, and being able to persist here is already our limit, and we can't keep it going."

"No, you are heroes, heroes of the empire."

"Then we shouldn't even go back!"

A soldier exuding black air roared and shouted, "Heroes of the empire? See what the **** we have become? Are we also heroes? We used power that did not belong to us, but also used it. It’s not the strength of the bear."

"Since the power is on you, the power is yours."

"No, it's different!"

"What is different, don't care what the source of power is. You are using this power to protect us, and you are using it to encourage the two empires to contribute."

"But we are experimental products!"

"No! You--"

"Let them go!"

Just as the soldiers were in a quarrel, an officer suddenly reached out and stopped the soldiers.

"The hero of the empire should have the fate of a hero and should not become an experiment in other countries."

"Chief Xie."

The soldiers who had taken potions in exchange for a short period of powerful strength saluted the commander, then turned and killed the insect nest.

They are members of the Teddy Bear Empire, but they want to become the experimental objects of the Chinese.

This is their humiliation and their sorrow.

Because they are so weak that they need to rely on such a method to survive, to the point where they can live with their comrades.

They don't mind the source of power, even if it comes from the power of Huaxia people, as long as this power can take them to get what they want, that's enough.

However, they do not want to be guinea pigs.

I don't want to use my life as a ladder for others to progress.

When the soldiers of the Teddy Bear Empire finally returned to the embrace of the motherland, they resolutely killed the Worm Nest. They would rather die in this way than let the empire's heroes be desecrated.

At the moment when they were about to return to the embrace of the motherland, they used their lives to defend their dignity.

The soldiers who responded loudly shouted: "Why are they doing this? You have already returned. You don't need to be cut off, just leave it to us."

"They don't want to cause trouble to the country."

The chief of the bear empire said so.

"It's really strong enough! How good is it to use this heroic spirit to contribute to the country? They never thought, as the carrier of medicine, can they become the country's experimental products?"

Chu Feng of Yuanfu Small World shook his head slightly.

The soldiers of the bear empire are very heroic, but unfortunately they are not integrity.

In order to ensure that the hero's reputation is not tarnished, they chose to commit suicide instead of becoming guinea pigs.

But, you are so patriotic, is it not good to be the guinea pigs of your own country? ,

You did keep a few bottles of potions, but there are more clinical data. Can people who use these potions fight for a day and night as experimental data make more contributions to the empire?

What's more, I said you are guinea pigs, and you do not doubt what method I used to obtain the data on you?

However, their head-heating behavior did cause Chu Feng some trouble.

At least the death of these people made Chu Feng's experiment lack some observation samples.

To the bear empire, it is not worthless.

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