Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1395: A firearm that loves and hates

"The power to improve is still too much. The unrefined power is still too strong to the human body after all. In addition, a firm belief is also the basis for controlling one's extra power, otherwise it will be too easy to expand.

In the small world, Chu Feng silently recorded observation experiments.

Around him, there are dozens of water curtain pictures.

The soldiers who killed the enemy on the frontier of China, the demon hunters who hunted insects in the wild, the soldiers of the city of dawn that were building outposts, and the forward battalion who charged bravely were among them.

In the Teddy Bear Empire, the warriors who use the original warriors to fight are fighting to the death of the Zerg.

There were also many crazy warriors who killed them. They fought against the bugs regardless of the dissuasion of their companions, and eventually exhausted their energy and died, leaving the commanders of the Bear Empire helpless.

After gaining power, there are too few people who can avoid being deceived by the power itself and avoid the fate of self-destruction.

Fortunately, there are still many people who can remain calm in such a battle.

Chu Feng's original magic weapon just selected the group of people with the best psychological quality on the battlefield.

The talents and records of those people may not be the top ones, but the excellent psychological qualities are enough to allow them to survive longer on the battlefield. A veteran with a battle-tested battlefield can play a greater role than a genius recruit on the battlefield.

In addition, that is the performance of firearms.

The so-called firearms were actually flintlocks modified by Chu Feng.

The style of flintlock is ancient, but after incorporating the technology of the new era, its power should not be underestimated, and the ancient style does not mean that it is weak. This is a necessary process of weapon development.

The new flintlock gun is also very simple to use, fill the real fire of the stars, and then release it.

But the power is incredible.

These firearms have a range of more than 10 kilometers, and their speed can reach 15 times the speed of sound. Even if it is an 8th-order strong, unless it is a few reflex nerves that are particularly strong, it can only barely avoid the key, or force the force to resist.

Since the main tactics of the Zerg are the worm sea tactics, they are actually very good at speed.

When the flintlock fires its power, it can almost sweep a battlefield.

More importantly, the role of remote support.

Whenever a local battlefield is in danger of crashing, there will be some sharpshooters who take these flintlocks to fill the real star fire, and directly kill all the powerful Zerg in that place.

The Mao Xiong Empire also realized in this process that the power of the flintlock that Chu Feng told them could kill any Tier 7 means that no matter how strong your defense is, as long as you are at Tier 7, you will die.

There is no need to hit the key, just the fire bomb hits, and the flame annihilation effect can kill the enemy in seconds.

It is possible to kill the flintlocks of Tier 7 100%, and most of Tier 8s will be no problem. Only a few Zergs with strong defensive power can survive under the flintlocks.

When they really encountered this kind of enemy, they would directly regard the original squadron as a death squad.

Even facing a Tier 9 insect emperor, the flintlock can severely hurt a part of it.

In team combat, perhaps the flintlock gun will not kill the Tier 9 Insect King, but it is not a problem to kill all the subordinates of the Tier 9 Insect King and let the Tier 9 Insect King stand alone.

Just the ammunition kneeled a little.

One flintlock shot requires 150 7th-order worm crystals, or 25 8th-order crystal nuclei, or Zerg corpses of the same value.

Of course, this is based on equating the Zerg corpses with Tier 8 weapons.

In other words, if you kill an 8th-order bug with a flintlock, the loss rate is 25 to 1.

Therefore, the Teddy Bear Empire loves and hates this flintlock.

Without these weapons, they would have had at least 7 battlefield crashes.

Seven battlefield crashes were enough to wipe out their survival base with more than a million people. They were all killed by the insects and affected the entire battle.

It can be said that these flintlocks are their life-saving guarantee.

However, the cost of crystal nuclei is countless.

For cost-effective considerations, they only traded with Tier 7 crystal nuclei, but this would also kill 150 Tier 7 bugs in exchange for a flintlock bullet.

But because of the overall consideration of the war, they had to pay for such a price.

This also led to the Teddy Bear Empire's higher and higher requirements for command.

The pressure on the commander on every battlefield is greater than that of soldiers fighting with Tier Nine Origin God Soldiers.

At the same time, the Bear Empire is still trying its best to block a piece of news. Anyone who obtains this news from any channel must enter close monitoring and must not leak it out.

[The exchange price of China's flintlock bullets is one-tenth that of the Teddy Bear Empire. 】

Yes, one-tenth.

In the Bear Empire, you need 150 flintlock bullets that can be exchanged for Tier 7 Insect Crystals. In China, you only need 15 flintlock bullets. That is to say, one bullet can be exchanged for killing a Tier 7 insect.

At such a price, the Teddy Bear Empire vomited blood.

Once this news spreads, it will surely arouse widespread response.

Even some grumpy people can directly smash these guns.

Especially the senior officials of the Teddy Bear Empire secretly scolded Chu Feng for his shamelessness.

However, they were helpless.

Whether it is 15:1 or 150:1, they can only be used when the battle situation is in desperate situation, but the definition of desperate situation will be different.

In their opinion, the ratio of 15:1 is obviously Chu Feng can't get back to it. After all, this is using real star fire as energy.

In this way, Chu Feng used the profits from the Mao Xiong Empire to subsidize China's military losses.

Is patriotism wrong?

I can only blame Chu Feng for not being from the Mao Xiong Empire!

The people of the Teddy Bear Empire asked themselves, if they own these flintlocks, let alone make foreign money to subsidize their own people, it is estimated that even people in their own country will have to collect money and then subsidize military expenses.

Thinking about it this way, Chu Feng's choice was to support the world while giving the country a lot of subsidies.

Such a patriot, apart from spraying that he is not his own, there is really nothing to spray.

After a military operation with 500,000 troops was over, Sogda came to the military tent, with unconcealed anger on his face.

"Commander Grant, there have been more than 3,000 casualties among the fighters using top-tier magic soldiers."

"But their casualties have reduced the casualties of at least hundreds of thousands of ordinary soldiers."

"Is it true that Chu Feng didn't deliberately manipulate these weapons? I hope I can get an accurate answer."

"Of course not. There is no problem with the weapon itself, but Chu Feng has calculated the character of our national soldier."

"Is there any evidence?"


Grant put a report on the table, "If there is a problem with the weapon, Chu Feng should sell it to the Mi Empire. After all, China has more hostility towards the Mi Empire."

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