Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1406: One dream for a hundred years

"Chu Feng, this is the city we created together, our new home."

A Qingli with a lively voice appeared in Chu Feng's ear.

"New home?"

Chu Feng turned his head and saw the familiar shadow.

His expression was in a daze, and he remembered where it was.

This is a city created by myself in a previous life with some like-minded people in order to open up a piece of paradise for the survivors, and to provide survivors with a place to rest in peace.

On the wall, a group of familiar and unfamiliar figures waved at Chu Feng.

"Boss, we have completed the project on schedule!"

"Big brother and sister-in-law, we are ready for your marriage residence."

"Don't make too much noise! ​​Our hearing is very good now."


In the sound of kind laughter, Chu Feng and Yurou joined hands to enter the survival base.

If this is the ending you want, I will satisfy you.

Chu Feng thought silently.

In the fourth year of the eruption of the last days, Chu Feng established Xuantian City, which was also the 12th person to build a new survival base since the eruption of the last days, attracting many survivors.

At the beginning of the construction of Xuantian City, there were only more than 800 people, but they built residences for more than one million people.

They always believe that it can be filled with people.

In the first month of the construction of Xuantian City, countless survivors who were searched and rescued came to Xuantian City. The number was small, but there were more than 8,000 people. After all, such a large survival base seemed very bluffing.

Those who can't even eat food came here when they heard that there was something to eat at work here.

With a preliminary population, Chu Feng began to drill the new army, so that the ability players who were good at fighting could cooperate with each other.

A month later, a large wave of zombies broke out.

The 2,200 supernaturalists in Xuantian City attacked and fought continuously for 10 days and 10 nights under the leadership of Chu Feng. Countless zombies fell under their feet, but their own casualties reached one third.

This battle established the reputation of Xuantian City.

After countless crystal nuclei cultivation, a steel division soon appeared in Xuantian City.

Chu Feng vigorously promoted farming techniques in the new era so that the survivors could be self-sufficient.

In just half a year, Xuantian City became the third-ranked behemoth outside the military. At this time, some people continued to plant spies into Xuantian City.

Facing each piece of unfavorable news, Chu Feng smiled slightly and took Yu Rou out of the city.

Just when the subordinates thought that a **** storm was about to be set off, in less than three days, Chu Feng returned to Xuantian City and brought 7 powerful supernaturalists, all of whom were ranked in the top 50 of the Demon Hunter Guild. The leader of the powerful Demon Hunting Group, even with the forces behind them, also joined Xuantian City, making Xuantian City the second non-governmental force in China in one fell swoop.

A month later, Xuantian City sent troops to the north.

Five months later, Long Ao was killed and North China was settled.

A year later, when the natural disasters came, the Xuantian City, who had been prepared for a long time, searched and rescued the survivors from all sides, and any survivor who was hungry could become a member of the Xuantian City.

After a year and a half, the door to another world opened.

Chu Feng led Xuantian City's abilities to resist desperately, and Chu Feng and Xuantian 7 would become famous.

During the war, Chu Feng used God-Binding Locks to block 365 Heavenly Roads, which are passages in other worlds, and became famous. The military found Chu Feng and asked him if he wanted to become the highest military commander of China.

Without the help of the Hell Territory, Chu Feng could not open the door of Hell. Thinking of the weak power of Xuantian City, he finally agreed to the military's request and handed over with the military powerhouses.

With the help of Mosling, the handover work went smoothly.

A month later, Chu Feng took over the military and obtained military power in Eastern and Southern China.

In the next six months, Chu Feng fought south and north to clear the border of China. The Southwest Military Region and Central China Military Region, which were originally unconvinced with him, also recognized his status.

In the ninth year of the eruption of the last days, the age of holy steps has arrived.

Chu Feng further promoted the evolution of God-Binding Lock, and blocked the passage to high planes.

The strong from all sides prefer to call the Shun Shen Suo the Sleepy Sky Suo.

In the last 12 years, China sent troops to quell the tide of zombies.

In the 15 years of the last days, China has re-established its ecosystem, and the first children born in the last days have grown up.

Yurou, who had never had children, adopted some martyrs' children with Chu Feng.

In the last 20 years, Huaxia's homes were rebuilt, the worms struck, and Huaxia faced the zergs outside the sky.

In the 25 years of the last days, the Zerg race was basically eliminated, and Chu Feng led troops to invade the holy land of all races.

Chu Feng has become Huaxia's spiritual belief. The children he adopted have also given birth to many powerful men. They have performed well on the battlefield, which makes people sigh that there are successors to Chu Feng.

However, Yurou often shed tears for the children who lost their lives in the dark night.

Those are the people who are treated as real children by her.

However, they insisted on going to the battlefield and could not shame their parents.

In the 30 years of the last days, the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races was settled.

In the 35 years of the last days, the deep sea holy land was settled.

In the last 50 years, Chu Feng dismissed all his duties and recommended a rising star in the military as the new Huaxia military commander.

Chu Feng and Yu Rou returned to the mountains and forests to concentrate on cultivating.

In the 70 years of the last days, the population of China has reached tens of billions, the strong are like clouds, and the army is neat and solemn.

Some of the new generation of Chinese people have forgotten the pain at the beginning of the end of the world, but some are obsessed with the counterattack to the highest level.

"Why only they come to hit us, we can't fight back?"

In the last 100 years, millions of Huaxia retired soldiers came to Chu Feng's retreat, and they responded to the military's enlistment and re-enlisted.

And, asked Chu Feng to come out of the mountain.

Today, the seal of sleepy sky lock is about to open,

Today is the time for China to counterattack to a high plane.

In a small courtyard with beautiful mountains and rivers, Yurou's hair was already gray, but her appearance was still young, so that her pale hair was set off like white snow.

She had been fighting with Chu Feng in her early years, and her vitality had been exhausted.

Chu Feng looked for a medicine to prolong her life, but she was unwilling to take it, and spent extra vitality to keep her appearance young.

"I knew from the beginning that you are the savior of this world."

Even after a hundred years, Chu Feng had retired to the mountains and forests, but Yurou still looked at Chu Feng in the same eyes.

He has always been a hero in Yurou's mind.

"I have been dragging you down for a long time. I have been with you for so many years, and I have been satisfied. I have no regrets in my whole life."

Lying in Chu Feng's arms, Yu Rou gradually closed her eyes, her breath gradually weakened.

There is nothing but satisfaction on her face.

Yurou was buried, Chu Feng walked out of the hermitage, and the powerful aura rushed into the sky. The entire earth felt Chu Feng's soaring aura, and countless people burst into tears.

Facing the faces of the Chinese soldiers who had become blurred in front of him, Chu Feng shouted:

"The four supreme planes will tremble for China!"

The dream was shattered, and Chu Feng returned to reality.

The illusory will eventually be shattered.

One dream for a hundred years, there will be a time of awakening.

Only the Iraqi who turned into flying ashes in their arms are real.

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