Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1407: The prelude to the counterattack

"Sorry, I am not your hero after all."

A ball of silver starlight fell on Chu Feng's hand, and then disappeared.

This is the back hand of the Star God Clan left in Yu Rou's body. When Yu Rou was stealing her own time ability, the Star God Clan had long been prepared. Since then, they have been preparing to plot the time ability.

Combined with the strange behavior of the Ziwei Star Emperor, I am afraid that the Holy Lord of the Star God Clan has mysteriously disappeared, not entirely according to Chu Feng's thoughts.

Chu Feng just hoped that the saint master of the Star God Race would withdraw from the battlefield.

Although the goal was achieved, the actual effect exceeded expectations.

It now appears that no one is a simple person.

Maybe the Holy Lord of the Star God Race is not a person who is good at calculating, but this does not mean that she can't calculate, and it is normal to do some disguise in order to achieve the goal.

Chu Feng didn't hate the Star God Clan for this. Is it normal to calculate each other?

Moreover, Yu Rou didn't hate the Star God Clan. The origin of all this was that she had stolen Chu Feng's time ability after all, and was calculated by the Star God Clan to help Chu Feng withstand the calamity.

The result now is the best ending.

Chu Feng from the previous life is not the current Chu Feng after all.

After Chu Feng came back from the rebirth, those who had been lost have returned, and the mood has changed too much, and there is still a big gap between Chu Feng in Yurou's mind.

If Yurou doesn't mind, it's fine, but she does.

Moreover, she herself could not forgive herself.

Therefore, the two people's consciousness merged, and with the help of the power of time, the two once again spent a long time together, filling these regrets in a real dream.

In the dream, Yurou is not the Yurou with ulterior motives, but a woman who loves Chu Feng with all her heart, but she has not forgotten her responsibilities. Fortunately, she has found a like-minded person.

Chu Feng was not a cold-blooded Chu Feng who killed and decisively, but a sincere and kind savior.

He is the light of the last days and the hope of mankind.

Regardless of the misunderstandings of others or the responsibilities of others, they will not easily use killing, but will use their sincerity to impress others. Only when there is no other way will they use a butcher knife to solve the problem.

That was a hero Chu Feng, a hopeful Chu Feng.

But is that Chu Feng fake?

No, if Chu Feng had not experienced those despair, maybe that Chu Feng was the real Chu Feng.

Everyone in this world will be changed by the world and others. The only difference is how much they change. Even watching a movie, maybe they will be inspired to study hard for several days.

Therefore, Chu Feng did not reject his own change.

Moreover, he is not a person who likes to kill.

Killing is only a means, and decisiveness is only a style.

Only by killing and decisively to achieve his goal is the easiest for Chu Feng to become like this. In addition, morality, human affection, even family affection and love cannot become Chu Feng's bondage.

That is an ideal ending.

Even without the help of hell, Chu Feng can still reach the top, it's just a matter of time and cost.

The only difference was that Chu Feng, who had insufficient means and could not rely on external forces, chose to join the military and eventually became China’s highest military power controller step by step.

It's a pity that many things that can only be accomplished in one year, without a lot of help, Chu Feng, will take a long time to achieve, and it may even take decades for the earth to achieve the current situation.

Without the layout of the highest plane, Chu Feng could not compete with the highest plane and would choose to close the earth.

The original purpose of Binding God Lock was to seal the space channel.

Unparalleled communication is Chu Feng's first dream in his previous life.

However, while closing the earth, Chu Feng will retain room for counterattack.

The end of retreat, China does not need to experience it again.

Therefore, in his dream, Chu Feng retired with his talented Chinese soldiers while retreating, or became the instructor of the soldiers of the new era.

Moreover, Chu Feng's retreat was not a real retreat.

In the mysterious ancient book, Chu Feng taught everything that could be taught to others anyway.

Study and research, this is not what Chu Feng can do.

Therefore, in the last 50 years of Chu Feng's dream, one was to accompany Yurou, and the second was to improve himself.

Although dreams are not completely reality, many consciousnesses can be brought into reality.

Chu Feng's realm was already regarded as the peak of the Saint King, but he lacked the insight of the actual breakthrough process, and then continued to break through in the dream state, that was impossible.

However, the horizontal development of the Saint King Realm can be achieved.

For example, the realization of Yuanfu is not much different between completion in dreams and in reality.

As for the art of war and the study of supernatural powers, it is more real.

Moreover, although the dream is real and illusory, Yurou is real.

With the help of Yurou, Chu Feng can be said to have gained more than 50 years of comprehension of the law of time. In addition, the contrast between dreams and reality also gave Chu Feng an extra insight.

After waking up from the dream, Chu Feng's time ability was greatly improved, but he was able to send and receive freely.

Coupled with his research on the lock of time, he is about to control the influence of the time ability on the outside world.

Although it still couldn't break the iron rule that time ability players don't meet each other, this Chu Feng can already limit the influence of time ability to his own small world.

There will be no conflict when people who are affected by their own time meet those who are affected by the time of others.

When Chu Feng becomes more proficient, maybe she can let Xiao Rou come back to visit her parents occasionally.

However, after reaching this level, Chu Feng's plan had already begun.

In a trance, Chu Feng seemed to see the scene of millions of Chinese retired soldiers responding to the recruitment and re-enlistment in a dream. They were waiting for their emergence outside their hermit.

Dreams are false, love is true.

In his dream, Chu Feng spent more than 40 years in the military.

In the dream, the character of a person can all be reflected in reality.

Including some people that Chu Feng knew, also appeared vividly in the dream.

When the dream was broken, even Chu Feng, the loss in his heart and the faint sorrow remained in his heart, and it disappeared even now.

Chu Feng said to the figure that only he could see in front of him:

"I, Chu Feng, am not a person who spares his life for duty."

"However, when I stand in this position, I will never evade my responsibilities."

"Born in China, no regrets in this life. Born as a Chinese, and die as a Chinese soul."

"Your wish, I will come true."

"From this moment, I announce that the prelude to the Earth's counterattack to the high plane begins at this moment."

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