Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1409: Ten days to prepare


Luo Xingyao saluted instinctively, and then came back to his senses, "Your temperament seems to be a little different, you shouldn't hide your name in this period of time, come to our army to experience it!"

He is not the kind of person who is easily affected, but the temperament in Chu Feng's body is too strong.

Chu Feng was taken aback, and understood.

Some things in the dream are false, but their consciousness is real.

In that dream, how could the temperament he cultivated during his decades as the supreme military commander of China be eliminated by waking up?

But he did not need to explain in detail.

"Give you an hour to ask for leave. This matter is very important."

He didn't use a commanding tone, because he no longer needed to use a commanding tone to emphasize his command.

As long as it is what he said, others must do it. This has become a natural thing.

Luo Xingyao froze for a moment, and said, "The northern battlefield is very important. 10 days is too long."

"In these ten days, nothing will happen in the north," Chu Feng said.

Luo Xingyao nodded, since what Chu Feng said, it was equivalent to a promise that had already been fulfilled.

"By the way, I can ask, what do you want me to do?"

Luo Xingyao was about to ask for leave, only then remembered that he didn't seem to ask Chu Feng what he was about to do, as if his order didn't need to be questioned at all, he just needed to execute it.

This is the instinct of a soldier who absolutely obeys orders.

But soldiers are also human beings, and demanding is not really turning humans into machines.

"After ten days, I am going to declare war on the highest plane. In these ten days, it is best for all of China's troops to shrink back." Chu Feng explained lightly.

Declare war on the highest plane!

Luo Xingyao was shocked.

He didn't expect that Chu Feng would make such a decision on such a juncture.

He also didn't know where Chu Feng was confident about declaring war on the highest plane.

But he believed that if Chu Fengfeng said so, he would definitely do so.

"What do you want us to do?"

Luo Xingyao thought for a few seconds, and finally asked.

According to the military's judgment, now is not the best time to declare war on the highest plane, but Chu Feng has already implicitly stated last time that the highest plane will not give the earth too much time.

Well, the reason why Chu Feng is declaring war now is probably because time is too late.

That being the case, he doesn't need to ask so much.

Some things, the less people know, the better.

"The army returns to defense, prepares for war, and picks up the crystal core by the way. You and Lu Qiu accept my special training." Chu Feng said concisely.


Luo Xingyao agreed without hesitation, and then together with Lu Qiu sent one order after another to the military's high-level leaders.

After confessing to Luo Xingyao, Chu Feng came outside the northern defense line.

One hundred thousand sword qi burst out from Chu Feng's body instantly, like a roaming dragon, looking for those powerful zerg.

Within a few breaths, more than five thousand insect nests were torn into pieces by sword energy, hundreds of thousands of insects were killed by sword energy, and all the crystal nuclei fell into Chu Feng's hands.

After getting rid of the bugs here, Chu Feng came to the next battlefield.

After killing for an hour, Chu Feng could not count how many insects he killed, but the crystal nuclei in his hand had already piled up like a mountain.

After using some crystal nuclei to restore the vitality in the body, Chu Feng came to Luo Xingyao and Lu Qiu, and both of them had already handled their affairs in the army.

To be precise, it was to dump everything on Ye Zhishi.


As soon as Chu Feng's voice fell, Luo Xingyao and Lu Qiu felt an irresistible force, leading them to another dimension.

This is a vast white space with no sights around it, and there is no shadow under their feet, and they don't know where the light is coming from.

Chu Feng, wearing a white coat, appeared in front of the two of them.

After Chu Feng appeared in this empty space, a swamp-like ground appeared.

"This is my supernatural powers. The time flow here is different from the outside world. One day in the outside world, 100 days will pass here. In the next 10 days, the opponent of the two of you will be me."

An expression of excitement appeared in Luo Xingyao's eyes. He said to Lu Qiu: "The military is strictly prohibited from fighting in private, and officers are also prohibited from discussing without purpose. Now you shouldn't talk about this matter!"

Lu Qiu said helplessly: "Of course, City Lord, can more people come in here?"

If more talents can be brought in, China's preparation time will be much shorter.

Chu Feng shook his head: "Time acceleration comes at a price."

Luo Xingyao also didn't squeeze: "I've long wanted to see the gap with you, so come on!"

"In the next time, you will remember deeply."

The corner of Chu Feng's mouth was raised, and the entire site instantly turned into a forest.

After taking Luo Xingyao and Lu Qiu away, Chu Feng went to the military again and let the military cooperate with him.

At the beginning, the military didn't understand it very well, and told Chu Feng that it was not so easy to withdraw troops. If troops were withdrawn quickly, many people would suffer casualties after the break.

Chu Feng didn't talk nonsense, and teleported directly to the front line, beheading all the insects fighting against the Huaxia Legion and destroying all the insect nests within an hour.

The subsequent withdrawal of troops went very smoothly.

Whether it was Huaxia's army or the folk demon hunting groups, after receiving the news, they all retreated to Huaxia's borders at the fastest speed.

No one broke off, except for Chu Feng.

Everyone can safely retreat, because behind them, Chu Feng will kill all the enemies.

This makes many strong people can't help but doubt life.

Since one person can be an enemy of thousands of troops, why do you want them to have so many troops?

Chu Feng didn't have any interest in explaining it in detail. One day later, he confirmed that everyone had evacuated, and then the army made a declaration of war to everyone. There was not much specific content, and even the topic was only one sentence.

[The war between the earth and the highest plane is about to begin. 】

It was such a sentence that detonated everyone's emotions.

Some people are worried, some people are full of excitement, and some people go around giving speeches against war. Such people, who are not even worthy of being called human beings, are dealt with directly by the military.

There are also people with bad intentions who want to secretly contact the highest planes, to see if they can express their sincerity in advance.

However, in the four months since the arrival of the worm infestation, most people have been mentally prepared.

Regardless of whether he participated in the war or not, he did his best to express his support for the military.

Many people understand that this war is very likely to determine the fate of the earth.

Maybe they don't know how big the gap between the earth and the highest plane is.

But they understand that believing in the power of China is the only choice for everyone.

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