Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1410: No time to play with you

In a temporary military camp in the City of Dawn, the Knights of Hell are here.

"You are all people who have emerged from the end, and have completely experienced the transformation from the weak to the strong, and have come to today step by step. The more suffering a person experiences, the more freely he can control power after gaining strength."

Chu Feng finished his speech with two sentences, and then went directly to the topic, "I will give you stronger power, and at the same time, I ask you to control this power, no matter how powerful you become, never forget that you are Why did you fight."

"Yes, City Lord!"

The voice of the Hell Knights thundered.

They all trust the city lord wholeheartedly.

They are already very satisfied with the power they have. From the group of warriors with the most ordinary qualifications, step by step to the present point, the suffering they have suffered is simply unimaginable.

The name of the ace of the City of Dawn is also pressing on them like a mountain.

However, they are fearless.

Indomitable, there is death but no life, this is the Knights of Hell.

The city lord will give them more power and put more pressure on them, but this will also become their motivation at the same time.

They are fearless and willing to be the strongest weapon in the city of dawn.

Now, the City of Dawn actually has more units such as the forward battalion and the school swordsman, and there is a force called the Shenniuying camp. I heard that it will surpass them. How can this make them tolerate it?

Even if the price of gaining power is life, they will not shrink back.

"Very good, then come with me!"

Chu Feng waved his hand, and all the Hell Knights disappeared and entered the small world.

What he had to do was to use the means he had just obtained to forcibly increase the power of the Hell Knights.

Your approach may have drawbacks for others, but the power of **** has always been his gift, and then rely on faith and will to control the power.

As for cultivation?

What does the Hell Knights say this is?

Isn’t it enough to get the power to be proficient in power?

What the **** is cultivation?

Chu Feng's criteria for selecting the Hell Knights from the very beginning was people who were not talented but had sufficient mental will.

However, both his own improvement and the performance of the Hell Knights far exceeded Chu Feng's expectations.

Now, what Chu Feng can bring to them is beyond Chu Feng's own expectations.

After entering the small world, Chu Feng directly used the combination of time magical powers and the Eye of All Things to integrate a large amount of original power into the magical seeds, that is, the elixir of death.

These immortal medicines were catalyzed by Chu Feng to the point of success.

The elixir is too powerful and has a great burden on the body and soul.

However, this is not impossible to make up for.

As long as there is a large amount of vitality and original power, including medicines to replenish qi and blood, and special magic medicines to replenish vitality, not only can they make up for their deficits, but they can also purify their bodies.

Under the load of the undead medicine and the supplement of a large amount of life force, they seem to be walking on the edge of life and death every second.

In this process, everyone's life essence seems to have been changed.

The only shortcoming is that the pain that everyone experiences can't be explained in words.

That is to say, the Hell Knights, who have experienced countless hardships, can bear such pain, even if they are replaced by the forward battalion, it is estimated that more than half of them will fall, and then the remaining people will lack confidence.

The people of the Hell Knights, as long as no one falls, those who can't hold on will see the people around them still hold on, and they will still hold on. What they need most is will and faith.

"You will be my strongest weapon."

After saying this, Chu Feng's domain seemed to have changed.

During the emergency mobilization and various preparations for war, Yi Qiuling also got instructions from Chu Feng and went to the South China Military Region to find Ji Xuanfeng and Ji Xuanye.

Yi Qiuling has interrogated the two clans of gods and demons, more than many people have killed.

The information she provided to the military was more detailed than the intelligence department.

Therefore, the high-level military officials knew her.

The brothers Ji Xuanfeng and Ji Xuanye are both heirs of the ancient martial family. After the outbreak of the last days, they took the family to join the military. By virtue of their achievements and sharing the contributions of the ancient martial family, they have accumulated a lot of prestige in the military.

Both the descendants of the ancient martial family, the Ji family brothers and Yi Qiuling have also known each other since childhood.

Of course, because they are all direct lines, there are no dog-blood plots such as marriage contracts. Peripheral inheritance can share and communicate with each other, but some core things are the family's trump card.

When she came to the military, Yi Qiuling didn't talk nonsense, and said directly to Ji Xuanfeng: "Pick you up with the divine sword from Ji Family Ancestor."

Ji Xuanfeng was a little strange: "You still lack weapons?"

Not many people know about the intimate relationship between Yi Qiuling and Chu Feng, but the fact that the City of Dawn has been helped by Yi Qiuling is not a secret among people of their level.

If she wants weapons, can't she go directly to the City of Dawn?

Yi Qiuling said, "Ji's divine sword is very special."

"This is the divine sword passed down by my Ji family ancestor, and it cannot be easily borrowed."

Ji Xuanfeng declined first. Seeing Yi Qiuling's gradually cold temperament, his conversation turned, "However, if you can defeat the combination of our brothers alone, I can agree."

When the apocalypse broke out, he followed the example of Gu Nanfei in spreading the inheritance of ancient martial arts, leaving behind the ancestral training.

Therefore, borrowing a sword is really not difficult for him.

Ji Xuanye also showed a look of excitement: "Yes, although we have never beaten you since we were young, but—"

Before his words fell, his back was already cold.

Next to Ji Xuanfeng and Ji Xuanye, a phantom of Yi Qiuling appeared respectively, and this phantom was using a hand knife covered with ice and snow to press against their necks.

The chill from the ice blade made the two of them feel ashamed.

how can that be?

The two couldn't believe such a thing at all.

They are ninth-level masters, standing on the top of the world.

Even if they have never beaten Yi Qiuling since they were young, they have never been so powerless.

After entering the transcendental era, they have also been at the forefront of the era.

But, just now Yi Qiuling shot in front of them, they didn't even have the power to resist?

Didn't even see her shot clearly?

"I'm sorry, I'm in a hurry today, I don't have time to play with you."

Yi Qiuling said coldly, when her avatar held the two of them, the body had already taken away a bronze ancient sword, and then she flashed and left the barracks.

"Play? Did she play with me in the past?"

Ji Xuanfeng smiled bitterly.

"The world is huge, and our strength is not enough to make us proud and complacent." Ji Xuanye sighed.

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