Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1411: Garrison

Feeling the fierce battle fluctuations coming from the roof of the world, Chu Feng remained calm on the surface, but in his heart he secretly worried about Yi Qiuling.

The ten beasts in the last days were basically solved by Chu Feng.

Either he was killed, or he has surrendered to humanity.

The Storm Sand Worm also lost its qualification as one of the ten beasts in the last days, and finally became the prey of the demon hunters in a joint action of a powerful demon hunter group.

In the battle to slay the Tempest Sandworm, some heroes also emerged.

But Chu Feng didn't care about this.

His height has exceeded these.

As for the last ten beasts of the last days, Han Jia, Chu Feng has not moved.

Because Chu Feng knew that Han Jia was just a gatekeeper.

Behind Han Jia, that is the old site of Tiangong.

There were holy ranks who entered in later generations, but they were also seriously injured and fled.

Only the Snow Queen Yi Qiuling could come out completely after entering.

However, at that time, Yi Qiuling was already the strongest person on the planet alone, and she had set foot on the pinnacle of the world.

In this life, Yi Qiuling had obtained some information there and insisted on going there alone. Chu Feng could feel the pride in Yi Qiuling's heart, and he did not stop it.

"She will be fine."

Chu Feng forcibly suppressed the worry in his heart. Now is the most critical moment on the earth. You must not let unnecessary worry affect him. Now he must be absolutely calm.

The earth can never lose.

For three consecutive days, Huaxia not only completed the evacuation of foreign personnel, but also strengthened the defense line, and once again conducted a military exercise, evacuating many border survivors ahead of time.

Due to the past few months, similar exercises have been done many times. There were no obstacles to the evacuation this time, and everyone successfully evacuated safely.

After killing some bugs and ensuring that the next bugs would not pose a threat to the army, Chu Feng came to the Southern Continent, where the Tree of Life was located.

The tree of life is still very important to Chu Feng.

In order to protect the Tree of Life, Chu Feng arranged for 50,000 Hell's Seven Clans Allied Forces to come here. He also prepared a servant army headed by the Troll Clan to ensure the safety of the Tree of Life.

Insects struck, and the tree of life was also attacked.

The Tree of Life is not only powerful, but also an auxiliary type. Many monsters nearby have been gifted by the Tree of Life, and their strength has been improved to a certain extent.

It's just that Chu Feng often picks fruits from here, which causes the tree of life to lack vitality, and a vicious creature like the Snow Tyrannosaurus can't grow.

When Chu Feng came here, there were only 20,000 of the 50,000 regular troops here, and the 100,000 servants were almost wiped out, which made Chu Feng a little ashamed.

China or the City of Dawn can still operate without its command.

However, after the garrison troops on the tree of life lost their own supplements and support, they were really in a strong position. Although the Seven Nations Allied Forces were so powerful, they had no logistical supplies!

There is no shortage of food and drink, and the recovery of injuries is also guaranteed by the tree of life.

However, weapons and armors were very badly worn out on the battlefield. In addition, Chu Feng prepared for the Seven-Family Allied Forces, which were not top-level weapon armors, and the wastage was even greater.

The first reason why the 100,000 minion army was annihilated was their strength and their status as cannon fodder. The most important reason was that after the weapons of the regular army were worn down, they directly used the weapons of the minion army to replenish them.

However, it is not without good news.

The garrison during this period increased the average level of this unit by half a rank.

This is quite exaggerated, but Chu Feng knew it was normal.

It's not because of the fierce battlefield fighting. The war in **** is many times more violent than this kind of war. In many cases, it is a battle of subjugation and extermination.

The important thing is the nucleus, as well as food.

In the beginning, when Chu Feng summoned the three-headed dog from the hell, he directly offered sacrifices from the living.

At first, Chu Feng thought that this was the rule of the world.

If you want someone to help you with your work, of course you have to pay a salary.

After Chu Feng understood the fluidity of the world's vitality, he understood the true meaning of the summoning technique. In fact, this was the exchange of life and vitality between different worlds.

It's like eating more meat, it's better to eat some vegetarian food.

The combination of meat and vegetables combined with fruit will make it more reasonable and nutritious.

For **** creatures, the creatures on earth are able to enhance their delicacies, but there is a limit to this upgrade, plus the upgrade of the crystal nucleus, there is even more.

These troops have been greatly promoted, and they have no complaints against Chu Feng.

But this matter was Chu Feng's mistake after all, and it was necessary to make up for it.

After checking the situation of the Allied Forces of the Seven Races, Chu Feng opened the door of the Yuan Mansion. A large amount of pure vitality mixed with the original power, combined with the power of some souls that had been obliterated, poured into the Allied Forces of the Seven Races.

"What a strong power, is this the master gave us?"

"The master has such a method?"

"I have improved three small levels."

"My bottleneck is loosened, ah! I broke through."

During this period of time, the allied forces of the Seven Nations, which have improved a lot in strength, gained a large amount of vitality instilled with their original strength, and once again achieved breakthroughs. In order to make the breakthrough process of these allied forces more smooth, Chu Feng added some pure The power of the soul.

With these things, Chu Feng originally planned to favor the purple-patterned demon race.

It's just that these fighters have also made a lot of contributions to Chu Feng, and Chu Feng will not be stingy with the rewards he deserves.

After a hundred years of dreams, Chu Feng's words and deeds have also become more magnificent.

The phobia of lack of firepower still exists, but he will not save what he should pay.

After the strength of the Allied Forces of the Seven Races increased significantly, Chu Feng took out a large number of armors and made the Allied Forces of Seven Races cheered loudly and excited one by one.

The previous training, coupled with the gift from Chu Feng just now, these legions improved by one big rank on average.

I have not experienced the tide of vitality, nor have I experienced the **** of the great explosion of the world's origin. To cross a major position, it not only requires years or even 10 years of accumulation, but also requires a certain amount of opportunity.

Now it has only been fighting for three months, and half of the people who have died have obtained this opportunity. It makes these **** beings feel that it is too simple to obtain such power?

What you want in hell, you must give more.

Suddenly they received a reward beyond their own bearing, which made them very unaccustomed.

Chu Feng didn't give too much explanation, nor did he intend to appease these **** creatures. Instead, he opened the space portal of Yuanfu's small world and sent 100,000 seven-nation coalition forces.

It also includes Zixue.

The Zixue that has obtained the Saint Mark Stone is also a powerful combat power, but it is not easy to play out.

"These are the geniuses of your seven tribes and the powerhouses near the bottleneck period!" Chu Feng asked indifferently.

"Yes, except for some people who can't handle military affairs." Zixue replied truthfully.

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