Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1413: International assistance

After spending some time dealing with the affairs of the Southern Continent, Chu Feng went to the Northern Continent again.

The Mi Empire, which occupied the entire territory of the Northern Continent, was originally preparing to enter the Southern Continent, and it did harvest many survivors' captives from the Southern Continent in the early stage, but the fate of these survivors will not be mentioned.

Those who rushed to the front on the battlefield were all those people.

With the rise of the Tree of Life, the Mi Empire also cut off the development of the Southern Continent.

Chu Feng originally wanted to continue to gain some benefits in the Mi Empire, but Yurou's affairs disrupted Chu Feng's plan, leaving the Mi Empire in a state of isolation and helplessness.

If it were not for the tree of life in the Southern Continent, the Mi Empire would have been destroyed.

Even if the country has not been destroyed, the Mi Empire is not doing well now.

Except for the survival bases of the four emperors, there are still people, and the remaining survival bases are not completely annihilated. Under the search of insects, the survivors who hide in hiding can delay very limited time.

Even Huaxia's underground refuge did not expect to be able to hide it all the time.

The real role of the underground shelter is to wait for the rescue after the army regains lost ground, or to serve as a temporary shelter during the war, and to forcibly create a danger.

Those who hide in the underground refuge are defending against insects.

But once you miss it, the entire refuge will be destroyed.

Chu Feng used his mental power to explore the refuge of the four great emperors, and there were only more than 1.8 million survivors left, and more than 2 million biochemical mechanical beasts and demon puppets and other war tools.

Depending on how they look, they can last for another month at most.

"Although the number is less, it can also play a role. No matter how small the fly is, it is meat!"

It took Chu Feng a day to destroy more than 20,000 insect nests and delay the life and death crisis of the Mi Empire. The remaining insects were no longer enough to continue.

Many people from the Mi Empire knelt on the ground and thanked God.

But what they don't know is that it is not God who saves them, but the devil.

Then, Chu Feng went to the Mao Xiong Empire again.

The Teddy Bear Empire did not disappoint Chu Feng’s hopes. The Treasure Bear Empire’s far-reaching passbook is only more than 5 million, but it includes the survivors and captives of the entire Western Continent, including the survivors of the Black Continent, Central South Asia and Central Asia, and the total survivors. The number exceeds 50 million.

Children born after the end of the world are not counted in combat effectiveness and productivity.

In the outbreak of the insect wave, the initial casualties of the Teddy Bear Empire exceeded 5 million. Most of them were captured prisoners. After all, the fighting nation is not a good crop. Being brave on the battlefield does not mean that they are heroes to protect others.

Let those cannon fodder sacrifice, of course, let the cannon fodder sacrifice.

Later in the war, the total number of casualties exceeded 10 million.

Only after receiving the assistance of the Origin God Soldier, the casualty data of the fighting nation became better, but as time went on, some missing people could only be counted as casualty data, and the casualty data was close to 20 million.

In addition, Chu Feng fell into a dream and did not provide follow-up support to the Mao Xiong Empire.

Half a month ago, the defeat of the Teddy Bear Empire in a major war led to the destruction of a large survival base, and the Teddy Bear Empire fell into a precarious state.

However, Huaxia's army and the Demon Hunting Group are too fierce.

After setting up a large number of outposts and safe refuges in the city of dawn and the army, those powerful demon hunting groups slew to the Western Continent and Siberia.

[Where the outpost of the city of dawn is located, we are fearless. 】

This is what the top 100 demon hunters like to shout the most.

These demon hunters did not deliberately support the bear empire. When the anchors were fighting the bugs, they helped the bear empire share the pressure, which led to the subsequent battles of the bear empire not falling apart.

In addition, the Teddy Bear Empire also took advantage of this opportunity to exchange crystal nuclei in China for a large amount of war supplies.

High-energy food, clean water, and warfare equipment that are easy to wear.

In the course of constant battles, the population of the Teddy Bear Empire that can be used as a productive force has been only 23 million. In order to survive this survival crisis, the Teddy Bear Empire allowed those few-year-old children to enter the factory.

In the face of the life and death of a race, no one can be alone.

Under such tragic battles, the Tawny Bear Empire's very limited dissatisfaction with the original warriors has disappeared.

People with normal IQ know that without these original soldiers, the Mao Xiong Empire is estimated to be annihilated, and can only guard the last place of survival like the four emperors of the Mi Empire.

Seeing the situation in the Mao Xiong Empire, Chu Feng heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the surviving population of the Teddy Bear Empire is large enough.

Of course, Chu Feng was not sympathizing with the bear empire. If human beings get out of the predicament, the contradictions between different countries and nations may become intensified and sharpened.

As a staunch racist and as the spokesperson of China, Chu Feng is unwilling to destroy the Mao Xiong Empire and the Mi Empire with his own hands, but he also does not want to let ethnic contradictions become racial contradictions.

China is a multi-ethnic country, but there is a prerequisite for this, that is, recognition of China.

Only when you treat me as a family member can I treat you as a family member, and even respect and retain your customs.

But, the Teddy Bear Empire and the Rice Empire?

let it go.

Even with the assimilation ability of the Huaxia nation, it will take at least 300 years for their descendants to truly identify with Huaxia. If you consider that some strong people will have a long life span, and plant some seeds of thought before dying, the future will be even more troublesome. Big.

Now is reality, not a dream.

Chu Feng couldn't consider the generations, so it would be a little more troublesome.

Survivors can exist in the bear empire, but the country must be destroyed.

Moreover, the demise of the Mao Xiong Empire could not dirty Chu Feng's hands, nor could it dirty Huaxia's hands, so that the whole world, even foreign races, could not fault it.

In addition, Chu Feng had to take the greatest benefit from this.

It is difficult to meet these conditions.

Fortunately, Chu Feng can do it.

Moreover, the profits after the success of the event are enough to enable Chu Feng to make arrangements for several years without losing money.

After asking the military to say hello in advance, Chu Feng came to Grant's military account.

Sogda was fighting on the front line, this time apart from the messenger, only Grant was left.

After more than three months of war, Grant seemed ten years old.

Seeing Chu Feng, he still cheered up and made himself look more dignified as possible: "Mr. Chu Feng, I heard that you are going to provide us with international assistance? What kind of assistance is it? But I said in advance, we Mao Apart from the corpses of the Zerg race that were set ablaze, the Bear Empire has been unable to pay you any more."

"It doesn't matter, it is enough to pay with the corpse of the Zerg."

Chu Feng acted as if he did not take the rewards seriously, "This time, I will help you with 5 million bottles of high-grade body quenching liquid and 12 million yuan spirit potions, using all the insects you have harvested now. Payment for the materials."

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