Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1414: the final Countdown


Hearing Chu Feng's material, Grant's eyes were moisturized, "You are the nobleman of our bear empire. As long as our fighting nation still exists, we will not forget your kindness."

During the last negotiation, he did doubt Chu Feng's intentions.

But this time in the negotiation, he didn't even have the qualifications to doubt.

If last time, the Teddy Bear Empire only anticipated the danger of extinction, then this time, they have really gone through the life and death of the country and the nation.

Those original **** soldiers do have some drawbacks, but they can persist until now, relying on the powerful power of those original **** soldiers. Without these original **** soldiers, they are inferior to the Mi Empire.

It's not that their talents are not good, but that their bottom line is not low enough.

Although the Mi Empire suffered a loss on the giant insects, it later had to let the wise warriors fight against the Zerg with the biochemical beasts, and shared a lot of command power.

However, those biochemical beasts are still the main force.

Moreover, in the past few months, the survivors who were taken by them for human experimentation are simply too numerous to count. Each of those biochemical beasts was originally a living being.

The fighting nation is not so without a bottom line and morals.

Of course, it was these original soldiers who helped them keep their bottom line and integrity.

"I don't need you to remember my kindness, as long as you are still fighting."

Chu Feng deliberately showed some displeased expressions, "We in Huaxia have received the news that there is still one day away from the invasion of the highest plane. You can choose the right fighter to take the high-level body quenching liquid after 5 days, and then fight. In order to obtain a continuous burst, they can also use the fastest speed to digest the power of the body quenching fluid."

Body quenching fluid is to quench the human body by igniting the heart fire.

If you want to truly exert the power of the body quenching liquid, you still have to rely on exercise and fighting. In the process of igniting the heart fire, the human body's continuous combat ability is also the most powerful.

Therefore, in large-scale combat, the power of the body quenching fluid is the most thorough.

It's a pity that the highest grade body quenching fluid can only help people reach the 6th order limit.

The last step is to step out by yourself.

"I understand, we understand."

Grant expressed his gratitude regardless of his gaffe. The Bear Empire has also purchased different grades of body quenching fluid from China. It is only a high-grade body quenching fluid produced by the city of dawn. In the past, he had only purchased a few thousand bottles at most.

He didn't blame Huaxia for giving the Body Tempering Liquid to them before the invasion of the highest plane, because if they were replaced by them, they would do even better.

Switch positions, and they will even use this opportunity to unify the world.

China has been very humane in doing so.

What's more, Chu Feng is obviously a little dissatisfied now.

Presumably he himself is unwilling to do this.

International pressure? It's even more empty talk.

Now China can represent the world as a single country.

Chu Feng was probably persuaded by the military to do this!

It can be said that Chu Feng succumbed to the overall situation.

If he was dissatisfied, Chu Feng refused the aid to the Mao Xiong Empire on the spot, and they would not have time to cry. After all, even the Chinese military would not want to offend Chu Feng.

Therefore, Grant kept his posture to the lowest level no matter his language and demeanor, including his own persuasion.

"By the way, I put a seal on the elemental spirit potion, which can last for ten days. Before the seal is lifted, the elemental power of the elemental spirit potion will not be lost. How do you use it yourself?"

Chu Feng looked impatient, "Moreover, I will help you clean up the worms nearby. Remember to clean up all the zerg corpses for me. I will collect them after a day."


The highest military commander of the Mao Xiong Empire was like a little brother bowing his head to the big man in front of Chu Feng.

As long as it is for these assistance, he is willing to do anything.

In the next day, Chu Feng delivered a large amount of materials as scheduled, and Grant directly ordered these materials to be sealed up for distribution in 5 days.

Chu Feng killed many insects near the Bear Empire, and used the terrain to arrange some defensive formations on the border of the Bear Empire, so that the Bear Empire finally ushered in precious breathing time.

The Teddy Bear Empire ushered in a holiday, just picking up corpses and carrying bugs, it was so easy.

After spending two days dealing with the defense of the Bear Empire, Chu Feng returned to China, but instead of returning to the City of Dawn, he went to the East China Sea.

China’s navy has become a climate, with a large number of marine aids, and the bugs in the ocean are not climate.

However, Chu Feng still made a lot of arrangements here, especially the Deep Sea Green Demon Flood Dragon, which was specially strengthened by Chu Feng, which further increased the Deep Sea Blue Devil Flood Dragon's potential.

There were still three days left until the time agreed by Chu Feng.

The countdown to Huaxia appeared to be even more tense. Although the specific time was not communicated, the tension of the military's preparations made the atmosphere of the entire country tense. Almost everyone in Huaxia knew that the military was ready to give a big vote. Of it.

Many people yelled "Blessed by the ancestors" at home, and then put a handy weapon under their pillow. No matter what the danger, it is always good to have a weapon.

Westerners shouting for God’s blessing are to give up self-help and pray for God’s salvation.

Huaxia people call their ancestors for blessing in order to give themselves the courage to work hard.

As the countdown was one day, the senior Chinese military officials were a little confused.

They also got some news from the highest planes, but the highest planes have not yet shown signs of aggressively attacking the earth! Could it be that the mysterious underworld is about to invade the earth?

However, Chu Feng did not make any plans for dead creatures.

If it was the underworld that was about to fight, Chu Feng at least reminded them.

However, it is clear that Chu Feng's tasks are all defensive, but the City of Dawn assumes an offensive posture?

Are they defensive or ready to attack?

If it is an offense, where are they going to attack?

Although confused, Chu Feng's mouth didn't want the air to leak, and no one wanted to get anything from his mouth.

On the last day, Chu Feng returned to the City of Dawn, summoned the senior officials of the City of Dawn, and then took their positions, preparing for battle with more than a hundred worms as an imaginary enemy of the earth.

No wonder there is no need to carry a special suitcase, the original enemy is still a bug.

The countdown was about to end, Luo Xingyao and Lu Qiu returned to their positions, but their auras had undergone a great change, and even after returning to the Northern Military Region, they felt like a world away.

This makes people suspect that they were not out of the army for ten days, but ten years away.

Although the actual situation is not so exaggerated, they did leave for a long time, for themselves.

"Almost three years of special training, and finally survived."

When he returned to the office, Luo Xingyao showed an expression of excitement on his face, "I didn't expect Chu Feng's strength to be so strong. Next, I should make the supreme plane tremble."

At the end of the countdown, there was a loud noise from the southwest that alarmed the entire China.

The highest peak of the earth, the mountain range known as the roof of the world, collapsed.

A large amount of pure vitality swept toward the earth with the roof of the world as the center.

The last wave of vitality erupted at this time.

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