Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1421: Falling Stars

"Don't underestimate the people of the world!"

Returning to his own small world, Chu Feng sighed lightly.

After talking with Mosling, Chu Feng was greatly impacted.

No one knew that the old man who was about to die had been fighting with the back hand of the Lord of the Underworld left on earth from the beginning of the last days, and it has continued to this day.

Chu Feng didn't know how he persisted.

Even, also found the weakness of the Lord of the Underworld.

Unfortunately, his strength is not enough.

Therefore, he handed this task to Chu Feng.

The more wise a person is, the harder it is to trust others.

If there is a choice, Mosling is more willing to try it by himself, or entrust his hope to Luo Xingyao. Compared with Chu Feng, Luo Xingyao is more trustworthy to some extent.

However, he has no choice.

Even if the weakness of the Lord of the Underworld was found, only Chu Feng could have the opportunity.

It's just a chance.

Even Chu Feng didn't know how sure he could be.

Replaced by Luo Xingyao, he is trustworthy, but he has no power.

Chu Feng thought of the future generations, and some contradictions could also be corresponded.

Silver chains appeared from the void, entwining something like a lavender heart.

In Mosling's body, there is a gate of the underworld.

No, he didn't only have the gate of the underworld when the last days broke out.

After the eruption in the last days, he looked around for people who possessed the gate of the underworld and the coordinates of the underworld in his body, and then transferred the coordinates in their body to his own body.

In the future, the desperate earth can gain power at all costs.

So, he asked for power from the Lord of the Underworld.

Even if the troubles are endless, but the earth is going to disappear, what are the troubles to worry about?

In this life, even if there is one more holy rank on the earth, its impact on the overall situation is limited.

Therefore, after he handed over some things that would not affect him to Luo Xingyao and Lu Qiu, he kept burning his own vitality to get rid of this hidden danger.

He succeeded.

When Mosling gave this thing to himself, Chu Feng couldn't believe that someone could rely on his own wisdom and perseverance to crack the gate of the underworld to such a point.

You know, when cracking the door of the underworld, he is equivalent to fighting with the lord of the underworld.

Moreover, the fight was played without the Lord of the Underworld being aware of it.

More importantly, the gate of the underworld is also monitoring the thoughts of Mosling. If Mosling does something unfavorable to the gate of the underworld, the lord of the underworld can directly detonate the gate of the underworld.

Under such circumstances, Mosling could still find a way.

This is a miracle.

No one knows that when the powerful Chinese are stirring the situation, enjoying the worship and glory of countless people, an old man who keeps hiding his existence has been silently creating miracles.

Three hours later, a sad news came from the military department.

The commander-in-chief of the Southern Military Region, Commander Mo Jianyou, passed away.

During the emergency military, the funeral was kept simple.

Mosling's body was cremated on the spot, and only 12 people attended the funeral.

They are all high-ranking military officials. Everyone puts a wreath and leaves after two sentences. The total time is less than 1 minute.

The direction of leaving was all meeting rooms.

It's not that people take the tea to cool, but because they know what they should do now.

The whole army was silent for three minutes. The soldiers of the Southern Military Region tied a white cloth on their arms and paid a military salute to the Shangjing area to see off the commander-in-chief.

They know that the best way to pay tribute is not to lay down everything and go to the funeral.

It is fulfilling one's duties and not forgetting responsibilities.

Defending the territory and people of China is more important than any fancy promise.

Chu Feng did not give an order to let the city of dawn express anything.

There is no need for this.

Because Mosling's greatest wish is pinned on him.

A day later, the Huaxia Northern Army mobilized more than 80% of its forces into the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races for garrison.

Chu Feng also issued an order, and all the legions of the City of Dawn should enter the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races.

The demon hunting group funded by the City of Dawn hunts and kills insects freely, but is not allowed to leave the border of China.

At the same time, it is an extraordinary period. Any behavior that disrupts order without explanation will be executed immediately.

In the eastern waters of China, a large number of insects invaded China from the sea, and they were repelled by the Marine Corps led by Cao Chengxue.

On the second day after the vitality tide erupted, people were shocked to find that the vitality tide did not even stop, but was in a period of eruption.

Strange to strange, no one wants to let go of such an opportunity.

Even those non-combatants have a need to improve their strength, because this allows them to run faster and farther in the wild.

Under the influence of the vitality tide, every life on earth is evolving.

Evolve at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Due to the rapid evolution, countless mutant plants and mutant monsters appear every day.

However, the creatures at the top of the food chain have different evolutionary routes, but they have also evolved very well. Therefore, the more the monster beasts at the top, the less changes in appearance, but the more powerful they increase.

As for the improvement of inner strength, human beings are the most.

In just one day, the number of humans who have broken through major ranks has reached 10%, and the number of humans who have broken through ranks is countless. On the contrary, there are fewer people who have not broken through.

Even for children who are still unable to practice, their physical fitness has quietly changed in the process of instinctively breathing out vital energy, and these improvements are reflected in their talents to a greater extent.

Therefore, children of this generation have excellent talents.

But what human beings didn't expect was that this kind of ascension was not over yet.

There are a total of 36 large-scale survival bases in Huaxia, plus the camps built by Chu Feng and the military in various places, and all the formations are connected at this moment.

With the original highest peak in the world as the center, the vitality of the entire China has become stronger, and at the same time it has become more gentle and easy to absorb.

Those who fall into the bottleneck of cultivation have obviously found that their bottleneck has loosened.

After the emergence of the big formation, the proportion of breakthroughs in the big rank has reached 30%.

There are still many people who have broken through several small levels in a row, and they still have room to break through the big levels.

There have been riots in insects all over the world.

Countless insects madly impacted the border of China.

However, the Chinese soldiers whose strength has greatly improved, while improving their strength, while adapting to their own strength in the process of fighting the insects.

After a continuous day and night of fighting, more than 1 million warriors have awakened their abilities.

Although most of them are in the Five Elements series, and it takes a certain amount of time to master the abilities, the appearance of the abilities has greatly increased the strength of the entire China.

Although the worm tide is raging, it does not pose any threat.

On the third day, the vitality tide strengthened further.

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