Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1422: Angry Demon Kings

"The effect is better than the tone. Although the concentration of Huaxia's vitality is only 1.5 times that of the outside world, since the highest peak of Huaxia is the center of my plan, the original power is poured out from here, and the same is absorbed. The vitality, the benefits that Huaxia people can obtain is more than 20 times that of those outside Huaxia, and this has allowed many warriors to forcibly possess the power of supernatural powers."

While Chu Feng consumed the energy a few days before the break, he was also observing the changes in the world.

The South and North Wars of China in the past few years, coupled with the expansion of the territory and the changes in the earth's topography, made the roof of the world just in the center of China's current territory.

Therefore, Chu Feng logically arranged a large formation centered on the roof of the world.

This was also what Chu Feng planned in the beginning.

For this day, Chu Feng prepared for 6 years.

In the dream, Chu Feng calculated for a hundred years.

Now, China’s National Guardian Array communicates with the formation of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races. Then, the highest peak of the collapse is the catharsis of vitality and original strength, which benefits China.

After all, the National Defense Front also has the effect of blocking the original force.

Complete blockade is impossible, and the difficulty is too high.

However, the benefits of Huaxia people are 20 times that of the outside world. This is the biggest benefit that Chu Feng has won for Huaxia.

People all over the world are breaking through, and the people in China are breaking through crazy.

In the Southern Continent, the tree of life is madly absorbing the nutrients of the earth.

Those garrisoned troops who sacrificed so much, Chu Feng did not send them back. This was regarded as compensation for them and a reward for their contributions to Chu Feng.

Among the geniuses of the seven races, the Ziwen Demon Race and the Hongyan Race were all excited.

The remaining geniuses of the five races were all in chagrin.

This is a godsend!

The most talented Purple Demon Race had more than 10,000 breakthroughs on the spot, and the rest also broke through like eating and drinking. The Hongyan Race was a bit worse, but the number of people was the largest, so the number of breakthroughs was also the largest.

Under Chu Feng's care, the Tree of Life also took care of the Hongyan tribe and the purple-patterned demon tribe.

Although the remaining five races are sour, they are not willing to let go of this opportunity.

The road is their own choice.

The choice is made by them.

The consequences must be borne by them themselves.

Chu Feng didn't punish them, but the number of people who came to receive the reward was too small. Who can blame it?

If the owner doesn't give the best chance to the loyal, should he give it to the unsuccessful?

Only break through one and count one.

The soldiers of the Teddy Bear Empire, while taking high-grade body quenching liquid, were fighting with the insects in excitement. Countless people broke through the realm today and made them fight more vigorously.

Even the fighters who fought with the original divine weapon had a way to make up for the excessive consumption of power.

Today, including the days when the vitality tide is going on, they can fight as much as they want.

Grant looked at the soldiers who were holding the original magic weapon without obstacles, with a smile in his eyes, but Sogda, who had come back to rest after a battle, was full of sadness.

These people have gone through the days of unscrupulous squandering of power. When they pick up the magic weapon again, can they really control themselves?

Is it so terrible to be lost in power?

It's just that they need these magic soldiers.

The insects were getting more and more crazy. The Mao Xiong Empire was able to hold on with the support of Chu Feng and the strength of the magical soldiers. He could see that without these magical soldiers, the fighting nation had become history.

Mi Empire, everyone, biochemical beasts, biochemical mechanical beasts, all made a big breakthrough.

Then ushered in the Zerg's general attack.

However, when the earth ushered in such a breakthrough feast, the demon kings of the demon world were angry.

"These hateful humans dare to steal the world origin of our great demon world!"


"Kill these humans."

"Destroy the earth, we must completely destroy the earth!"

"Damn protoss, why don't they retreat? The origin of their gods is also being stolen by that nasty group of ants! Why don't they solve those humans!"

There are 4 demon kings left in the devil world today.

After all, with preparations, the Demon Sovereign is not that easy to kill.

But no matter how miserable the Demon Realm is, they never put the earth in their eyes.

It's just a group of ants.

Had it not been for their forces to be limited, the earth could be wiped out.

Now, these ants are not willing to steal their lives, and even attempt to steal the origin of the demon world?

Too bold!

They simply couldn't imagine that there would be such a bold ant!

They are going to trample this group of ants to death.

Let them feel the power of the great demon world.

Only blood can wash away the shame of the Demon World.

However, the God Realm hasn't even shown any signs of retreating.

Not only did they not retreat, the Star Gods and the Coronation Gods even put on a posture of decisive battle.

This makes these Demon Kings even more angry.

Those nasty ants are also stealing the original power of your gods!

The world origin of your God Realm is also being stolen! Don't you guys go back and stop these? Why not retreat? Why continue to wage war.

They sent messengers to negotiate with the Protoss.

The Star God Race’s reply is simple: "We are at war! Do you think you still have room for distraction?"

This drove these demon kings crazy.

You **** race, don't you want the **** realm anymore?

However, do they have any way.

As long as the Protoss refused to retreat and could attack at any time, they would not be able to invade the earth unscrupulously, after all, the fall of the Heavenly Demon Emperor was just yesterday.

When they invaded the earth, the Purple Star Emperor of the Star God Clan ventured into the Demon Realm and killed the Heaven Demon Emperor.

Even if they are prepared, the price of their invasion of the earth will never be too small.

Once they are attacked by the Protoss when they invade the earth, they are likely to be annihilated.

It is unlikely that the Demon Race will be completely extinct, but it is very likely that the Demon Kings themselves belong to the genocide.

"Don't these hateful protoss have a general view of the situation? In order to suppress our demon world, they actually want to harm the interests of the entire supreme plane, and even do not hesitate to let those ants grow up, hateful, hateful!"

The four demon kings cursed the Protoss while being incompetent and furious.

However, the origin of the world will not slow down the flow of it because of their fury.

The Protoss side is also very persistent.

The Corona Protoss and Star Protoss just refused to retreat, even if it caused a decisive battle, they would never retreat.

The situation between the gods and demons ended in a stalemate like this.

Although Chu Feng was a little surprised, why didn't the two realms of the gods and demons come down to beat people.

However, now it is a god-given opportunity, an opportunity for the entire planet to evolve, and he will not let it go.

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