Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1429: Solar eclipse

"No, I will die."

The sage of the Blue Horned Demon Race felt a panic as he felt the vitality flowing rapidly in his body.

These human attacks are really terrifying.

Every blow has reached the extreme of Tier 9 and the sharpness has reached the extreme. If you don't run the magic of the whole body to resist, even he will be hurt.

These humans would rather use their own lives as the price, but also cut a knife on him.

Under the siege of these human beings regardless of life and death, he felt panic.

In the eyes of these humans, he saw excitement.

"Are they excited to even dare to kill the demon saint?"

He felt incredible. In the demon world where the strong respect the strong, shouldn't the weak bow to the strong when they see the strong? Why do these weak people dare to swing a butcher knife at the strong?

The strong is respected, shouldn't it be the truth that has not changed through the ages?

Why should these ants challenge this truth?

Why don't they know that the strong is respected?

Why do they refuse to accept the identity of the weak?

His heart was full of fear. He didn't understand these human beings, but understood his own situation.

If he continues to stay here, he will die.

Death is not a terrible thing for the demons.

Every demons is working hard to survive. They live desperately, even desperately to the point of forgetting death.

It's just that he couldn't accept death on these ants.

So he rose into the air.


An arrow pierced his chest with lightning speed.

The moment it pierced his chest, the crossbow bolt disappeared.

On this arrow, he felt the power to stagnate his vitality.

"Small bugs!"

The demon saints operate magic power, and the sacred ranks have unreasonable and powerful strength, which is enough for him to directly use this vitality to completely remove these so-called negative effects.

In contrast, he cared more about why this crossbow arrow could hurt himself.

But at this moment, a sharp knife slashed his back.

At the moment when he resumed his vitality, he was caught in the moment.

One after another, the sword energy was continuous and struck his body.

As long as one hundredth of a second, he can get rid of these negative states and escape to life.

But such a fleeting opportunity was caught.

Do these ants-like creatures have such outstanding fighting consciousness?

He was too late to wonder, because the following attacks followed one after another, and he was not given a chance to breathe.

"Do not!"

More than a dozen spear lights pierced the body of the demon saint directly.

Several school swordsmen, with the black saber in their hands, tore the body of the demon saint to pieces.

The collateral effect of Heavenly Killing Fighting Spirit corroded and melted the broken body of the Demon Sage, without giving him a chance to escape.

In order to kill a demon saint, more than 100 lives were paid.

However, the forward battalion and school swordsmen did not feel any fear at all, on the contrary they were extremely excited.

More than a hundred lives, exchanged for a demon saint, it's worth it.

I heard that there are all ants below the holy steps, but now it seems that it is nothing more than that!

Will they change their losses?

However, the situation on the battlefield did not allow them to think too much.

There is more than one holy rank on the battlefield.

Fortunately, the number of forward battalions and school swordsmen is sufficient, and the number of reserves is also sufficient. In such a constant change of life, it is easy to replace all the opponent's masters.

However, after the demon sage of the Blue Horned Demon Race fell, those demon sages behind were chilled.

What kind of unit is this?

Even the guards of the Demon Emperor rely on the combat power close to the existence of the Holy Order, coupled with the means personally bestowed by the Demon Emperor, to be able to kill the existence of the Holy Order.

Why do these humans have the same means?

They cannot understand.

These humans are beyond their common sense.

Then, behind the fortress, hundreds of thousands of hellhounds joined the battlefield, of which more than 30,000 were **** two-headed dogs, released everywhere on the battlefield, carrying flames of death power.

The **** industry is blazing, taking away a large number of demons' lives.

The demons who want to besieged the Hellhound will immediately receive the key care of Huaxia.

There is chaos on the battlefield, and a lot of lives are passing every moment.

Finally, after the casualties exceeded 30%, the demons finally collapsed.

They chose to come to the earth to escape for their lives, not to die.

Maybe they have reached a desperate situation, but it is far from enough for them to fight to the death.

Because there are more demons behind them.

Use your own life to perfect other demons. How can this be in line with the selfish character of the demons?

What's more, those demons are not their own.

In fact, there are many demons who take care of their own races. After all, the demons who don't care about their offspring and don't pay attention to cultivating their offspring will sooner or later be eliminated in the long river of history.

But among different races, who wants to use his own life to make wedding dresses for others?

So, after the first wave of battles, the demons finally withdrew.

The striker battalion and school swordsman, in addition to the Hellhounds, stopped after a while.

However, within an hour, the second wave of attacks arrived.

The current Demon Realm is too close to the earth.

Almost every moment, the price of falling on the earth will decrease.

Coupled with the slaughter of the supreme real demon in the demon world, and the encirclement and suppression of the protoss army, more and more demon races descended on the earth.

Luo Xingyao, who was only silently observing in the first wave of battle, couldn't be alone this time.

At this time, a familiar figure appeared beside him.

"Chu Feng, the current situation is not so bad that you need to take action, or is it that the matter on your side has been handled?" Luo Xingyao was a little surprised at Chu Feng's sudden appearance.

He thought that the defense work here was entirely the responsibility of the Dawn Army and the China Northern Army.

Unexpectedly, Chu Feng also came here.

Is it distrust of him?

No, he is not such a person.

"I didn't want to come, but a great figure in the demon world has come."

Chu Feng's eyes were full of jealousy. His fierce gaze seemed to penetrate the space, descending on the body of an ordinary-looking demon saint, and yelled, "You think your disguise can still be concealed. me?"

"How did you find me?"

The demon saint was named by Chu Feng, and of course he couldn't play it anymore.

He swaggered to the front of the Demon Legion, with some interest.

"Who is he?"

Looking at Chu Feng's solemn expression, Luo Xingyao felt a little weird.

Chu Feng killed many demon saints a few years ago, and now Huaxia's overall strength has been improved.

It must not be an ordinary existence that can make Chu Feng stand on it.

"The 6th in the Demon Realm, no, it is older than the current five Demon Emperors in the Demon Realm, the Eclipse Demon Emperor!" Chu Feng slowly reported the identity of the opponent.

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