Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1430: How can you trade my loot

The demons camp is boiling.

"what's the situation?"

"He is the Eclipse Demon Emperor?"

"Isn't the Eclipse Demon King a legendary existence?"

"what is the problem?"

"Isn't he an ordinary iron blade demon saint?"

It's no wonder that the Mozu was surprised, it was really Chu Feng's words that surprised them.

Although the demon saints also know each other, they still recognize the symbol of the iron blade demon clan.

It is too exaggerated to say that he is the Eclipse Demon King!

There are three royal families in the Demon Realm, the Celestial Demon Emperor, the Moon Demon Emperor, and the Solar Eclipse Demon.

No demon knows the address where the eclipse demon lives, and no demon knows whether there is a demon king in the eclipse demon.

Every 300 years, a devastating disaster erupts in the devil world.

The source of the demon disaster is the solar eclipse demon clan.

Of course, in many cases the damage caused by the demon disaster is not only for the demons, but also has a lot of casualties on the gods, especially on the battlefield of the gods and demons, the solar eclipse demon race is irrespective of the enemy.

According to legend, the method of making demonized creatures was passed down from the eclipse demon clan.

The god-destroying crossbow was said to have appeared after a devastating disaster caused by a solar eclipse demon clan.

The reason why the eclipse demon clan’s royal status is recognized is that the five great demon emperors, and even the demon emperors of the past, all know some of the true features of the eclipse demon clan, but they refuse to say it. They all recognize the eclipse demon clan. Status.

The second is the nature of respecting the strong.

As long as you are strong enough, even if it is not a life, but an image, you can be worshipped.

Sacrifice to heaven and **** in the feudal era were essentially the same.

The eclipse demon is strong enough, even the demon emperor recognizes it, why doesn't the demon recognize it?

Therefore, the eclipse demon clan was thus recognized as the royal clan of the demon world.

But, does the Eclipse Demon King really exist?

Even if it does exist, the saint of this demon race is just a holy rank with ordinary aura!

How could it be the Devil Emperor?

Chu Feng did not intend to explain, and a wooden sword appeared in his hand.

His eyes are more serious than ever.

If he hadn't awakened the Eye of All Things, I am afraid that the Eclipse Demon Emperor would have directly crossed the holy land of the ten thousand races and entered the earth from under his nose. In this way, the loss would be immeasurable.

"Human Chu Feng, how about we make a deal?"

The Demon King in the image of the Iron Blade Demon Race, with a relaxed smile, "I can give you all the Demon Races here. Your supernatural powers should be the same as the talented supernatural powers of our demons! Can eat life and Yuanli, coupled with your own small world, these demons can bring you and humans to the next level. You only need to let the earth go, and I can promise that it will not cause any damage to the earth, nor will it kill. Kill any human beings, even if they take the initiative to provoke me."

Although no one knew the origin of Chu Feng's nameless exercises.

However, just swallowing refining vitality and vitality, this kind of exercise is very common in the devil world.

At most, it's just the level of level and the individual's comprehension of the exercises.

An existence like the Supreme True Demon can swallow hundreds of thousands of demons in one breath.

Although there are factors of restraint, his devouring supernatural power is still above Chu Feng's nameless technique.

However, the characteristics of the nameless exercise method of returning to the source of everything is unmatched by any exercise method.

His trading condition is to trade the demons here.

Hearing his words, the demons were angry.

"What does he mean?"

"Does he treat us as a trade item?"

"We have tens of millions. Even if he is really the Demon Emperor, we can kill him."

"He is definitely not the Demon Sovereign, and the Demon Sovereign will definitely not be so cowardly."

The number of demons gathered here has exceeded 30 million, which is where they can quickly organize resistance after the first wave of defeat.

However, this person actually threatened to use them all as bargaining chips?

How does this make them accept.

"Is it the Devil Emperor? Just try it."

Of the two demon saints, one swung a knife from the side and slashed towards the demon emperor with the image of the iron-blade demon clan, while the other was silently hidden in the darkness.

When the sword gas appeared on the side of the eclipse demon emperor, a spiked dagger appeared behind the eclipse demon emperor.

When they were about to succeed, the faces of the two demon saints showed disdain.

Demon King?

Even if it is really the Demon Emperor, it is impossible to completely ignore the attack of the existence of the holy rank.

Not to mention, the world here simply does not allow the demon emperor to come.

The space here has not yet been solidified to this degree.

Then, their attack stopped.

They didn't stop by themselves, but they had reached their limit.

Just like you hit someone with your fist, your attack distance depends on the length of your arm. Using weapons can increase the attack distance, but there is also a limit to the attack distance of weapons.

Now, they feel that they have reached this limit.

This is a very strange feeling. How come you have reached the limit even though you haven't attacked yet?

In this way, no matter how strong their offensive power is, it will be of no avail.

If you can't beat people's attacks, that's fun.

The Eclipse Demon Emperor stretched out his hands, each strangling the throats of the existence of the two holy steps.

The two holy ranks wanted to dodge, but the distance between the hands of the Eclipse Demon Emperor and them was still getting closer, dodge, retreat, block, and counterattack, all actions were invalidated.

The throats of the existence of the two holy orders were thus choked.


With a crisp sound, the throats of the two saints heard the sound of broken bones.

The aura on their bodies gradually faded, their eyes lost their expression, and the aura broke off.

The vitality of the existence of the holy rank is very tenacious, let alone being chopped off, even if the head is chopped off, it will not necessarily lose its combat effectiveness, let alone die.

However, in front of the Solar Eclipse Demon Emperor, the existence of the two holy ranks had no resistance at all.

The demons in the distance were terrified.

"How, human? Would you like to consider my suggestion?"

The Eclipse Demon King said with a smile, "As long as you agree, I will kill all the demons here. Even if you capture them alive, you will not be negotiable. Not only will you get a lot of loot, but you will also reduce one difficulty Enemy."

Several demon saints pushed a distance away without a trace.

If the other party can kill the two demon saints lightly, it may kill them.

Excluding the possibility of the eclipse demon emperor's brain breaking, maybe he is really sure to do this.

Chu Feng, holding a wooden sword, just said to the eclipse demon indifferently: "How can you use my spoils to make a deal with me?"

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