Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1431: The true face of the Eclipse Demon King

How can you use my spoils to make a deal with me?

Chu Feng's words changed the atmosphere on the entire battlefield.

Did Chu Feng treat all the demons present as trophies?

Is he crazy?

All demons are full of humiliation in their eyes.

They are demons, but they are actually underestimated.

Not being underestimated by their old rival, the Protoss, but by humans.

I was underestimated by a small and weak civilization that had just entered the transcendental age for less than seven years.

This is the humiliation of the demons.

They can't wait to tear this human to pieces right away.

Of course, this so-called eclipse demon king is not a good thing.

Between the two people's words, they didn't pay attention to them.

One used massacre as a bargaining chip, but the other refused.

This is to treat them directly as something in the bag.

At this time, the Eclipse Demon Emperor let out a deafening laugh.

"Haha, human, do you know what you are talking about?"

Before his laughter stopped, Chu Feng's figure had disappeared in place, and a teleport appeared beside the Eclipse Demon Emperor, and the wooden sword in his hand pierced towards the body of the Eclipse Demon Emperor.

The demon powerhouses who quietly avoided stepping away were also watching the battle nervously.

Regardless of whether or not this Eclipse Demon Sovereign, has just successively killed two demon saints, and the two saints have no power to fight back, such strength is already sufficient to support his arrogance.

Before cracking the opponent's moves, they dare not act rashly.

Seeing that Chu Feng actually used teleport, as the first mover in the battle, these Demon Race powerhouses felt a little unbelievable. It shouldn't be this human being who is used to rampaging Wuji on the earth!

Did he think that the existence of the holy rank would not be able to react to this method of teleportation?

Sure enough, the Demon Sovereign stretched out his left hand and held the wooden sword in Chu Feng's hand. Then his right hand turned into a hand knife, piercing Chu Feng's chest like lightning.

Seeing this scene, the powerhouses of the demons showed a look of disdain.

Sure enough, is it just good at talking?

On the earth, no one was moved.

Because the scene in their eyes is different.

They didn't see Chu Feng act, they just saw Chu Feng raise the sword in his hand and drop it forward.

There was no fluctuation, but in the next instant, the body of the Eclipse Demon King turned into two halves.

At this time, the scene in the eyes of the demons also changed. Chu Feng, who was pierced through his chest by the Eclipse Demon King with a hand knife, had gradually disappeared into shape.

On the contrary, the body of the Eclipse Demon Emperor seemed to be cut open by the invisible sword energy.

"This, what happened?"

The demon saints were filled with horror.

They couldn't understand this battle unexpectedly.

This battle happened before their eyes, but they didn't know what just happened.

The figure of the Eclipse Demon Emperor was split into two halves after being split by Chu Feng.

Everyone felt unreal for a while.

Is this the end?

Is that really the Demon King?

I thought it should be a battle between dragons and tigers, but I didn't expect that the battle ended in an instant.

The solar eclipse demon emperor who had just killed the two holy ranks instantly could not withstand Chu Feng's sword.

"Come out! Under my eyes, there is nowhere to hide your trace."

Chu Feng's gaze penetrated the void, like the sharpest sword energy in the world.

Where his gaze passed, all the demons involuntarily gave way.

In the end, a figure locked by Chu Feng had to come out of the demons.

This is a golden armor demon clan.

When he walked out of the crowd, the aura on his body suddenly increased rapidly, and soon reached the height of the holy rank.

The faces of the demon saints were a little ugly.

"Are there any holy steps around us?"

"Unexpectedly, the Golden Armored Demon Race also has such an existence that is so good at hiding."

"Wait, I feel something is wrong with this golden armor demon clan."

All the powerful demons instinctively felt the great crisis.

The golden armored demon in front of them made them feel familiar and dangerous.

"The Eclipse Demon King, are you still playing these tricks?"

Chu Feng said sharply.

His words puzzled the demons.

Didn't the Eclipse Demon King be killed by him?

Why did he say that this golden armor demon clan is the eclipse demon king?

The golden armor demon said coldly: "Human, I don't know what you are talking about?"

"Since you don't want to reveal your true identity, let me do it!"

Chu Feng's eyes were full of strong killing intent, and the wooden sword in his hand lingered.

The sky tore apart, and tens of millions of sharp sword auras poured down from the sky, landing like raindrops over the demon army, covering all the demon clan in it.

The eyes of the Mozu Legion were full of horror.

Is this an attack from this human?

how can that be?

Why can such a powerful force burst out of this human body?

Even if the holy ranks exist, no, even the Demon Emperor, who completely pours out the power in his body, I am afraid that there is only this degree of attack!

After all, although the quality of the Yuanli in the Saint-Order's existence is very high, the quantity is only a few hundred times the peak of the Ninth-Order.

But the power in Chu Feng's body was beyond their common sense.

Many demons looked at the sword energy falling from the sky, and their hearts were already full of despair.

Does he want a person to kill all of them?

But seeing the overwhelming sword energy, they didn't even doubt the existence of this possibility.

Under the sword aura that was like raindrops in the sky, the hearts of every Demon Race were filled with despair.

Chu Feng's voice overwhelmed all the demons.

"Should I ask you to know the Demon Emperor, or should I call you the Insect Emperor? No, I should say that it is the Zerg Mother Emperor!

Mother Zerg!

Of course they know this term.

The race that invaded the earth today is the Zerg.

In fact, every time the Demon World invades the small world, Zerg will appear to help the Demon World attack the small world at critical times.

Since the frequency of the Supreme Plane’s invasion of the small world is not very high, more often it is a civil war or an attack on a special plane. Therefore, most of the demons on the scene actually only know the existence of the Zerg.

As for the one who experienced the last invasion war?

Then only the existence of the holy rank has such a long life span.

Now, Chu Feng actually said that the Eclipse Demon Emperor is the Zerg Mother Emperor?

Could it be said that the Eclipse Demon King is behind all this?

It's no wonder that when invading the small world, some seniors summed up an experience, that is, as long as they create a flaw that can be attacked by the zerg, those worms will definitely seize the opportunity.

If someone manipulates these bugs, it makes sense.

Under the ocean of sword aura, the eyes of all the demon races at the eclipse demon king became weird.

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