Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1440: Desperate enemy

The gods and emperors were quiet, waiting for the explanation of the purple star emperor.

It's not only to give him a face, but also because everyone actually doesn't want to fight each other.

No one is willing to bear the consequences of the civil war in the God Realm.

Most importantly, they believed that Ziwei Star Emperor was definitely not an existence who would easily put the Star God Clan into a desperate situation.

"Everyone has fought in the celestial realm, so I won't say much about the situation in the celestial realm."

The Purple Star Emperor knew that although everyone still had a lot of time, they were unwilling to waste a minute and a second, "Although the Supreme Plane is called the Supreme, it is also a shackle and cage that restricts our future."

"Aren't we fighting for the future?"

Divine Emperor Chi Yao coldly said, "Why do you use such an extreme method?"

His question is what everyone wants to ask.

Emperor Ziwei said: "Because we don’t have time, when our Protoss is fighting against the demons while opening up the battlefield of the heavens, someone has stolen the achievements of our Gods and wants to turn our achievements into his help. He saved countless years of hard cultivation and became a supreme being beyond that realm in one fell swoop."

"Is that one? Isn't he dead?" God Emperor Chi Yao said.

"No, it's the lord of the underworld." Ziwei Star Emperor said.

"This is impossible!"

"How could it be the Lord of the Underworld?"

"What reason does the Lord of the Underworld have for doing this?"

"what is the problem?"

The gods and emperors were shocked.

If Ziwei Star Emperor's words are true, then the Lord of the Underworld is their real enemy.

"Emperor Ziwei Star, it's not that we don't believe you, but the Lord of the Underworld is absolutely impossible to interfere with the affairs of our God Realm. After all, the Lord of the Underworld is just the owner of the Underworld." Sanye Divine Emperor said.

The supreme plane has its own set of rules of operation. As the master of the underworld, and as a member of the supreme plane, the lord of the underworld can also interfere in the two realms of gods and demons, but this interference is limited.

It is impossible to talk about the plan to steal 130,000 years from the God Realm.

Limited by the laws of the underworld, the lord of the underworld can't do this at all.

Otherwise, the law of the underworld will be the first to defeat him.

"What if the ancestor **** also unites with him?"

Ziwei Xingdi asked rhetorically.

"What? The ancestor **** and the lord of the underworld unite?"

The Emperor Chiyao was shocked, "This is impossible. The ancestor gods have been silently guarding the God Realm for 130,000 years. If there were no ancestor gods, our God Realm would have been devastated when the supreme true evil was at its highest plane. , He is the master of the **** realm, he is the supreme master of the **** realm, he has no reason to betray the **** realm, and, moreover"

Having said this, there was a look of fear in his eyes.

He suddenly thought of a possibility.

That is an almost impossible possibility.

The ancestor gods are the guardians of the gods and the supreme existence of the gods.

He has no reason to betray the God Realm, because the God Realm belongs to him.

What's more, the Demon Realm also has the existence of restraining the ancestor gods.

"When we are just ants, the highest plane is an infinitely vast world, but when we become a **** emperor, we can touch the sky of the highest plane, but when we go further, the highest plane is our cage. There are three people who have lived in this cage for the longest time."

Ziwei Star Emperor spoke to several **** emperors in a plain tone, "They are respectively--"

"Don't say it, this can't be true."

God Emperor Chi Yao shouted, "Who knows if this is a rhetoric you made to deceive us."

"Evidence, I have brought it."

Emperor Ziwei Xing threw the wooden box in his hand to God Emperor Chiyao, "The body of the Supreme True Demon has been sealed by me. This is the head of the Supreme True Demon with the soul. You have a way to confirm what I said. not real."

Emperor Chi Yao's fingers were trembling.


How could such a ridiculous thing happen?

Ziwei Star Emperor's deceptive level is too bad!

But why would he weave such a clumsy lie?

This is too easy to disassemble!

Seeing that several **** emperors had no opponents, the Ziwei Star Emperor continued: "Secretly planned the entire supreme plane and played with the entire supreme plane in applause. It overthrew the Holy Spirit Realm 130,000 years ago and changed its name to the Demon Realm, 120,000 years ago I have been using the Seven Temples of the God Realm for a long time. 100,000 years ago, I quietly replaced the Eclipse Demon Emperor with a Zerg Mother Emperor. 70,000 years ago, I stole the origin of the Holy Demon Abyss and established the three imperial families of the Demon Realm, 50,000 years ago. Before, the tree of eternity was cut off, and the law of the underworld was stolen 20,000 years ago.

Behind all of this, there is an invisible giant net that covers the supreme plane, and there is an invisible black hand that pushes the change of the supreme plane.

It happens that so many major events have happened, the highest plane is still operating as usual, and the highest law seems to be unresponsive. Don’t you think it’s weird? Do you take it for granted?

No, it's the man behind the scenes who wants to make us take it all for granted.

Can conceal all the powerhouses of the gods, demons, and the underworld, and indirectly affect the creatures of the three realms, invading one world after another in the name of supplementary laws, and plundering the origin of the planet of life in the entire universe starry sky, don’t you understand? "

Ziwei Star Emperor's eyes were full of anger, and he pointed to the sky and shouted:

"Don't hide your head and show your tail, Ancestral God!"

"There is also the supreme existence of the Holy Spirit Realm, the lord of ten thousand transformations, the supreme existence of the underworld, the lord of the underworld, you have been watching, you have been watching!"

Seeing the crazy look of Ziwei Star Emperor, the eyes of several **** emperors were full of panic.

Even as **** emperors, they also have fear.

Patriarch, that is the ancestor of their God Realm!

It is the supreme existence of the God Realm!

The Spirit King was the supreme being before the Holy Spirit Realm was renamed the Demon Realm.

The lord of the underworld is even more worthy of the strongest on the highest plane.

These three great beings have joined forces?

What kind of purpose is it for these three supreme beings to join forces?

"Purple Star Emperor, do you want to be an enemy of them?"

A **** emperor wearing a golden garb said with a trembling voice, "No matter what they do, are you acting against them now?"

Several **** emperors were speechless.

In their eyes, fear is inevitable.

Do you want to fight them?

Regardless of whether the God Realm is willing to admit it, the rule of respect for the strong applies to all places.

Power can be above the law, not to mention the vague things like morality.

Even if those few existed and did something secretly, could this be the reason for them to be the enemy?

In the past 130,000 years, a lot of things have happened to the highest plane. Under the maintenance of the three supreme beings, the highest plane is functioning as usual, and at most it is only at the expense of some small worlds.

But as the price of maintaining the highest plane, shouldn't this be normal?

Is this not enough?

What happened to the highest plane?

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