Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1441: The calculations of the Mighty

"The Protoss has no action, is it related to the heavens?"

In the day after Chu Feng led the God Realm and collided with the Underworld, some scattered Protoss, especially the marginal Protoss, descended on the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races.

However, neither the Seven Temples nor the affiliated strength sent troops.

Thinking of Ziwei Star Emperor's unusual behavior, Chu Feng didn't feel surprised.

Perhaps it was the Protoss himself that had a problem.

It may also be their own plan, just in line with their interests.

When the Mighty One was born 3,000 years ago, he was also chased and killed by the gods and demons at the beginning, and even the Lord of the Underworld himself shot and captured, but in the end he turned the enemy into a friend.

Whether this process of turning the enemy into a friend will be through peaceful negotiations or through violent negotiations is unknown.

That period of history has been blocked, and even the three-headed dog in **** does not know the specific process, not to mention that the name of the mighty one has not been handed down, and even a few words are forbidden to appear on the highest plane.

Otherwise, he would at least leave some words to tell Chu Feng.

Without leaving any words, even careerists are unqualified.

Obviously, he can't do it.

I am afraid, this is related to the Supreme Law.

Under the action of the Supreme Law, what the mighty can leave is already the limit.

But from the traces left by the Mighty, Chu Feng roughly found the hope entrusted by the Mighty, that is, to counterattack to the high plane, especially the road to the high plane from within.

The three-headed dog of **** is a path pointed out by the mighty for Chu Feng.

Cerberus became the incarnation of the laws of hell, and the three-headed dog family of **** was blessed. To say that this is not in the calculation of the mighty one, it would be too small to underestimate the existence of that one.

If Chu Feng is willing, he can embark on a path of competing with the lord of the underworld for the law of the underworld.

If this plan is successful, Chu Feng will replace the Lord of the Underworld.

Moreover, if Chu Feng did this, the Star God Race and the Coronation God Race would also take action against the Demon Realm, and even the Seven Gods Temple would be involved. By the way, the Demon Realm itself might also have the arrangement of a powerful person.

Although the hope is slim, Chu Feng does have the possibility of replacing the Lord of the Underworld.

For this major event of dynasty change, the only possibility is existence and absence, there is no such thing as probability, and there is no way out for everyone.

If there is no other choice, Chu Feng will embark on this path.

Perhaps instead of the Lord of the Underworld, Chu Feng would be subject to many restrictions.

But for the sake of mankind, Chu Feng was willing to do this.

It is not that he is willing to sacrifice, but because the people he cherishes are all in China.

A person is not paying the sacrifice of his life in exchange for a bright future for mankind. This business is very cost-effective.

And whether it is to compensate Chu Feng's family or to appease Chu Feng, Chu Feng's family will have a unique position on the earth and will be protected by China's highest level.

This is the plan of the mighty man, but unfortunately he can't control everything.

No matter how powerful the mighty one has been, he cannot change the fact that he is a loser.

His calculations are too ideal and too


Allies with common interests will not necessarily stab you.

Being able to help you in your plan does not mean that you will not be calculated.

Of course, Chu Feng also suspected that the powerful did not care about this at all.

What he wants is the inheritor of the mysterious ancient book to accomplish what he wants to do, not who the inheritor is.

It doesn't matter if it is not Chu Feng who gets the mysterious ancient book, it is Wang Feng, Li Feng, or even a puppet.

Thinking about it in another way, Chu Feng felt that even a pig, as long as it can accomplish all of this, it doesn't matter.

The Star God Clan was unwilling to take fate in the hands of others, so the Purple Star Emperor and the Holy Light Emperor secretly took action and made hands and feet on the origin of the earth, and when the earth gave birth to a person with a time ability, they would give them a time control. The chance of the supernatural being is the opportunity to firmly grasp the successor of the mighty one in one's own hands.

There is nothing wrong for the Star Gods to do this. Who knows the virtues of the new Lord of the Underworld?

What if it is still the enemy of the Protoss?

Isn't this all back to the original point?

Such a person is better in his own hands.

The Holy Master of the Star God Race and the Holy Master of the Corona Protoss took action against themselves. Of course, it was because of Chu Feng that he was too deadly in order to test the God Race, and it was also in the acquiescence of the Purple Star Emperor.

If they lose, they will have one more puppet.

If they win, they will have one more ally.

Speaking of which, Ziwei Xingdi is the one who won't lose money.

It's a pity that the Sun God Mirror fell into Chu Feng's hands, but Chu Feng didn't think that the Solar Crown Protoss would really suffer from the loss of an inherited holy artifact, and their background was not so shallow.

All this went well, but Yurou got in chaos.

Chu Feng didn't believe this was a coincidence, but he didn't believe it was a deliberate arrangement.

They are still not that high.

This should be a dangerous move for the Holy Land of Heaven and Earth.

It is very cost-effective to use a chess piece arranged on the earth in exchange for a chance to control the time ability.

No matter how many opportunities there are, there is nothing to lose in a bet.

There is no chance if you don't bet.

No matter how slim the chance of succession is in history, there is no shortage of supporters around the prince.

The benefits are too generous, and people always have a fluke mentality.

However, Chu Feng walked out of the long river of time and appeared before the end of the world. The biggest change was not to kill Long Ao, the underworld lord's backhand on the earth.

It was the real feelings between Yurou and Gu Nanfei that changed the fate of Gu Nanfei's death.

Yurou took away Chu Feng's ability, but rewritten some things, and was unwilling to hurt Chu Feng.

The **** that was originally used to steal Chu Feng's power has become the one who helped Chu Feng respond to the robbery.

Gu Nanfei survived the disaster, and got involved with Chu Xiaorou, and was involved in this game.

However, the outcome of this game has been doomed from the beginning.

Gu Nanfei wants to win, Yurou wants to lose, will there be suspense in the ending?

When the Purple Star Emperor found Chu Feng, he probably wanted Chu Feng to take the path of replacing the lord of the underworld and settle the grievances between the two sides.

It means that we did count you, but we were also hurt.

You want to deal with us in the future, that is the future.

Now let's put aside our grievances and overcome the difficulties before us.

As for the Emperor Ziwei Xingdi didn't notice Chu Feng's true thoughts, it is not known, but Chu Feng estimated that Emperor Ziwei Xingdi should have been aware of it, but he could not be sure.

What really puzzled Chu Feng was that now he had revealed a magnificent face.

I ruined the Demon Realm, and now I am going to destroy the God Realm, don't you even make a move?

What are you waiting for?

Or is it not against your interests?

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