Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1445: The end of the empire

"Chu Feng?"

Seeing the familiar figure, Grant's eyes first showed surprise, and then his eyes dimmed again.

"Chu Feng, you shouldn't be here to support us this time! Are you going to pronounce the ruin of our bear empire?"

Grant's body was more than twenty years older than the last time he saw him, and his hair was gray and even bald.

Although his level is not high, it is still possible to restore him to his middle-aged appearance.

It looks like this, more of an old mentality.

The front-line casualties data came in pieces and pieces, and he was already numb.

The warriors of the Bear Empire kept improving themselves. Almost every second there were many brave warriors breaking through the realm, but in the face of the sea of ​​worms that could not be seen, their improvement was insignificant.

I don't know how many brave soldiers died on the front lines, and how many civilians were killed or wounded in the war.

The defense lines were breached, and the survival bases were massacred.

Wars are everywhere, and desperate wailing is everywhere.

When he saw Chu Feng, his first reaction was whether Chu Feng came to support him.

But then, he realized one thing.

The Teddy Bear Empire has no need to be invested.

If China continues to provide assistance to the Bear Empire, let alone recovering costs, it will not even be able to save the Bear Empire.

They no longer have the qualifications to be invested.

"I'm here to take back the original sacred soldiers, those who aid you."

Chu Feng explained his intentions straightforwardly.

Grant did not feel surprised, just as if he had figured out some things: "Are those magic soldiers called the original magic soldiers? You should have predicted the situation today! So your goal is this! Those soldiers who died, Those bugs that were killed by the original **** soldiers have become the nourishment of the original **** soldiers!"

When the crisis broke out, he realized that China had already prepared for this day.

China's preparations also started with Chu Feng as the starting point.

That being the case, then why does China want to assist the bear empire?

These original soldiers, I am afraid that is the answer.

The huge consumption of the original geniuses will even squeeze the master out. In the past, he didn't think these shortcomings were a problem. Without these original geniuses, the bear empire would have been destroyed long ago.

At the expense of a few brave soldiers to preserve the country, does this still require a choice?

Isn't that the duty of soldiers?

Chu Feng nodded, now he has no need to deny.

After a pause for a few seconds, Chu Feng added: "There is another reason, and that is that in the process of the vitality tide, most of the original power that humans compete for will feed back to humans themselves. You are also a part of humans. If you have Enough people break through, even after they die, the source of these contentions will feed back to themselves.

If we could use another metaphor, it would be that the ancestors who built our human homeland, even if buried deep in the ground, the land they won for us to survive still belongs to mankind. "

He is not a person who likes to talk nonsense.

But in the face of such an old man who worked hard for the country, Chu Feng still wanted him to walk more peacefully. After all, he had just sent away an old man like this in China.

It can be regarded as a high alms!

When your status is high enough, you are eligible to give alms.

Grant smiled bitterly: "If it had been a month ago, I would have reprimanded you loudly, but now, I can't say such a thing. Without you, I can't even sit opposite you now."

There was resentment in Grant's heart, but thinking about it rationally, he didn't even have the qualifications to resent.

Is there anything Huaxia sorry about them?

Really not yet.

Regardless of its support to them or some commercial and trade contacts, Huaxia has never treated them badly, and even supported them several times when they were in danger.

If it weren't for China, the Teddy Bear Empire would not even be able to survive the devastation.

In the subsequent insect plague, China also helped the bear empire to tide over the difficulties.

If you really want to say that there is something they do not do well, that is, they have not been treated as Huaxia people! But, is this fault Huaxia? As a multi-ethnic country without racial discrimination, China has always been tolerant.

It is that they themselves cannot let go of the pride of the fighting nation.

After all, it was themselves who destroyed the bear empire.

It's theirs—weak and small.

There is nothing wrong with maintaining pride. Personal pride is the source of self-destruction, but national pride is the source of strength.

But the pride of the weak is a tragedy.

Chu Feng took advantage of them, but didn't feel sorry for them.

The support of these primordial soldiers allowed the Bear Empire to survive the most difficult time.

However, their own strength is insufficient.

"You actually have a chance. If you don't want to become our vassal, there is still a way, that is, to use these original geniuses to kill a **** road. In the face of the crisis of human demise, we are under more pressure than you. It's just that China has supported it, and now you have not supported it." Chu Feng said indifferently.

He was talking about facts, cold facts.

This is the truth that the Teddy Bear Empire cannot face, the sad truth.

I did not make any substantive malice against you, and even provided you enough assistance, but I did not help you much enough to let you perish because of your weakness.

Grant closed his eyes in pain.

Chu Feng continued: "As a reward for helping me train the original geniuses, I can take some of your children from the Bear Empire, but in the future they will no longer be a fighting nation, but a part of the Chinese nation. Since then, they will accept the Chinese culture. As the only multi-ethnic country in the world without racial discrimination, you should have enough trust in China."

Huaxia has never respected blood, but culture.

It's not that it doesn't pay attention to blood, but it doesn't pay attention to this kind of unreal thing.

Chu Feng can take away some children of the fighting nation, but the condition is that they must accept Huaxia culture, and they will be Huaxia people who have been nurtured by Huaxia culture in the future.

If they still want to retain the faith and pride of the fighting nation, Chu Feng will ruthlessly obliterate them.

If the human race in the future really gets out of the predicament, there can only be a unified culture.

Chinese civilization!

"You are late."

Grant covered his forehead in pain, and his desperate emotions could not be hidden.

"I'm late?"

Chu Feng suddenly realized something, he looked at Grant angrily, "What did you do?"

"Three days ago, the apocalyptic sects of the Teddy Bear Empire recovered. They thought they didn't need to be dragged down, and they destroyed everything that dragged down our soldiers."

Grant said desperately, "If our soldiers survive, of course there are children. If our soldiers can't survive, the children will only turn into insect dung."

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