Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1446: The last hypocrisy

"An empire like yours really deserves to die."

Chu Feng left a word coldly, and then flew into the sky.

His spiritual power covers the rest of the entire bear empire, and he has sensed all the original divine weapons.

Some of these primordial soldiers were damaged.

After all, although these original divine soldiers have power, they have not reached the height of the holy rank. After being targeted by these insects, a lot of damage has occurred.

Chu Feng didn't care about this. All the original magic weapons that could recover 10% were earned. According to him, about 60% of the original magic weapons could be recovered.

Coupled with those yuan power exchanges during the use of the Origin God Soldier, the benefits that Chu Feng reaped far exceeded the investment.

But now Chu Feng didn't care about it at all, he just cursed the stupidity of the Mao Xiong Empire in his heart.

Children are a drag. If the fighters of the Teddy Bear Empire survive, they can naturally re-form a fighting nation?


If even the future of a race is not protected, then what is the significance of this race's fighting?

Huaxia has always attached great importance to the protection and training of children, because they know that these children are not a drag on them, but the meaning of their survival, which is the source of their fighting power.

Of course, there are also people who change their children and eat in the face of famine, but most Chinese people will use their lives to adhere to the bottom line.

Dark things are dark after all and can never be placed on the table.

When darkness can prevail over light, that is the end of a race.

In this era of the collapse of morality and law, even their national beliefs have collapsed.

Piece by piece, the original gods turned into streamers and rose into the sky.

The warriors of the Bear Empire who were fighting on the front line suddenly found that the magic weapon in their hands turned into streamers and flew away. They were caught off guard before being surprised, and the next moment they were bitten by a bug.

With the defeat of the frontline soldiers, the soldiers in the back row fell like a mountain.

Tens of thousands of surviving bear empire warriors died in Chonghai in less than a minute.

The soldiers of the Bear Empire who were gnawed by bugs cursed frantically.

"Damn Chinese people, they must have done something with these weapons."

"Despicable Chinese people!"

"Damn it!"

"I don't want to die!"

Chu Feng originally didn't want to take back the original divine weapons so quickly, but took back those divine weapons that had lost their masters and were taken by the Zerg, and let these divine weapons accompany the fighting nation to complete the final journey.

Now he can no longer care about these.

No matter who dies, it has nothing to do with me.

Having lost their origins, the fighting nations protected by the gods died in the hands of these insects in large numbers.

The last survivors of the Teddy Bear Empire are about to usher in their destiny.

Chu Feng looked at all this with cold eyes, facing the passing of these lives, he was completely indifferent.

Originally wanted to leave you with the last chance, but you gave up.

That being the case, then there is no need for me to give the so-called mercy.

You have no reason to be pityed.

During this process, Chu Feng saw the polar ice bear, but did not see Suogeda.

Presumably, he has died in battle!

In the face of danger, he will not escape.

In the face of the resurgent eschatological sect, he cannot give in.

Then, his death became inevitable.

The soldiers of the Bear Empire wailed in the sea of ​​worms.

The soldiers who had lost their weapons cursed frantically.

The survivors who watched the soldiers rout and fell into despair took out the prepared stars of the real fire and began to self-immolate on a large scale, so that they would not become food for insects.

There are also many survivors who panicked and fled with a fluke mentality.

But there were bugs in all directions, not even the sky was spared.

Their actions can only speed up their destiny.

Chu Feng was still watching coldly.

After the warriors of the Bear Empire were eaten by the insects and transformed into the original power of the insects, Chu Feng suddenly took action to exterminate these insects and take out the crystal nucleus in the insect's mind.

He is not using the power of bugs to extract the origin, he does not need to do so.

If Chu Feng collects these people into the small world, they can squeeze out their value.

It was also not for dirtying his hands, Chu Feng's hands had never been cleaned.

It's just that these people who are still alive are fighting the bugs, and these people are not from the eschatological sect, otherwise Grant would not stick to it.

Even if the fighting nation has perished, the fighting spirit should not be desecrated.

Take back the weapons that do not belong to them, let them fight the bugs, die gloriously, and then kill the bugs. It can be regarded as revenge for them.

This kind of thinking is actually a bit hypocritical.

Chu Feng's position is high enough to be hypocritical.

He was about to face the most important decisive battle. For the decisive battle, Chu Feng had prepared so much. After having such a strong strength, he was not hypocritical, and then Chu Feng had really become a cold machine.

Under Chu Feng's intervention, the fighting nation was completely perished in less than 5 hours.

Chu Feng wanted to travel through space to arrive at the Mi Empire, where it had become ruins.

A large number of insects marched southward, impacting the geniuses and strong men of the seven families of Hell, but the seven families of Hell are not weak, and one of them can be regarded as a genius.

Maybe Tianzong wizards are few, but they are all the future of a race.

While receiving the indoctrination of their original power, they frantically improved their strength and potential, while fighting the bugs, digesting these enhanced powers.

Under the protection of the tree of life, their casualties were very small.

Including the soldiers stationed here, have also received huge benefits.

Some of them, after their potential is sublimated, may become the mainstay of the race.

There is no way to rely on it. Those who rely on their personal strength to become the backbone of the race can also rely on the strength of unity to become the most elite legion of their respective races. A trump card cannot escape.

With the outbreak of the vitality tide, there have been more than 30 geniuses here that have broken through to the holy step.

Most of them had fought with Chu Feng in the first place.

For their race, such a number is already a surprise that cannot be described in words.

As the master of the earth and the guardian of the will of the earth, human beings have the greatest benefits.

At present, there are more than 50 people in China who have broken through to become a holy rank. Compared with the next generations of the Nine Kings of the last days, such a luxurious lineup has made Chu Feng satisfied.

However, this is only the beginning.

Chu Feng came to the coast of the East China Sea, and the Marine Legion led by the Deep Sea Green Demon Jiao was fighting against the bugs in the ocean.

Insects are all-terrain warfare, and there are naturally in the ocean.

It's just that humans are the overlords on land, so insects don't invest much in the ocean.

The most important source of the earth is ultimately concentrated in humans.

"Deep Sea Green Demon Jiao, let's help you break through first!"

Chu Feng ranked the breakthrough sequence of the Deep Sea Green Demon Flood Dragon before the Thunder Corpse Dragon, not because he paid attention to it, but because he didn't have much expectation for the Deep Sea Blue Demon Flood Dragon's future, so it was good to break through.

Thunder Corpse Dragon's breakthrough requires more preparation.

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