Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1460: Top of the Ten Thousand Worlds

After leaving the Star God Temple, Chu Feng continued to wander within the territory of the Star God Race.

He didn't look at his mental outlook in detail, he just scanned it roughly with mental power, and then used the powerful analysis ability of supernatural powers to analyze the current state of the Star God Race.

A day later, Chu Feng came to a conclusion: The Star God Race was not worried.

If the vassal races of the Star Gods are kept in the dark because they have not received the news, then it is impossible for the Star Gods to not take some actions!

Unless, Ziwei Star Emperor wants to give up most of the Star God Race.

This is not impossible.

When a race is facing a crisis of life and death, is it not normal to do everything possible to preserve the fire of the race?

Even if you have made a huge sacrifice for this, even those who have sacrificed do not even know that they are sacrificed.

As a superior person, you don't need extra feelings.

Even if such behavior is not the best choice, even if oneself is burdened with sins that cannot be washed away, as a superior person. There is no need to take such boring feelings into consideration.

A true leader brings what his people really need, not what they want.

However, the Star God Clan was not driven into desperation.

They have not yet reached the point where they must consider the survival of the race.

Compared with concealing the news and keeping the fire, the current Star God Race still has the confidence to fight to the death. If they descend on the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Races, perhaps the earth really can't stand the pressure.

Chu Feng had considered the situation of being an enemy of the entire God Realm, but it didn't mean that he had a solution.

The future of the earth is inherently a dead end.

Chu Feng didn't know how far he could grow, so he couldn't calculate the outcome of this war at all.

It was because he couldn't calculate, he had to work harder.

However, the Star God Race was not in a hurry.

Chu Feng also went to the Temple of the Sun, and found that the God Clan of the Sun Crown was not in a hurry.

The two great royal clans of the God Realm did not seem to panic in the face of the crisis that the God Realm was about to collapse.

If it weren't for arrogance, it would be acting.

"What is their purpose?"

Chu Feng felt a terrible headache. The biggest reason the Demon Realm was relatively easy to deal with was that he was able to understand the needs of most Demon Races, that is, survival and becoming stronger.

Once there is a need, no matter how weak they are, no matter how powerful the enemy is, there is no solution.

But in the God Realm, Chu Feng couldn't see through.

The God Realm seems to have been getting stronger, but the system of the Seven Gods Temple has been maintained for more than 100,000 years, and it hasn't even appeared to be rotten, and it doesn't burst into a thriving spirit.

This kind of spirit is familiar to Chu Feng, and his motherland is like this.

For the Seven Temples standing at the pinnacle of the highest plane, maintaining such a spirit for hundreds of thousands of years, unless they have a goal, a goal that is enough for them to work hard for hundreds of thousands of years, or even longer.

The biggest problem for Chu Feng now is that he doesn't know what the purpose of the God Realm is.

Dominate the highest plane?

Maybe they do have such an idea, but it will definitely not be the only purpose.

Let the Protoss live better?

Haha, you are not the boss of the highest plane yet!

"Top of Ten Thousand Worlds"

Chu Feng chewed on this vocabulary silently, the information that Ziwei Star Emperor revealed to him.

The supreme plane stands on the top of ten thousand realms?

Chu Feng didn't think that Ziwei Star Emperor was an existence that deliberately played dumb puzzles. Under the current environment, he must have said directly what he could say.

However, sometimes even speaking is restricted.

Why did the powerful pave the way for themselves, but did not leave a text message?

Because it can't be done.

When he fell, he was already obliterated on the plane of time and space.

The time supernaturalists don’t meet each other. If he leaves a text message, then the influence of the text message will also have an impact on Chu Feng. At that time, the mysterious ancient book was not Chu Feng’s help, but it killed Chu Feng. Back hand.

Therefore, he can only leave hints.

After his fall, all text messages were erased.

The seven tribes of Hell and the tribe of Hell Three Dogs who survived didn't know what happened back then, and even the opponent of the Mighty One didn't know who was the opponent, because the news had been obliterated.

Knowing this news is life-threatening.

To know the truth of the year, even a small part, who survived this way, only the strength of the God Realm and the Demon Kings of the Devil Realm.

Chu Feng originally wanted to inquire about some news from the Demon Emperor of the Demon Realm, but he didn't expect that he hadn't really seen those Demon Emperors, except for the Solar Eclipse Demon Emperor who was the mother emperor of the Zerg clan, they had all fallen.

Without reaching that height, the information that can be obtained is also limited.

As for forcibly obtaining news from the God Emperor of the God Realm?

This difficulty is too high.

Although the Seven God Emperors of the God Realm have disputes with each other, none of the seven God Emperors of the past have any feuds, and even if there are disputes between them, they will not endure endlessly.

Once you start with a **** emperor, other **** emperors will help.

Falling into trouble? When the foreign enemy is resolved, there may be some trouble.

But before the foreign enemy was resolved, this kind of thing really didn't happen.

Therefore, when the Demon Realm is strong, it is necessary to guard against allies stealing homes when fighting abroad. On the contrary, the Seven Temples can give their backs to the opponent without distractions.

In the fact that Chu Feng obtained the war data of the past 100,000 years, the war between the gods and demons had never won.

At most, it is impossible to exterminate the demons.

"At the top of the ten thousand worlds, what news does Ziwei Star Emperor want to deliver?"

Chu Feng knew that in addition to the life planets in the cosmos starry sky, there were also worlds other than the highest planes, and the three holy places were not counted as subsidiary planes.

Legend has it that the God Realm also grew from this plane.

However, most of those planes were destroyed by demons.

The Demon Race's desire to destroy and conquer is too strong, they are civilizations born for destruction and destruction.

Twenty thousand years ago, there were dozens of surviving planes.

But after the law of the underworld was stolen, the underworld also joined the conquest of the small world.

Now, apart from the two subsidiary planes of the God Realm, the remaining small planes no longer exist.

If Ten Thousand Worlds is just an exaggeration, it might make sense.

However, those planes now--

"Plane, destroyed."

Chu Feng muttered to himself, he suddenly thought of something, "If the'ten thousand realms' mentioned by the Purple Star Emperor really exist, it must not be the plane of destruction, standing on the top of the plane of destruction. There will be a sense of glory, but if there are many small worlds that survive, there is only one place to have it."

Universe starry sky!

The volume of the supreme plane is tens of millions of times that of the earth.

It is not the floor area, but the quantity used to measure the life-carrying capacity.

However, such a supreme plane, even if it is all filled into the solar system, cannot fill the exaggerated distance between the planets.

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