Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1461: The truth of heaven

"Ha ha"

Chu Feng smiled, but a bit sadly.

He admits that he has never been wise, nor has he ever taken a chance.

Even if the hope of the earth is near, he is not complacent.

Even now, he has not given up the courage to lift the table.

He was destroyed for survival.

In order to open up the future of the earth, he must seek vitality between the great destruction.

He sometimes imagines the future and thinks about the next evolutionary direction of mankind.

However, he never thought that the earth could be complacent.

Lifting the table is just the beginning.

The war has just sounded the horn.

It's too early for Mingjin to retreat!

However, the direction was wrong.

He has been searching for the secrets of the heavens, and finally, while fighting the storm sandworms, he learned some hints about the heavens left by the ancestors of the earth.

[The heaven as we know it is a seal, just like those things under the pyramid. 】

The heavenly realm known to the highest plane is just a seal.

What is a seal? Put the prisoner in jail. This is the seal.

What is the formation? Build a house that is sheltered from wind and rain, and open a window to let the sun through. This is the formation method.

So, what is heaven?

The heaven is a seal, a cage.

It is a seal that protects the highest plane, and it is also a cage that binds the highest plane.

So, what exactly is the heaven?

In the legend of the highest plane, the heaven is a world in a primitive form, where there is no civilization, and even the same race cannot develop from the form of a tribe to a country and civilization.

Otherwise, it will provoke the siege of the entire celestial realm.

Even if the Seven Temples joined forces, they couldn't fight against the heavens.

No, even if the other three highest planes join forces, they can't match the heavens.

This is a recognized fact and an irresistible law of heaven.

The Supreme Plane has launched many wars to invade the heavens, but none of them worked.

No matter how many times they enter the celestial realm, what kind of changes they make to the celestial realm, the celestial realm will eventually return to its original state and become a primitive jungle that grows freely.

It doesn't matter if the heaven is not found now. After the destruction of the three highest planes, can the true face of the heaven be concealed? Primitive jungle? From the moment human beings set fire to the mountain, they embarked on the road of reforming their self-confidence.

Even if it is to protect nature, it is also for longer-term and better destruction.

Now, Chu Feng suddenly realized that he had fallen into a misunderstanding of thinking.

That is, he thought that heaven is a world.

The four highest planes, isn't that the four most powerful planes?

Heaven is the most powerful of the four highest planes.

It's just that the laws of the heavens are too special, so special that the other three highest planes can't resist it, so that none of the three highest planes can compete with the laws of the heavens.

The three highest planes will not fail to contend, but they have all failed.

They have left some marks in the heavens, but no matter how hard they work, they will not be able to change the heavens. When they have no choice but to retreat, the heavens will return to their original appearance.


Why should heaven be a world?

Humans call the protoss, of course, it includes all the protoss, but the protoss is more than one race.

Protoss calls humans, of course, it includes all humans.

But human beings are also divided into different nations!

There is even a chain of contempt between different races.

Unfortunately, the best Chinese nation is at the bottom of the chain of contempt.

So, why should the heaven be a world?

Instead of

What about the collective name of many worlds?

After Ziwei Star Emperor said "Top of Ten Thousand Realms", it took Chu Feng a day to figure it out.

It turned out that the truth of the heavens turned out to be like this.

"The heavens are the stars of the universe, and the stars of the universe are not the heavens."

"The earth is the celestial realm, and the celestial realm is not the earth."

"The earth is part of the heavens."

"The heavens are part of the starry sky of the universe."

"The heavens are the ten thousand realms."

"An ancient civilization once existed on the earth, but they were all destroyed. The ancient civilization on the earth left traces of nuclear weapons, left records of wars, and the overlord of primitive jungles like dinosaurs, which was later replaced by intelligent life. ."

"At the highest level, the bloodline cultivation system is gradually being replaced by the Yuanli cultivation system."

"Earth has also been invaded in ancient times."

"The civilization of the Star Gods is very similar to the earth. The legends in their ancient books originated from the earth."

"It's no wonder that the highest planes have invaded the heavens many times, but none of them have truly succeeded. No matter how much effort they put in, as long as the vitality on the earth disappears, how can they invade the earth? Without the vitality, even the **** emperor will become powerless. After the destruction of civilization, everything will return to the primitive jungle."

"When the fire of civilization is ignited and prospered to the extreme, the vitality will be revived, and then the slaughter of the Zerg will usher in the slaughter of the Zerg. The Zerg is the enemy of the heaven and the enemy of the highest plane. Chess pieces, in fact, worms are the greatest enemy of the earth. These enemies come from the stars."

"The highest plane cannot control the heavens, but isn't the heavens also the hunting grounds of the highest planes?"

"Actually, they just can't protect the heavens."

Chu Feng lay up on the lawn in the small world, feeling extremely weak.

His eyes of all things are looking into the void.

These are not guesses.

This is the cruel truth that he learned one by one, and finally weaved it into it.

When the real fire of stars burned the sky and burned a big hole in the sky, he had already seen a lot of truth, but because of the limitations of his thinking, he entered a thinking misunderstanding.

The threat of bugs is indeed great, but the future of the earth is even more important.

The threat of bugs is great, let them threaten to a high plane!

When the water is muddled with the gesture of lifting the table, the earth will have that subtle vitality.

The enemy everyone has to face, then face it together.

Therefore, Chu Feng didn't care about the threat of the Zerg at all, not because he believed that the Zerg was not strong, but because he knew that the Zerg was actually very strong and strong enough to become a threat to the highest plane.

Because of this, there is no need for human beings to stand at the forefront and be the tall man.

However, when he really began to destroy the highest plane, when the demise of the highest plane had been in an irreversible process, he suddenly understood the truth.

"If the earth is a part of the heavens, then the fire of civilization is not allowed on the earth. Even if there is no invasion of the underworld, the human civilization on the earth will be obliterated by the laws of the heavens. The three holy places were the last ones that were destroyed. The attempts of the times, and the end of the three holy places, is the highest plane."

"Therefore, the essence of the Supreme Being turns out to be a refuge!"

"It's a refuge for the civilization of heaven!"

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