Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1464: Would you die for me?

When Chu Feng's gaze fell on him, Wei Pojun's body trembled.

The Knights of Hell had already made preparations for this day after raising soldiers for a thousand days and using soldiers for a while.

But when this day really came, he found that he still couldn't take it easy.

He is not afraid of death.

But those, the life and death brothers who have fought with him for a few years, everyone's casualties are beyond his ability to bear.

Today, all the orders issued by Chu Feng are inseparable from a "death."

A mortal task.

This is Chu Feng can't guarantee their lives, no, the city lord Chu believes that they must use their lives to complete the task.

How can the Knights of Hell escape when performing mortal missions?

"Hell Knights, is there any regret?"

Chu Feng said.

Hearing what Chu Feng said, Wei Pojun, who was originally anxious, suddenly calmed down: "Brothers, there is no regret."

The selection criteria of the Hell Knights is talent, but not good talents, but poor talents.

Those who clearly lack talents, but desperately want to work hard and want to survive in the last days, such talents are the talents that Chu Feng needs.

I can give you talent, I can give you, I can give you weapons.

Only the faith to strive for progress requires long-term cultivation, even years of cultivation.

Relying on chicken blood can also make people forge ahead, but after all, it is unreliable.

In the last days, the belief in living hard but not willing to give up is precious.

Under Chu Feng's command, they gained strength.

They have gained glory, they have gained dignity, they have gained women, and they have gained homeland.

They got everything they wanted in Chu Feng.

But these payments come at a price.

Fighting for the city of dawn is not a price at all.

The price they initially promised to pay was life.

Now, it's time for them to give for their strength.

However, they have already known that this day will come, and everyone will enjoy it, whether it is material enjoyment or a woman, while practicing hard.

Chu Feng gave them enough salary so that they could play with any woman who could buy it with money.

Fight desperately on the battlefield and enjoy desperately under the battlefield.

People who want to have children and leave a future generation also work hard as soon as possible.

There are also some people who feel that if their heads are tied to their waistbands, the birth of a child is a torture, and they don't want offspring. Chu Feng didn't insist on such people.

Everyone has different ideas, as long as they feel that they have no regrets.

Chu Feng got up from his seat, came to Wei Pojun, and solemnly said, "Hell Knights, are you willing to die for me?"

"Wish to die for the city lord!"

Wei Pojun shouted loudly.

"Wish to die for the city lord!"

Outside the city lord's mansion, the 2,000 soldiers of the Hell Knights shouted loudly.

At the beginning of this meeting, they had already sensed something.

Everyone came here spontaneously.

Everyone's eyes, everyone's voice is so pure.

If you want to die, then die!

Before we die, we can at least not lose money.

"Okay, one day later, go out."

Chu Feng gave the order lightly.

The Knights of Hell dispersed.

They each went home, found their own woman, and said their final farewell.

Many people are reluctant to make this kind of farewell before the expedition.

It's not that I don't want to set the flag, but I don't have the heart.

But this time, if they are going to stay, it will be a last word.

This time, it is no longer to fight for victory, but to die.

In the end, Chu Feng set his gaze on Yiyi's body: "Earth, hand it over to you."

Yiyi nodded solemnly, without saying anything, she was already speechless.

She has faded away from her initial childishness and has become the existence of the City of Dawn second only to Chu Feng, but at this moment, she still feels like the little girl from when she first met Chu Feng.

In the preparation time of the day, the city of dawn is full of solemn atmosphere.

Chu Feng didn't hide from them, this time the mission was no longer a fight to the death, nor a fight with a determination to die.

They are mortal.

The residents of the City of Dawn were silent, and the whole city was full of depressive atmosphere.

As residents of the City of Dawn, they have unspeakable pride in their hearts, just like the pride of the people who lived in the magic city and Shangjing in the old days.

But their pride, the soldiers fighting bravely on the front line, exchanged their lives for their lives.

Now, these soldiers have to pay their lives again.

The only thing they can do is not to mess with them.

The process of arranging soldiers was not smooth.

It's not that there is no way to recruit so many soldiers who are willing to fight to the death, but every soldier is scrambling to sign up.

Fear of death, everyone is afraid.

Even those who dare to commit suicide need courage to overcome the fear of death.

However, when their robes are scrambling to sign up to die, where can they sit still, and where can they think about problems rationally?

In order to compete for a place to die, everyone will even fight at the registration office.

In the end, Han Yunxiao forcefully suppressed them.

"If there are wives and no children, leave, have children, and no one to take care of the children, leave, and have children between brothers, leave one, and the rest, let me go."

There was no confusion on the side of the Hell Knights.

They all go.

In those folk hunting groups, many people generously signed up after entrusting their families to their brothers who had been fighting side by side for several years.

"Why are you going?"

"There is always someone going."

"We are not soldiers."

"We are Chinese."

"I am coming too."

"We dare to die if someone is alive."

One day passed. The 100,000 people of the Dawn Legion, the 100,000 people of the folk demon hunting group, plus the people of the Hell Knights, all gathered outside the city of Dawn.

Those who did not successfully sign up, silently stayed to guard their homes.

There are also some people, silently hiding in the bed and crying.

Whenever facing the life and death of a race, there will always be heroes.

But the heroes of China are not the great figures left behind in history, but the nameless people who went to death generously in order to protect their homes and hope for the future.

This is a war of life and death for mankind, and no one can stay out of it.

The soldiers of the Silver Phosphorus Demon Race have long been arranged in a neat formation, ready to join the soldiers.

Looking at the hideous silver-phosphorus demons, the soldiers of Huaxia suddenly laughed.

They stepped forward one by one, smiling and hitting each other's chest lightly with their fists.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

so what?

In the future, we will no longer see it.

Now, we are comrades fighting side by side!

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