Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1465: Kill the Lord of the Underworld

After everyone had completed the conquest, a space channel slowly took shape.

At this time, a group of people in new military uniforms arrived here in military vehicles.

The leader was a middle-aged man in his 40s. Chu Feng knew him. He was Wang Chongshan, the commander-in-chief of the special forces of the Shangjing Military Region, and the king of the previous generation of Chinese soldiers.

Wang Chongshan shouted: "Chu Feng, where are you going?"


Chu Feng did not deliberately amplify his voice, but his voice can be heard by everyone.

Not only the people present, not only the people in the City of Dawn, but the entire China.

At this moment, all the Chinese survivors heard the voices of two people.

"do what?"

"Kill the Lord of the Underworld!"

Chu Feng replied firmly.

Kill the lord of the underworld!

All those who knew the identity of the Lord of the Underworld couldn't help standing up.

Lord of the Underworld!

Master of the underworld!

The strongest of the highest planes!

Vertically and horizontally to the highest plane for hundreds of thousands of years, it will always be invincible.

Chu Feng, are you going to kill him?

"Can you be sure?"

"Ten percent!"

"Such a grand event, how can my Chinese soldiers not participate in it?"

Wang Chongshan shouted.

Chu Feng pointed to the City of Dawn behind him: "We are all Chinese soldiers, and we are all Chinese people!"

At this moment, all the soldiers in the City of Dawn felt their bodies full of warmth.

They are also Chinese soldiers.

They are Chinese.

They do not have official military status, but Chu Feng said that they are soldiers, they are soldiers.

The glorious title once only obtained in a dream has now appeared on them.


Wang Chongshan couldn't help but yelled okay, and then pointed to the soldiers behind him, "They want to go too."

Then pointed to himself: "I want to go too."

"Then let's be together." Chu Feng responded.

The 200,000 Chinese soldiers formed a neat queue, without making any sound.

The space channel is getting bigger and bigger, and it quickly becomes a scale that can accommodate a hundred people.

"set off!"

Chu Feng gave an order, and the Hell Knights took the lead and rushed into the space channel.

When they rushed into the space passage, they found that it was a little different from the space passage to hell.

They came to a colorful space, and then felt that the weapons on their bodies resonated with certain forces in their bodies, and a powerful force filled their bodies.

The Chinese soldiers behind him filed in and all came to this colorful space.

Chu Feng's voice appeared in everyone's ears.

"Master your own power."

Then, everyone felt a powerful force erupting from within their own body.

Their cultivation base is being improved in an unreasonable way.

Chu Feng stood in front of a mirror image, observing every soldier from the perspective of God.

In his perspective, everyone's secrets are invisible.

He didn't have any interest in the secrets of these soldiers, but everyone got an extra seed of magical powers after entering this space.

The name of this supernatural power seed is called 【years】.

The strength in everyone's body is improving in an unreasonable way.

This was a crazy attempt by Chu Feng.

"My ability is time. I can choose the future that is best for me."

"When my time abilities become the realm of time, within this realm of time, I can choose the most advantageous future. Everyone has unlimited possibilities, their own potential, and external transformation. The acquired fortune, the cultivation of resources, including the time of breakthrough, some small fortunes have a huge impact on people."

"Now, I can release all of your potential."

These words of Chu Feng seemed to be to these soldiers, but they were also the same as to himself.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still.

Everyone present has received the baptism of the original power, and their talents have been transformed to a very exaggerated point. Everyone has no talent barriers on the road to becoming a holy rank.

However, it is not just talent that is needed to become a holy rank.

What Chu Feng had to do was to choose a future with the strongest strength of these people among the countless possible futures, and fully develop their talents.

This approach is not without cost.

Forcibly overdrawing one's own future and blaspheming time are things that the world cannot tolerate.

If they overdraft the future, they will have no future.

However, before they die in battle, they will surely shine with the brightest brilliance.

A brilliance flashed, and the aura in everyone dimmed.

The Hell Knights walked out of this space, and a silver diamond-shaped mark appeared on their forehead.

Purple patterns appeared on the sharp corners of every Hell Dream Horse.

Chu Feng was riding the electric chase, standing on a hill, looking at everyone.

Behind him, the City of Dawn, no, the Chinese soldiers and the soldiers of the Silver Phosphorus Demon Race also walked out of the passage.

Cerberus, like a mountain, was already here to greet him.

Not far away, another spatial channel opened. One hundred thousand genius legions of Hell Seven Clan walked out of the spatial channel, feeling the breath of these geniuses, and the faces of the patriarchs of the Ice Demon Race and other races were full of regret.

If I knew it earlier, I would fight for more places.

The patriarch of the Hongyan clan's face was shining, full of pride.

They were right.

But now, Chu Feng didn't pay attention to their interests.

He was going to kill the Lord of the Underworld, and he didn't have much time.

Cerberus felt the breath of these soldiers, and his expression changed: "Master, on them."

"It's God's Scourge." Chu Feng said.


"No but."

Chu Feng interrupted Cerberus, "Are you ready to prepare the mount?"

"Yes, it's ready, Master."

Cerberus lowered his head, and thousands of Hellhounds came here with more than 2 million horses. These horses were headed by Hell Dream Horse, and they were all equipped with saddles.

"Pick one, sit on it, and reserve the rest."

Chu Feng ordered, and then added, "They are all consumables."

Long-term participation in the war has begun to downplay his concept of life.

For these mounts, it is really difficult for Chu Feng to regard them as living beings.

Unless it is those who live and die with the Hell Knights.

There were a total of 500,000 soldiers. No one hesitated. In less than 3 minutes, everyone got on their own mounts, and all the mounts did not resist.

The life behind them, the light pressure from their bodies, made these mounts silent.

These soldiers are not the existence they can resist.

"Cerberus, Purple Cloud Saint."

Chu Feng ordered the three-headed dog from the **** and the sage of the purple cloud, "Follow behind us and clean up the mess."

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