Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1466: Slay the sky

Pick up the pieces!

The expressions of the Seven Nations Allied Forces have changed.

What does it mean?

Are they not the main force?

Before their attack, Ziyun Sage and Cerberus replied first: "Yes, Master."

The two holy ranks didn't directly agree to it, so what else could they say?

If you are not convinced, you have to hold back.

Cerberus glanced again at the humans and the mark on the forehead of the Silver Phosphorus Demon Race, and his body trembled a little.

What are those?

Why did he even feel fear?

This is not the only thing that comes from the level of life and power, but the terrible oppression that I feel from the level of rules after I merge with the laws of the underworld.

Is this the master's method?

The master's methods have reached such a point?

Even Cerberus couldn't help feeling a tremor in his heart.

The Ziyun saint felt the marks on these legions, and his heart was also full of horror.

That is the feeling of encountering a natural enemy!

The Seven Nations Allied Forces clean up the mess, humiliated?

What strength does it do, what humiliation is there?

"set off."

Chu Feng rode to chase the electric and dashed away.

The chase turned into black lightning, leading Chu Feng to gallop in the wilderness of hell.

The members of the Hell Knights slightly felt the power in their bodies, and then drove the Hell Dream Horse and chased them.

The legion that rode on its mount followed closely behind.

Finally, it is the Seven Nations Allied Forces, which is responsible for cleaning up the mess.

The speed of chasing the electricity was very fast. During the gallop, Chu Feng stretched out his right hand and drew a silver trace along the road. As he galloped, the silver trace became larger and larger, turning into a silver line Long river.

The Hell Knights rushed on this long silver river, and they felt the scenery around them receding back at a faster speed.

It's not that their speed has increased, but the space here has been distorted.

An hour later, Chu Feng came to a lava hell.

Here is a black flame hell, burning with the real fire of **** that never goes out.

Legend has it that this is the source of hell's karmic fire and the reason that **** will always burn hell's karmic fire.

Even the flame demon clan and lava giants, the darling of the flames, can not survive in this difficult environment. Only the real strong can regard this as a paradise.

Several black lava giants poked their heads out of the lava lake and looked at these legions, as if they were approaching an enemy.

A lava giant over a hundred meters tall rose from the lava and shouted to Chu Feng: "Humans, we have let you go. How dare you invade my territory?"

Let me go?

Chu Feng had no interest in defensiveness. He gave an icy command to the Hell Knights who had chased up from the twisted space channel: "Kill."

The Hell Knights rushed towards the lava giants like a rush of thunder, turning into a torrent of black steel.

In the magma lake, thousands of lava giants poked their heads out.

Tens of thousands of flame demon with powerful breath blocked the way of the Knights of Hell.

Facing these obstacles, Chu Feng didn't do anything.

The Knights of Hell waved the saber in his hand.

The scarlet sword, with purple brilliance dotted on its edges, made the scarlet gold sword look extraordinarily weird.

Swing the knife and fall.

Tian Qiong watched this scene: "Chu Feng, this is the territory of our lava giant. If you are unwilling to retreat, this sea of ​​fire that never goes out will become your burial place."

The sword is vertical and horizontal.

Tianqiong was expecting a fierce fight, but soon, his confidence solidified.

The 2000 sword qi fell, and the lava giants turned into rubble like a ruin.

The sacred steps of the three lava giants barely survived the overwhelming sword gas, but there were also long and narrow wounds on their bodies. The bodies of several tens of meters in height were already full of cracks.

"you guys--"

They just wanted to say something. Ten Hell Knights were riding black horses, staggering through the air.


With a deafening explosion, the bodies of the three holy lava giants collapsed.

Seeing this scene, Tian Qiong's eyes were full of unconcealed horror: "Your power, this is impossible!"

The answer to him was the sword of the Hell Knights.

The flame demon clan fell in pieces, and the body of the sky was exposed in front of the knights of hell.

Tian Qiong raised his palm, and hundreds of sword auras tore his arm apart.

The rubble fell like raindrops, falling into the magma lake.

The black lava lake boiled, and the rain of fire from the sky fell down.

However, these magma with a destructive aura fell on the Hell Knights, sliding down like rain.

The soldiers of the Knights of Hell were bathed in the rain of fire and approached towards the sky.

Seeing these knights who ignored their own attacks, Tian Qiong's eyes were full of horror: "What is this? Why are you able to block my attack? Why?"

He couldn't understand, how could these ants resist his attack?

Hundreds of sword qi tore Tianqiong's body apart.

However, Tianqi's body quickly reorganized in the magma lake.

"I am immortal. As long as I am in hell, I am immortal."

Sky Qiong yelled frantically, "You can't kill me."

At this time, a crimson lava giant also appeared in the magma lake.

This lava giant, with his huge rock palm, grabbed the fallen rock on the body that had just been torn by the sky, and then swallowed it directly into his mouth.

"Stolen my origin."

The sky screamed angrily, but in the next instant, his body was torn to pieces again.

The crimson lava giant swallowed the sky like this.

"Human, do you want to cultivate the power of a lava giant to swallow me? Impossible, it can't carry my power." Sky Qiong, who had restructured his body, shouted loudly.

"The possibility is very small." Chu Feng looked at the mountain giant and said softly, "I choose the possibility of success."

Chu Feng's words fell, and the aura in the mountain giant skyrocketed, striding towards that transcendent state of sanctification.

"Do not!"

Sky Qiong watched desperately as the mountain giant swallowed his body and drank the lava lake under his feet, the aura on his body became stronger and stronger.

An hour later, I don't know how many times the sky was torn apart, and finally lost the ability to reorganize the body again.

"The fire of **** is immortal, and I am immortal." He muttered to himself, not knowing whether he was insisting on something or cheering for himself.

"If this is the case, let the **** karma fire be extinguished!"

A wooden sword appeared in Chu Feng's hand, then turned into a stream of light and sank into the magma lake.

The real fire of **** on the surface of the magma lake gradually extinguished.

"Do not--"

The magma watcher sky, let out the final roar.

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