Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 147: Chu Feng

Chu Feng returned to his residence, and then found that the atmosphere in the residence was a bit strange.

He came to Zhang Ziqing's side and felt a little guilty.

After all, I just finished eating, and then returned to Zhang Ziqing's side to be gentle with her. Isn't this a scumbag behavior?

However, this indifferent emotion was quickly forgotten by him.

In this precarious apocalypse, timely enjoyment is the kingly way. Anyway, Zhang Ziqing will not blame him for it, it should be...!

"You're back."

As soon as he returned to his room, Chu Feng saw Zhang Zi's quiet eyes.

Chu Feng gently embraced Zhang Ziqing in his arms and said, "My dear, I am back."

A flash of blue light flashed, and Zhang Ziqing's water system abilities began to clean Chu Feng's whole body continuously, cleaning all the "odors" from him.

Chu Feng said awkwardly: "That, I..."

Zhang Ziqing shook his head and said, "You don't need to say anything. I know that the world has changed a lot now. Many moral values ​​in the past have begun to collapse. Although I also want to occupy you by myself, if If I can’t do it, there’s no regret. At least I know one thing, that is, you will never abandon me anyway. You will protect me when I am in danger."

She also thought about these words for a long time.

For her, a perfect love is important, but in such an environment, it is already very rare to be able to receive the sincere care of Chu Feng.

The world has not returned to its original state. She also saw a lot of poor people on the side of the road who could barely survive on compressed biscuits sent by the military, but compared to those who had been lost in the mouths of monsters. People, even compared to those who have become zombies, they are much better.

She has gotten so much more than most people, why should she desire more?

Chu Feng lightly scratched Zhang Ziqing's nose: "Don't worry! I won't be confused by that woman, I'm just acting on occasion with her."

Zhang Ziqing was surprised: "Really?"

Although many women know that men's words are not believable, many women still choose to believe when men coax them with sweet words.

It's not that they can't see through, but they don't want to see through.

Of course, Chu Feng was really real this time.

"What I said is true."

Chu Feng said, "You have seen what kind of woman Xiao Xunli is. If I really keep her by my side, can I still have another woman by my side? No, even me. Her family will be regarded as a bargaining chip to control me."

Zhang Ziqing nodded. If Xiao Xunli allowed her bodyguards to do that kind of evil to them, it could also be said that it was because of her own cowardice that she did not dare to risk herself, then the next incident against Gu Nanfei proved her. Really a woman with a vicious mind.

As long as she imagined the scene with Xiao Xunli, she would feel her scalp numb and she needed to focus all her attention on guarding her.

Chu Feng said: "Human energy is limited, and guarding against the evil spirits of the outside world is the limit I can do. If there is an unstable factor by my side, then I don't have to do anything all day long. Yes, as long as you guard against people every day."

Zhang Ziqing suddenly plunged into Chu Feng's arms: "Don't say anything, I believe you."

She doesn't care what the facts are like, she only wants to believe what she wants to believe.

Chu Feng smiled bitterly in his heart, but he didn't worry too much, he would use time to prove himself.

It’s fine for a woman like Xiao Xunli to play, anyway, she will not take her body too much, even if she hates herself, at most she can’t control the hatred that she generates, or Hate the humiliation I brought her.

After pacifying Zhang Ziqing, Chu Feng found Tian Jing and Xu Yan and started listening to their reports.

He doesn't really care about the development of the alliance, he just chose the least effort way to reduce the energy he has paid while maximizing the return.

Seeing Chu Feng coming to inspect the work, everyone was silent for a while.

Xu Yan's tone contained some grievances: "Boss, we are useless. The alliance recruited a total of 245 members on the first day, but only 22 of them can truly belong to our direct line."

As the initiator and chief of the alliance, among the new members recruited, there are only 22 people in his direct line, which is simply a shame and a precursor to being emptied.

However, Chu Feng didn't care at all. Instead, he said with a smile: "On the first day of the large-scale recruitment of members, he left without permission. Such a chief can still have 22 people choose to be loyal. This is already a very good result.

Think about it in another way. If you join a student club, the president is not when you are recruiting, and only the minister is looking for you. Do you follow the steps of the minister or the president? "

After listening to Chu Feng's words, several people felt better.

Although Chu Feng has always taught them that strength is the foundation of everything, they still can't keep their minds calm when they really encounter things.

This is like ability is the guarantee of making money, but when you are deducted from wages, and your deducted wages become other people’s bonuses, can you calm down?

Chu Feng didn't force it, but said: "Since they like to play, let them play. Anyway, when they encounter problems when they practice the exercises, they still have to come to me."

This Chu Feng looked confident, Tian Jing only felt that Chu Feng seemed to have some plans.

She understands that Chu Feng is definitely not someone willing to make wedding dresses for others. Even if he really doesn’t care about the power, he will not let his things be taken away by others in vain. He has always maintained his composure because he can Make sure you can get back what you want.

"I'll leave the arrangements for my subordinates to you, don't disturb me if there are not too many things."

Chu Feng didn't even do the work of inquiring about the development results of the alliance in detail, so he directly positioned himself as a hands-off shopkeeper, "Be careful not to put too much energy on this. I will give you a big improvement in strength Opportunities, but how much you can improve depends on your own efforts."


Hearing that Chu Feng would give them an opportunity to greatly improve their strength, everyone was bright.

This sentence is spoken from the mouth of others, maybe they will doubt.

However, Chu Feng's endless methods and his ease of facing any difficulties gave them infinite confidence.

Since he said it from Chu Feng's mouth, he would definitely be able to do it.

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