Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 148: Gene enhancement medicine

Chu Feng really didn't have much interest in trying to win people's hearts one by one. No matter how good the relationship between the generals in charge of military power in ancient times was with their subordinates, none of them knew all the soldiers in the whole army!

If the general wants to take full control of an army, he only needs to control the people who need it.

Therefore, for Chu Feng, the six seats in the alliance such as Su Yuan are the objects he needs to control. He only needs to find a suitable opportunity to let them know that they can't live without him, then the alliance won't fall apart, as long as they can't live without them. It is a matter of time before you open yourself and be controlled by yourself.

Unfortunately, this opportunity is about to come.

Non-commissioned officers need to be in charge, and Chu Feng only needs to be in charge of generals.

After letting everyone practice martial arts skills, Chu Feng went to a room alone, and then took out the information he had obtained from the air-raid shelter.

This is the information that his opponent Jinling creatures will also seize over hundreds of miles away. For this information, they even dispatched three armored vehicles. If this matter is exposed, then the fact that they have a large amount of arms will also be exposed , And then become the target of public criticism.

Coupled with the biochemical beasts, things are even less simple.

Although he doesn't know much about the core technology of biochemical beasts, he is still very interested in the biotechnology of Jinling Biology, because they have mastered a lot of important things, such as the gene enhancement medicine that Chu Feng is most interested in.

In the future, the speed of martial artists will be very slow. Only a few geniuses can compete with the supernaturalists, and rely on the advantage of numbers to survive in a group.

However, after the advent of gene-enhancing drugs, things changed.

Gene-enhancing medicines are based on the nucleus of zombies, the energy core of monsters, and the corpses of Zerg races. Through a series of auxiliary methods, these extremely high concentrations of energy can be converted into components that can be absorbed by the human body. From the genetic level Directly improve the quality of the human body.

In theory, as long as there are enough gene-enhancing agents, even a pig can become a genius.

Of course, there is still a certain degree of risk in this process, but this risk is really insignificant compared to the dangerous environment of the outside world, the sinister heart of the people, and the unwillingness and shame of being at the bottom of society.

Jinling Biology is one of the first companies to research gene-enhancing drugs. If Chu Feng can find suitable information in these research materials, then he will become the leader of the times.

But when he opened the information, he suddenly found that he seemed to have committed a crime.

"Where can I find someone who can understand these things!" Chu Feng smiled bitterly.

His foreign language proficiency is not too bad, and there is no problem with ordinary communication with foreigners, but to understand these materials composed of various nouns, it is not enough to have a good foreign language level.

This is something that only professionals can understand.

"As for the professionals in this area I know, it seems that there is only Zhao Fan, but I don't know where he and Teacher Su are."

Chu Feng thought of Zhao Fan, and then involuntarily thought of Su Yuyan's shadow.

"Uh! I just did something I'm sorry for Zhang Ziqing, and then I think of other women. It seems that I am a scumbag."

Chu Feng quickly stopped his thoughts, and then said to himself, "This is a major issue. I am thinking of the overall situation. I have absolutely no other ideas, um, absolutely nothing."

When he parted with Su Yuyan and the others, he agreed to meet him in the south, but because many people from outside were arranged in the barrier city, he did not search everywhere.

Moreover, he is now entangled in various things, and he really has no energy.

However, he understands that Su Yuyan’s four were all early awakeners, and their strength reached the critical point of Tier 3 on the first day. I am afraid that there will be a period of strength that will continue to erupt. I should not worry about it, I only need to worry. It should be the consequence of their character.

However, they have all experienced the betrayal of their classmates, and I believe they will learn from each other.

Now the two sides have not met, and it is very likely that they have met some people who need to be saved on the way, and then they have come to help.

"Oh! I can only see you by chance."

Chu Feng shook his head. For this kind of thing, he can only pin his hopes on luck.

Just when he was about to put away these materials, he suddenly stretched out a hand and picked up the materials.

"What are you looking at!" Mother Chu began to look at these materials seriously.

"Mom, why are you here?"

Chu Feng saw the food on the table, and then suddenly realized that it seemed that he had missed the time for the meal and asked his mother to bring it personally.

He gulped at the hot meal, filled with satisfaction.

In the ten years of the last days, any food that can be eaten may become the focus of killing and contention. Hot meals are a beauty that only the top talents can enjoy.

He hadn't eaten the meals his mother made by himself for many years.

Just when he almost licked the plate clean, he suddenly saw his mother seriously looking at the data in his hand, and then carefully asked: "Mom, do you understand?"

There was a hint of panic in Mother Chu's eyes: "Oh, I just saw you have a headache when you look at these things, so I'll take them and take a look."

Seeing the panic in the corner of his mother's eyes, Chu Feng fell into silence. He didn't know whether to expose it.

But why can mothers understand these things?

For a long time, Chu Feng sighed: "It would be great if you can really understand these things. This is something that the top international biotechnology companies are competing for. If you study it thoroughly, you might be able to find an antidote to the zombie virus! "

Mother Chu's eyes lit up: "What you said is true?"

Then, the atmosphere fell into embarrassment.

"Mom? Do you have any hidden identities?"

Chu Feng looked at the familiar mother in front of him with suspicion, "Don't worry, no matter who you say you are, I won't be surprised. Compared with the changes in this world, there are not many things that can surprise me. I'm not surprised you say you are the daughter of a big drug lord."

Mother Chu hesitated for a moment, and then said: "I'm not as complicated as you think. I'm just a little researcher in a biological laboratory, and I don't know much about these things. Later, I feel tired of studying all day, and I have You quit the laboratory for fear of any accident in the laboratory.

After giving birth to you, the laboratory was gone, so I didn't plan to find the same job again. I just lived in the village, which is actually pretty good. "

Chu Feng breathed a sigh of relief. Judging from his ten-year experience in fighting against others, his mother did not lie.

"It seems I really just watched too many TV series." Chu Feng laughed at himself.

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