Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 149: Parent's past

R&D and creation may be difficult and require a very high level of professionalism, but if you only understand the research materials, you only need to have enough understanding of the relevant profession, and you can't even be an expert in a laboratory assistant. s level.

Mother Chu is the role of a laboratory assistant. Although research and creation are somewhat inadequate, the practical ability is not too far off.

However, her laboratory is not that simple.

After Chu Feng told his mother about the information, Chu's mother called Chu's father over, and the family of three began to discuss what to do with these things.

Chu Feng looked at his mother with expectant eyes: "Can these things be finished?"

Mother Chu shook her head and said, "Although the research materials are very detailed, if there is no equipment, there is still no way."

Father Chu lit a cigarette and said, "This kind of thing should be given to the country."

Mother Chu nodded in agreement.

Facing the advice of his parents, Chu Feng instinctively rejected it.

This is not his rejection of the country. After all, if he is from the standpoint of the country, he has never done anything betrayal. He has always had a clear conscience.

It's just because of his nature, he doesn't want to give his things to others in vain.

Father Chu looked at his son and said, "You should think about it this way. These things are in your hands and are of no use. If they are handed over to the country, let alone rewards, even if they are just thinking about your goodness in your heart. You also make money."

These words made Chu Feng a little moved. He did not turn these research materials into capital of strength.

But if these things are regarded as human sentiments, then he still believes in military integrity. Sometimes a certificate of honor can play a huge role when you are in danger.

At least you can think of these as a way for the military to help protect your family.

Seeing that her son was a little moved, Chu's mother continued to persuade: "We have also seen the world outside. You people with superpowers beat and kill all day long. I heard Xiaoyan say that there are super Dozens of people with abilities have died, and people without superpowers have died. If nothing else, just a stone may kill us, but we can help if we do anything. Not on."

"However, if we are studying this, we can still help a little bit."

Father Chu said, picking up the materials on the table, "Although we can't compare to those scientists, it's okay to be assistants in the laboratory. At this time, the laboratory should be safer than outside, Huh? Xiaofang, you Come and see, are these things familiar?"

With that, he handed a copy of the information to Mother Chu.

After Mother Chu took it, she seemed to think of something: "Isn't these materials the part we scrapped? This part has failed! Xiaofeng, help me get that box out."

Chu Feng said: "Now the world has changed. Maybe something that failed before will become a successful product after this era. Wait, have you seen this before?"

Chu Feng's eyes widened, and he suddenly felt that he had never known his parents before.

However, he took out the silver box as his mother ordered.

Mother Chu opened the box and greeted her husband: "Dingguo, look at this, it really looks alike, but it's still a bit different."

Then, Chu's father and Chu's mother fell into the state of selflessness and began to constantly compare the differences between the two materials.

But Chu Feng gave himself a period of silence.

He can easily find abnormalities in strangers, but he has no doubts about his parents, because he knows they will not harm him.

Now that he thinks about it seriously, he realizes that his family does have some violations.

Their family was just a village that opened a clinic. My father ran away except when he was busy farming. It seemed that there was no problem. Many people in the village survived when they got sick because the medicine was too expensive. So my mother Often sell to others at cost price.

There is nothing wrong with this kind of charity, but how does their family's income come from?

In Chu Feng’s impression, his family’s conditions have not been very good, so he often works-study, but when his family needs money, his parents can use it, and even in his memory, he never asked his relatives. The experience of borrowing money, of course, did not have the experience of being called by relatives to collect debts.

On the contrary, the parents broke several relationships by collecting debts after borrowing money from others.

What does this mean, since he remembers, his family has been living on savings!

Think about the purchasing power of money 20 years ago, and compare it with now, Chu Feng only felt a pain in his liver. He has seen many acting well, but the real expert-level actors are by his side!

After a while, Father Chu asked solemnly: "Where do you come from?"

Chu Feng said: "There was a group of foreigners driving armored vehicles fighting for these materials. I shut them down with an equipment monster, and finally burned them to death."

He did not say that he took the initiative to grab food from the tiger's mouth. Instead, he focused on the foreigners driving armored vehicles, just to divert the attention of his parents and prevent them from worrying about their safety.

Otherwise, if you let your parents know that they are taking the initiative to rob others, why not let them worry to death?

Father Chu sighed: "It seems that this is correct."

In Chu Feng's doubts, Chu's father and Chu's mother told Chu Feng what happened back then.

"Back then, college students were quite valuable and supported by national policies. We thought we could make a lot of money if we learned something, and then we were recruited into a biological laboratory with a high salary. We didn't think so much. , Anyway, if they give money, they still do medicine, we agreed!"

"After your mother became pregnant, we took a maternity leave. They didn't approve it at first. They wanted to do a biological experiment with you. We realized something was wrong. What if you have something to do? We ran away quickly. I took a few things easily, those in the box."

"I thought they would catch us like it was shown on TV. I didn't expect that nothing happened. Later, when we inquired again, we realized that we had just left the front foot and the back foot of the laboratory caught fire."

"We didn't know what happened afterwards, but we knew that there must be a ghost, so we hid."

"After looking back and thinking about it, it is estimated that we were in the den of thieves, that is, we were lucky, otherwise, we might not have you."

"Because we have guilt in our hearts, we don't say anything, and we often do some good deeds in the village, hoping to make up for it!"

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