Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 150: Parent's choice

After listening to his parents, Chu Feng was silent for a while.

He felt that there was a line of cause and effect in the dark, connecting all seemingly unrelated things together.

My parents got on the thief ship when they were young, so it is probably Jinling Biology!

Of course, Jinling Biology is just a shell, and the power behind the other party is unfathomable. Parents may also join other research rooms.

The parents later discovered that something was wrong and ran away, probably because they happened to hit the time when the other party's laboratory was found, and then the other party just evacuated without time to find his parents.

If important information is lost, the other party may go crazy and then chase it back desperately, but what the parents took away was only the other party’s discarded research materials. At least in the old days, this was discarded research materials. More value to recover.

After all, it is too difficult to find two hidden Huaxia people in Huaxia's territory, and too much movement may cause Huaxia to be alert.

Therefore, if the parents do not show up, the other party will be fine.

It is estimated that Honghe Town was also a research site of the other party. Later, after the research failed, the people inside were evacuated, and until the end of the world came, these originally useless research materials were regarded as treasures by them again.

Now that he knew that these research materials were related to his parents' past, Chu Feng was not embarrassed to make decisions on his behalf, instead letting his parents make their own choices.

Even if these research materials are handed over to the military for nothing, if it can make the parents feel better, it will be worth it.

Using these research materials to exchange some trivial benefits is a loss-making business for him, but if he exchanges his parents for a better mood, it will be a profit for him.

Father Chu said: "The country has nothing to apologize to us, and it gives some help to the college students of our time. On the contrary, when we were young and ignorant, we failed to repay the country. This matter is a hurdle in our hearts. Now I finally have this opportunity."

As he said, he and Chu Mu smiled at each other, and said, "Your mother and I have decided that we will join the army's research room and help the army study these things together. It can be regarded as making up for the mistakes of our youth!"

Chu Feng nodded and said, "Okay."

Chu's father and Chu's mother didn't seem to have thought that his son would agree so simply, feeling a little caught off guard.

Of course, Chu Feng still had other ideas in his heart. In the last days, there are almost no places that are absolutely safe, only some places that are relatively safe.

At the beginning, he also had the confidence that he could protect the people around him, but after he was reborn, he suddenly found that there were too many dangers around him. If his parents were also awakened, it would be fine, but he knew that they were just old humans. Those who do not awaken for half a year in the last days are hopeless for life.

But if you let your parents practice, it will also add too many risks.

Even if he can get those opportunities in the future, his parents don't know if he can survive that time. As his father said just now, it is possible that the supernatural person summons a stone, which is life-threatening for ordinary people.

Therefore, there are not many people he can protect. The best way is to find a safe place for his parents, so that they can have a goal and pursuit.

If parents want to participate in research, then in all likelihood they will enter the research base of the Southern Metropolis, which is probably one of the few truly safe areas in the last days.

What's more, he knows that there are people like Long Ao in the last days who are cold-blooded and ruthless, who don't take the lives of thousands of people in their eyes, but there are also great people who have fought for China throughout their lives. A character that Chu Feng admires very much, as long as he is in one day, the southern capital will be peaceful for one day.

It was precisely because of that person that Long Ao was unable to expand his power unscrupulously and bring disaster to China.

It was precisely because of his restraint that Chu Feng could linger and spend 10 years under Long Ao's pursuit, otherwise he would have died in an unknown corner.

Seeing Chu Feng agreed, Chu's father and Chu's mother heaved a sigh of relief.

Mother Chu said: "I know it's not easy for you to get these materials. We just give people what you have finally gotten, and you don't feel good in your heart, but..."

Seeing his mother hesitating and stopping, Chu Feng smiled and said, "Dad, Mom, you have been taking care of me for 20 years, can't I even bear this thing? You have something you want to do, and so do in my heart. Happy, if you really contributed a lot, and I can't get along, maybe I have to bother my parents to take care of them!"

Although his words were comforting, Chu's father and Chu's mother took it seriously.

"Sure, let's contact someone from the military!"

The outside world is very dangerous. They know that their son is very capable, but in the eyes of their parents, no matter how old their son is, they need to be taken care of.

If they really researched something, or if these things really have enough value, they can also help Chu Feng.

Then, Chu Feng used the communicator to contact the military and ordered Luo Xingyao to come over.

He is not very familiar with and trusting people in the military, but he still has a great liking for Luo Xingyao, who acts decisively, and the boss who helps him take responsibility, and Chu Feng feels relieved by entrusting important matters to them.

The military liaison officer replied: "Luo Xingyao is about to perform an important task. There is no time now, but we can also be trusted and will send Hu Tianlu to accompany him."

"It's about the serum of the zombie virus." Chu Feng said.

"Even if it's about, wait, what did you just say?"

The military liaison officer thought he had heard it wrong, and there was some trembling in his tone, "You just said it was about the serum of the zombie virus. Are you sure it is true?"

If it is about the serum of the zombie virus, it is worth how important they send.

Chu Feng said: "I don't know if it was true, but in order to **** this thing, I killed a group of foreign gunmen and confiscated some weapons, the models are M24 and MAC10, and also seized three armored vehicles, these three. Armored vehicles are usually disguised as buses."

When Chu Feng finished speaking, the other person's breathing became heavier.

The weapon models that Chu Feng said were all well-known submachine guns and sniper rifles. They understood what it meant for a group of foreigners to appear in China with this type of weapon.

Not to mention there are three armored vehicles.

No matter what the things Chu Feng grabbed were, they had to take them seriously because of those who were vying with Chu Feng for these things.

"We will immediately cancel Luo Xingyao's task arrangement. Please Mr. Chu to wait at home. We must protect the information."

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