Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1499: Zhu Xian, destroy the world

The Zhuxian sword array moved.

When the Zhuxian Sword Array was just used to deal with the Lord of the Underworld, the sky full of sword energy was actually stepped on the soles of the feet.

At that time, Chu Feng felt the will of Zhuxian Sword Array.

This will comes from oneself.

Chu Feng also understood the true face of the sacred artifact.

The sacred artifacts cannot be made by ordinary means, and no matter how advanced the casting process is, they cannot cross that threshold.

The Sword of Eternity has surpassed most of the sacred artifacts, but it is still not a sacred artifact, and so is the Zhuxian Sword.

Because "spirit" is the root.

With the spirit, the sacred artifacts have unlimited possibilities.

However, in the process of casting the Origin God Soldier, after seeing Zhang Ziqing cultivate the Shui Yuanzhu spirit, Chu Feng suddenly discovered that in the past, in his eyes, the sacred artifact that was unattainable in the past had been unlocked. It will not be so.

The spirit of the sacred instrument is the soul.

However, the soul of a weapon is only a part of the human soul after all, without the emotions, anger, sorrow, and happiness, it is just a broken soul.

If you lose the owner's sacred artifact, you will gradually decline.

This is normal, and the water without a source will eventually decay.

In fact, the sacred instrument also has the opportunity to become an independent life, but this cycle is too long, at least it will take hundreds of thousands of years! There is also opportunity and cultivation, and most importantly, to meet enough "people".

The Lord of the Underworld is essentially a holy artifact.

He is a tool used to guard the highest plane.

Weapon is also a kind of tool.

He gave birth to feelings, which is the process of the sacred vessel being spiritual.

After capturing the mother worm and the worm's nest, Chu Feng had no awe in the mysterious realm of the soul.

Some things are not mysterious if you see through them.

After understanding this, Chu Feng knew that, in fact, the path of the original divine weapon was more potential than the path of the sacred weapon in a sense.

People, growing up in society, are always more open than autism at home.

The same is true for weapons.

Only by changing multiple masters can you absorb the feelings of multiple masters and cast your own true soul.

After understanding this, Chu Feng still had no need for Zhu Xianjian.

Zhu Xianjian, he will not give it to anyone.

This is his own weapon.

It is also a weapon that connects the world.

However, he can use another method.

Cultivate Zhuxian with the will of the whole world.

Chu Feng's will is the will of the Yuan Mansion, and using the will of the Yuan Mansion to cultivate Zhu Xian is to use the will of Chu Feng.

The Four Swords of Zhu Xian thus became the incarnation of Chu Feng.

The sword spirits of Zhuxian's Four Swords are the extension of Chu Feng's soul, which is even closer than the extension of the body.

The humiliation that Zhu Xianjian felt was also a reflection of Chu Feng's soul.

However, now it does not need to endure.

The sword energy of the four attributes of earth, water, fire and wind is constantly rising between the world and the earth. The power of the entire Yuan Palace is based on the Zhuxian Sword, turning into the sword aura of the Zhuxian Sword Array, and turning into a destructive sword. gas.

The origin of life and death also converged towards the Zhuxian Sword Array.

Earth, water, fire and wind are the foundation of the plane.

The power of life and death is the foundation of life.

It must be one of the powers of life and death to support the operation of a life, otherwise it is just a machine.

To a certain extent, the theory of the life meta-mechanics school that has appeared on the earth in the past is not wrong.

It's just that the fragile human body in the past could not support the manifestation of the power of the soul at all.

This led to this theory becoming nonsense.

The earth, water, fire and wind, and the power of life and death circulate and explode within the Zhuxian Sword Formation. This is the power of creation and the power of extinction.

Yuanfu is the essence of the power of creation.

The Zhuxian Sword Array is the opposite power.

The Yuan Qi in the Yuan Palace passed away, the original source passed away, but in a flash, it was added back.

Because, when the foundation of the underworld was destroyed, those powers were also forcibly shattered and entered the Yuan Palace.

Coupled with the refining of the nameless exercises, the lost power of the Yuan Palace was replenished and consumed again.

In this uninterrupted passage and replenishment process, Yuan Fuzhong experienced a great biological extinction.

And in the Hades, also experienced destruction.

The Zhuxian Sword Array is constantly expanding, it is an endless expansion.

Soil, rocks, flames, water of the Styx, dead creatures, and everything that cannot resist the Zhuxian Sword Array will be shattered by the Zhuxian Sword Array and become the most essential vitality, and then transformed into the Zhuxian Sword Array through Yuanfu's transformation. the power of.

The power of Zhuxian Sword Array became stronger and stronger, and soon reached a point beyond Chu Feng's control.

However, Chu Feng didn't need to control either.

Here is the underworld.

This is where he wants to destroy.

It's good to be destroyed here, what do you control the Zhuxian Sword Array?

"I can't let you go on."

Feeling the terrifying power of the Zhuxian Sword Array, the Lord of Wanhua's face changed, and a black spear appeared in his hand.

This is also a gun of death created by imitating the Lord of the Underworld.

The spear of death pierced out, and a long river of bright stars blocked the Lord of Ten thousand transformations.

The spear stopped, and in front of the shining galaxy, he couldn't advance half a minute.

"use this."

The lord of the underworld threw the spear in his hand to the lord of ten thousand transformations.

The Lord of Wanhua took the spear and stabbed it out again.

The same trick.

The river of stars is broken.

The same move, but with a different weapon, has a completely different effect.

The Holy Master of the Star God Race spit out a mouthful of blood.

Seeing Chu Feng cast his eyes on him, the Holy Master said calmly: "Continue to do your own business, don't worry about me."

Chu Feng retracted his gaze.

In fact, he couldn't control the current Zhuxian Sword Formation, so he didn't need to control too much.

Then, he can make a move.

However, since the Holy Master said so, it is to have enough confidence in the star **** clan's hole cards.

What's more, if two people who don't trust enough, if they shoot together, it is likely to cause breathing problems.

Therefore, Chu Feng stopped.

The river of stars shattered.

What was broken together was the Starlight Domain.

The candle dragon in the sky spit out a sun below, and fell in the direction of Zhuxian Sword Formation.

"As long as this attack is weakened to the point where the Zhuxian Sword Array can be smashed." Chu Feng reminded.

"Is this formation called the Zhuxian Sword Formation? It's really a wonderful formation."

The Holy Lord gracefully wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then threw the sun **** mirror in his hand towards the Lord of Ten Thousand Transformations.

The gun of death collided with the mirror of the sun god.

A crack appeared on the sun **** mirror.

The luster on the gun of death seemed to be dimmed.

The star swirl behind the Holy Lord revolved and shrank, and fell into the hands of the Holy Lord, like a silver disc.

Astrology chart!

Seven points of brilliance appeared on the fixed astrolabe.

Seven silver light spots lased towards the sky, colliding with the "sun" in the sky.

The sun split and exploded into several petals.

The sword aura of Zhuxian Sword Array took the opportunity to tear this scattered power apart.

The Thunder Corpse Dragon, who had just been severely injured by the Candle Dragon again and recovered, took advantage of this opportunity and flew to the huge head of the Candle Dragon.

It opened its mouth wide, faced Zhulong's eyes, and bit down.

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