Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 1500: The greatest secret of the Thunder Corpse Dragon

Candle Dragon's eyes are very big, bigger than the size of Thunder Corpse Dragon.

However, reaching the height of the holy rank, the size in the conventional sense, can no longer be fully applicable to this level.

The holy realm exists, even if you don't understand the law of an attribute, you can use it forcibly.

People who don’t understand the laws of space can also use the power of space.

If you don’t understand the law of life, you can use the power of life.

This is the authority that belongs to the existence of the Holy Order.

However, forcibly using the law that I did not understand, after all, is not as good as my most intimate law, and it will be smoother to use.

Facing the candle dragon's eyes that were dozens of times bigger than his own size, the Thunder Corpse Dragon had no good position.

When it opens its mouth, the relative size of the two sides begins to change.


The bright moon in the sky lacks one.

One of the candle dragon's eyes is missing.

The aura on the Thunder Corpse Dragon became extremely violent.

The surging light and flame power raged in the body of the Thunder Corpse Dragon, causing the Thunder Corpse Dragon to roll up and down in the sky.

The sky was full of thunderstorms, raging across the land of the underworld.

Countless dead creatures perished under the purple thunder.

Only after less than half a minute, the Thunder Corpse Dragon returned to calm, but it was just the breath on the body, with the smell of ancient times, even if it only looked, it seemed that you could see the long river of history.

The Holy Lord of the Star God Race glanced at the Thunder Corpse Dragon in the sky, a strange expression flashed in his eyes, and he took it back naturally.

Her eyes had returned to calm, as if nothing had happened just now.

"What the **** is it?"

The Lord of the Underworld asked.

It can even swallow the power of the candle dragon, how can ordinary fierce beasts do it?

Even if Chu Feng used the time ability to help the Thunder Corpse Dragon directly omitting the digestion process, it must be possible for the Thunder Corpse Dragon itself to digest the power of the Candle Dragon.

However, Candle Dragon is his clone.

How could ordinary fierce beasts contain the power of the candle dragon?

"You guessed it, haven't you?"

A faint smile hung on the corner of Chu Feng's mouth.

When he awakened in the last days, he was not very far away from the Thunder Corpse Dragon, and the two sides could be said to have awakened together.

Is this a coincidence?

It is a coincidence, and it may be mostly.

After all, when he woke up, there were a lot of people nearby, and so was the Thunder Corpse Dragon.

It's just that only oneself has the ability to seize such an opportunity.

But, but = when his time ability returns, even if it was originally a coincidence, it must become an arrangement of fate.

This is the gift of the will of the earth.

However, the gift of the will of the earth and the arrangement of fate will only be given to those who have the ability to obtain it.

The meaning of the existence of the Thunder Corpse Dragon itself is to rob.

It is the back of the earth...one of them.

When facing danger, human beings will make many different choices to deal with the danger.

Of course the same is true for the earth.

It is no coincidence that the Thunder Corpse Dragon likes to swallow zombies and also likes to swallow dead creatures.

It is the needs of the earth.

The earth needs such a guardian.

Under Chu Feng's deliberate cultivation, the original Thunder Corpse Dragon's bloodline metamorphosed nine times, and was forcibly separated by Chu Feng, separating death and Thunder's power, which doubled the chance of metamorphosis.

This is an essential change, but also a transition in the level of life.

The potential of the Thunder Corpse Dragon has been cultivated to a very terrifying point, and now is the time for the potential to be released.

Not to mention the eyes of the Candle Dragon, even if it swallows the entire Candle Dragon, it is only a matter of time for the Thunder Corpse Dragon.

It was originally born for this.

Swallowing the Eye of the Candle Dragon, the Thunder Corpse Dragon continued to bite towards the body of the Candle Dragon, without the slightest fear of the Candle Dragon.

Even the candle dragon is just a difficult prey.

This is the most delicious prey in the world.

It must be eaten.

"The will of the world is indeed the most difficult to deal with."

The Lord of the Underworld sighed and stopped talking.

The candle dragon lost an eye, which is indeed a damage that cannot be ignored for the candle dragon, but this damage is not worth mentioning compared with the situation on the battlefield.

The greatest impact on the battlefield is the Zhuxian Sword Array.

The essence of Zhuxian Sword Array is the 4 basic elements, and also the 4 most basic changes of Yuanli.

Everything that was crushed by the Zhuxian Sword Array will return to its origin.

The previous Zhuxian Sword Formation, the Lord of Wanhua and the Candle Dragon were able to resist, even suppress.

However, the Holy Lord of the Star God Clan gave Zhu Xianjian the time.

Everything is turned into dust.

The power of the Zhuxian Sword Array has expanded rapidly, even the Lord of the Underworld can't help but look at it.

This is true, the power that can destroy the world.

The foundation of the Zhuxian Sword Array was originally a world.


The sun **** mirror, turned into fragments.

Even in the hands of the Lord of Wanhua, the power of the death gun of the Lord of the Underworld is still unimaginable.

Even the sun **** mirror can't resist.

Fortunately, the preparations of the Corona Protoss are more than that.

At the moment when the Sun God Mirror was broken, the Star God Clan Holy Master threw it into the Zhuxian Sword Array without hesitation.

The sun god's mirror bloomed with dazzling brilliance.

It's just that these brilliance have become extremely soft, without any destructiveness.

"Hurry up and use your sword formation to devour the Sun God Mirror."

She reminded Chu Feng.

Even Chu Feng couldn't help being shocked by the decisiveness of the Star God Race Holy Master.

The sun **** mirror!

Said sacrifice is sacrificed.

Chu Feng had studied the Sun God Mirror for a long time, and knew that the Sun God Mirror didn't lose its power after it was broken, but it would only be weakened.

The Holy Master of the Star God Race, it is impossible not to know this.

But she did not hesitate to sacrifice the Sun God Mirror.

I'm afraid that she had already calculated this step when she used the Sun God Mirror to bear the damage. The Sun God Mirror was a victim from the beginning.

As long as it is for the ultimate victory, everything can be sacrificed.


Chu Feng was not a twitching person, and decisively used the Zhuxian Sword Array to absorb the power of the Sun God Mirror fragments.

Suddenly, the power of the Zhuxian Sword Array strengthened again.

The Lord of Wanhua glanced at the Saint Lord of the Star God Race, and then his gaze fell on the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

After absorbing the Sun God Mirror, the power of the Zhuxian Sword Array has been greatly improved.

Let this weird formation continue to grow, and after a long time, it may become impossible for even oneself to deal with it.

Holy Master of the Star God Race, you can put it aside first.

The Zhuxian sword formation must be destroyed.

The Lord of Wanhua raised the spear of death and pierced it in the direction of the Zhuxian Sword Array.

The Zhuxian Sword Array shook, and the edge appeared damaged.

Just as the Lord of Wanhua was preparing for the next move, a long sword made of starlight penetrated his body.

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