Evolution Paradise In Doomsday

Chapter 152: Xiao Family Action

Although the separation from my parents is very reluctant, it is the most correct way to do it both rationally and emotionally.

Chu Feng knew that this fortress city was about to be attacked by insect swarms. The more non-combatants around him who needed protection, the greater the pressure on him, and the more likely to have errors. On the contrary, the research room where his parents were going It is a very safe place.

It's at the core of the military, and there is that man in there. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the laboratory.

What's more, the zombie virus serum also came from there, so that laboratory should have been heavily protected now.

The only troublesome possibility is that the identity of the parents may be censored, but Chu Feng is not worried too much. First, it is an extraordinary period. Second, when his parents do things, they have a clear conscience, and they have a clear conscience before the military. Then don't worry about any security issues.

When Chu Feng's parents were invited to the car by the military and picked them up like VIPs, the crowds who were watching melon eaters were shocked.

"Who are these two people?"

"I heard that they are the parents of the chief of the Dawn Alliance. Does Chu Feng really have a special relationship with the military?"

"Even Chu Feng himself has not been treated so courteously by the military! Could it be that his parents are hidden people with red books?"

"His, it's really possible."

"Could it be that he was taken away and threatened Chu Feng as a city?"

"You can talk to people in the military."

No matter what, no matter how the civil power rises, the military’s prestige is always the highest. Let’s not mention that most of the people here are rescued by the military. Even if only talking about strength, the military is the strongest. .

Even Tier 3 Awakeners do not have much defense against a sniper rifle. Tier 4 cannot escape death without defense, so the military with thermal weapons is the most powerful force.

When people's general level rises and there are more and more ways to deal with thermal weapons, they will find that...they can't compare to the military.

The people in the military were originally a relatively good group of people. The average level of both physical and psychological qualities far exceeds that of ordinary people, and the probability of appearing genius is of course the highest.

And those alliance seats monitoring Chu Feng also started secret gatherings.

"It has been determined that Chu Feng's parents absolutely have a very close relationship with the military, and even Chu Feng himself may be a military family."

"You can take Chu Feng off the air, but it is impossible to provoke Chu Feng, and you can't conceal him from the big and small things in the ordinary day, so that he can understand that we have no idea of ​​harming society."

Within 10 minutes of Chu Feng's parents being picked up, the six league seats reached a consensus.

They have now determined that Chu Feng was sent by the military to monitor civil organizations. He may not be interested in power, so he would go out to fight monsters on the first day of expansion, but he must monitor whether these organizations There is a phenomenon of bullying civilians.

So as long as they are honest, they don't have to worry about their safety, and they will find a hard backing for themselves.

Chu Feng didn't care about this either. Anyway, he also contributed to the military, and it was nothing to borrow their influence.

After such an event, more and more people want to join the Dawn Alliance. In their eyes, the Dawn Alliance has become a key protection target of the military, and joining the Dawn Alliance is tantamount to being blessed.

Anyway, if it is not appropriate, you can withdraw, and there is no loss if you join. They all think so.

On the second day after the parents were sent away, the Xiao family came to visit.

"Patriarch Xiao, is there anything going to come to see me?" Chu Feng raised his right leg, looking silly.

Xiao Tianyu laughed and said, "My son-in-law! After yesterday's events, your reputation will definitely increase. Today is the best time for you to recruit people. I know you have no interest in these chores, so we I'm here to help you, so you can sit back and relax."

As soon as he spoke, he put Chu Feng in the position of son-in-law, and then stated his purpose straightforwardly.

After all, he knew that although Chu Feng didn't like chores, he was definitely not a fool.

Even his daughter was folded into Chu Feng's hands. If he still regarded Chu Feng as a fool, then the real fool would be himself.

Of course he feels that there is nothing to hide from this kind of thing. You can dislike power yourself, but if others help you gather power, what reason do you have for rejection?

The Xiao family is better than a few seats in those leagues! At least, they can not count as outsiders.

Chu Feng mocked Xiao Tianyu's frank remarks only slightly: "No, the influence of the Xiao family is so great, you are almost too busy with your own affairs! You don't bother to worry about things here. "

Xiao Tianyu's expression remained unchanged and said: "Your business is our business. As long as you say a word, the power of the Xiao family is also your power. As long as it is not something that violates the law and discipline, or violates the bottom line of mankind, we will What to do, after all, we are all a family!"

Even if Chu Feng said he was a person who would not admit it when he put on his pants, he pretended not to understand.

Anyway, even if he had a stubborn face, he still had to establish a relationship with Chu Feng, which was also the basic quality of being a successful businessman.

However, after Chu Feng heard his words, his eyes lit up: "Really? Do you do what I want you to do?"

Xiao Tianyu felt a sudden in his heart, and then calmly said: "I believe that Xian son-in-law will never be a treacherous person, and he will definitely not do anything illegal. What can I worry about?"

Of course his words left a lot of room for maneuver. If Chu Feng really did something to corrupt their reputation, then he would refuse with this reason.

"of course not!"

Chu Feng stubbornly cut the railway line, "Do you think I look like that kind of person? How could I do something harmful to the people and the Xiao family?"

Xiao Tianyu laughed and said, "Of course you are not."

So who is it? He added silently in his heart.

Seeing Xiao Tianyu's promise, Chu Feng immediately put on a worried look, saying, "The monsters in the outside world are rampant. Even if you are inside the fortress, you may not be able to maintain security for long.

If the people of the Xiao family are willing to follow me to clean up the monsters outside the city and make a contribution to the fortress and other security and public order, then I would certainly be grateful.

As long as we clean up all the monsters outside the city together, I believe that the entire fortress and others will be grateful for the great kindness of the Xiao family, and the reputation of the Xiao family will be unmatched. "

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